Ali 14: Aliens of the Multitrix: Ali 14: Aliens of the Multitrix #8: Stingfly

by Ariados twice

Ariados twice Tagging everyone who liked the original Alison "Ali" Catorce work. @Il Fantasma , @Astralpunk , @Midnight Princess , @Lord Of Pain , @Dark Hydreigon , @AyraDX , @33v33_lover .
Stingfly is an Anisopterran from the swamp planet Anisopterra. The Anisopterrans look like the Mutant Lepidopterrans that were created by Animo in the original Ben 10 series (See picture below) [​IMG], but red with a lighter underbelly with blue eyes. Stingfly’s outfit is black with light blue arrow symbols going down it, and black gloves. Anisopterrans have four eye stalks that give them a wide range of vision on all sides, and shoot a toxic slime. They also have mouths with pollen ducts that can excrete streams of high-pressure, foul-smelling liquids that vary from a flammable toxin to an immobilizing jelly. Younger members of the species emit an herbicidal gas via flatulence. Stingfly seems to be a poor swimmer and is thus susceptible to drowning, and if her wings get wet, she will be unable to fly. She is the eighth alien in the Multitrix originally.
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