An old fashioned mugging

by Vacat1o

The brown-haired man left the bar and tried to stay still on his feet. He was drunk as he was tall, towering over everyone he walked past. He wore a dirty, brown coat, with a forest design on the inside of it. The coat was worn improperly, he wore the left sleeve and left the right side of the coat to drape over his shoulder. His weird walk caught everyone's attention, the people who walked near him kept a safe distance. It was night outside, there were only a few people on the streets. The sky was pure darkness, the orange glow of the streetlamps helped the man find his way back home, but every step made the man weaker and weaker. He walked through an alleyway that was quaint and cobbled, it was a shortcut he always used. From the end of it, the man heard voices and laughter, it was a group of 4 teenagers. He walked past them but made eye contact.
"Hey, you!" cried a short, bald kid, from the group, "brown coat, c'mon here!"
The man turned around, he was pale and stared at the group with sly calculation. He slowly approached the group and didn't say anything.
"Give me-"
"No," the man said quickly, turning around to leave.
"-your money."
Quickly, the bald kid pushed the man down and started hitting him, the others joined him.
"What about now?" asked the bald kid
The drunk man slowly got up and kicked the kid right in the knee, then he punched him in the left eye and pushed him down, ending it with a foot in the stomach. Everything happened so fast, the kid didn't have time to react.
"Heh, that was fun," said the drunk man looking down at the wounded kid, "I want to do it again, who is next?"
The others stepped back and looked at their friend crying in pain on the ground. Another kid, with long black hair and a black hoodie, got out from his pocket a knife.
"What, are you going to try and attack me with that butter knife?" The drunk man mocked the kid, "You try to look cool, but you are just some little kid without any balls."
"What did you say?!"
"What you heard."
The kid ran holding the knife clenched in his fist and tried to stab the man, but he quickly dodged it and placed his foot in front of the kid so he would fall.
"If you don't want to end like your friends here then go away, and forget about this," said the man.
The remaining kids ran away from the drunk man and left the other two on the ground.
"Punks, trying to mug me, heh."

This is shit
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  1. Vacat1o
    Feb 5, 2019
    Mockingchu likes this.