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Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: *Continues to giggle quietly until she falls asleep*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *after awhile he wakes up and stretches*
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: *Eyes slide open and she yawns softly and nuzzles Zack tiredly*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *smiles and nuzzles Pix back* Did you have a good nap~?
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: Great~... *Yawns again, climbing out of the dress and stretching*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: Good~
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: *Looks back at Zack* You comin'~?
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: Yeah~ *hops out of the dress, only to trip and faceplant*
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: *Strokes Zack with a feeler, frowning for a moment, before putting the dress and other items on her back to carry*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *purrs a bit, then looks at Pix* Want me to help carry that?
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: Sure. *Smiles at Zack*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *takes half the stuff and puts it on his back to carry* There~
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: *Brushes against his side with a smile, walking forwards*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *purrs and smiles before following Pix*
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: *Bounces out of the meadow and back the way the pair came*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *laughs* Wait for me!
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: *Skids to a halt, looking back to Zack*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *catches up to Pix, panting* You're... Fast... *chuckles*
Formerly Known as Sticks
Formerly Known as Sticks
Pix: A little~. *Winks and giggles*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Zack: *smiles*