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Solar : Uhm, /someone/ was stupid enough to say 'fight' and that triggers Cobalt.
Cobalt : *starts up the chainsaw, which coughs fire*
Il Fantasma
Il Fantasma
Marvin: *literally takes the chainsaw and gun and throws them in a trash can* That's enough of that, yeah? ._.
Cobalt : *grabs another chainsaw* Not until someone dies. *eyes Star*
Ariados twice
Ariados twice
Ali: You might not have to intervene after all Max.
Kuma the Emolga (PC):*Pokes head in* Is there something I missed.
Il Fantasma
Il Fantasma
Fanta: *turns around, back to Cobalt, glaring at him* Don't even think about hurting fluff pup.

Marvin: Doubt that's gonna happen... *looks over to Kuma* Yeah, you've actually missed quite a lot, dude. :|
Cobalt : *grabs Star away from Fanta before chopping a paw off* Mm, blood. *has that psychopathic look*
Star : *whimpers, literally calling out to Fanta*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Leona: O.o Okay that guy is psycho. *runs off*
Victoria: COME BAAAACK! >_<
Ariados twice
Ariados twice
Umbra: Scratch that, Max, intervene!!!
Cobalt : *stares at Max before using Thunder on Max* No one can interupt my procedure. *continues cutting Star*
Il Fantasma
Il Fantasma
Fanta: WHY!? FLUFF PUP! *grabs Star again, using her shirt to stop the bleeding* You'll be alright... It's okay... *glares at Cobalt again* Don't. Touch. Fluff Pup. If you want to keep your life. *literallt growls at him*

Marvin: Don't blame her for running off, honestly, this is getting out of hand. *takes the chainsaw from Cobalt* Why are you doing this?
Cobalt : It's entertainment. This is no fun. *disappears*
Star : *snarls at Cobalt before Cobalt'd left*
Il Fantasma
Il Fantasma
Marvin: *throws the weapons to the floor* Good riddance. *turns to Leona* It's safe now. He's gone.

Fanta: *hugs Star* Are you alright for now, fluff pup? We gotta get you some actual bandages... and a trip to the hospital. Hold on. *places Star on the ground gently before ripping one of her pant legs off and wrapping it around Star's wounds. Makeshift bandages. Now, let's get you some help... *picks Star up again*
Solar : *puts down phone* I've called the police and the hospital. "Fluff pup" will be fine.
*a minute later you can hear sirens*
Il Fantasma
Il Fantasma
Fanta: Thank you, Solar... *hugs Star again, gently* Everything will be alright, Fluff Pup... *carries Star outside to the ambulance*
Solar : This is why we should never let Cobalt out his cage.
Cobalt : *being dragged away by the police* I'll be back!
Star : *hugs Fanta tightly, not wanting to be gruesomely murdered again*
Il Fantasma
Il Fantasma
Fanta: You'll be alright, Fluff Pup. These people want to help you, alright? They're gonna heal your paw... *places Star on the stretcher, not leaving his side* You'll be okay, I promise...
Star : *his paw falls off and he attempts to replace it before he bleeds again*
Solar : Hmph. We have to wait, do we? Star can just teleport there.
Il Fantasma
Il Fantasma
Fanta: I don't trust his teleportation, especially if they have anything to do with those portals. *holds Star's paw on his arm before letting the paramedics take over and letting go* They'll take care of you, Fluff Pup! You'll be okay, I swear on my life! *watches as the paramedics wheel Star into the ambulance* ...Thabk God they do this for wolves, too... ;-;
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Me and Leona: :'|
Moon: :3
Solar : I do hope my brother will be okay.
(An hour later)
Star :: *arrives back and jumps into Argo's arms, his paw stitched back on*