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Read your About lol ♥
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You're probably the only one who has xD Love how judgemental you aren't too. Loving it here at Pokecharms ^__^
Join more RP's and post more comments on things and you'll make more friends quickly! =D I was like 'Me suh loneleh =(' when I first got on Pokecharms. Next day I'd made loads of friends lol. And you mean I'm not judgemental or I am? XD
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You are NOT. Clearly if you can be friends with an old hermit with the brain of a 12 yr old, you are not judgemental :p
And just between you and I, it's not really about the number of friendos I have. I prefer quality over quantity ;P
Aww XD and I prefer quality over quantity too! =D Just saying soon you won't just have me as a friend! =) And also your post on my profile was so sweet and kind =3 I really don't know what to say to it rather than a million thank yous XD Smiling my socks off =D
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Also, you do NOT have the brain of a twelve year old! You are the best RPer I have seen! And I have seen a lot of amazing RPers, but you are definitely the best =D Even if I'm basing that off one post I've seen by you, you're still awesome!
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You deserve it girl ^__^ People who are truly gifted AND sentimental are so rare in this world we live in. Never quit being who you really are, seriously! Not for anything.
Sylvie are you serious? The fact you think this about me is... Now I'm the one struggling with words! I'm flattered and seriously might cry! If you really mean that I mean... That means so damn much to me! Okay I'm literally in tears, forget the "might cry" input, the waterworks have started. :')
Of course I'm serious! I kinda don't understand you lol, you don't think you're awesome and great? Because you are! A damn great RPer too! =D And I'll never quit who I am then, lol. Wasn't going to! :p Unless Arceus grants me God powers. Wont happen though. Oh well! \__('u')__/ XD I actually started crying a little when you posted that message on my profile =D You are seriously kind, lol =3
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I have had difficulty with self confidence longer than I can remember... I would love to sit here and tell you why but I'm not sure this page would allow my life story to unfold and be told. It consists of ceaseless tragedy and hurtful memories over the span of 24 years. If you had some kinda IM of sorts I'd surely crack like an egg and spill myself on a plate for you to try and understand me better :'>
Um, sorry, I don't mean to be mean but I'd prefer to not hear your life story if its sad, I'd break out into tears and be sad for days XD I'm sorry, I'm just super sensitive =/ And its a problem because I'd love to talk to you about it =0
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And I wasn't being kind when I said what I thought about you. I was being full heartedly honest. Despite my lacking self confidence, I thought "Oh Mew god she is amazing! 14 and she's way the hell more talented than me! I've been a pokemaniac and writing/roleplay enthusiast longer than she's been alive and she bests me at all turns! WOW!". You are something truly special Sylvie...
How am I better at RPing then you? XD I lack self confidence too, so I can relate mah friend =) And thank you XDDD Not sure about that though, lol. You're way better at RPing than me, and I'm being completely honest! So honest that I'm gonna say this - If I lie, may Arceus kick my soul to Pokeheaven. XDDDD
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Sylvie, I won't burden you like that. Hell I would much rather you go on and be happy ^__^ I'm sorry I even suggested it, really! All that aside you did uplift my confidence though. For the first time in my life I feel like someone sees my work as something good and it makes me want to keep doing it. I started feeling special the day you left that first comment. Thank you so much, seriously! :D
No, you weren't burdening me! If I weren't so sensitive I could cry for weeks and weeks and even months after the death of a pet fish I would help you out and listen to you! And you are special! Everybody is! And you are amazing at RPing! Just the effort in your About shows that! =D And I am perfectly happy with my life, so I want you to be happy! =D
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How are you better than me? Are you serious?! ... Girl, we're going to have to just agree to disagree because I could debate on this with you for... Generations to come xD
I am definitely happy right now. Those past 24 years of internal hell don't compare to those subtle moments of happiness in my life. And now that I have both enjoyment and inspiration, I want to keep doing RP. I want to write stories, and share them. I want to give what I've got cause that one amazing young Sylvie said I should! XD
GIRL YOU ARE WAY BETTER AT RPING! XDDDD Yas! Give what you've got girl! Go for it! XD Write stories and share them! I'd read each one, like each one, give you support and help you, because I THINK EVERYBODY SHOULD BE HAPPY!!!! *Roars and holds up a sign saying in massive capital letters 'EVERYBODY SHOULD BE HAPPY' and runs around screaming it XD* I'm glad you're happy! You deserve to be! =)
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