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Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Pain, please tell me you didn't leave Moon's music box at the Celestial Wolves' hideout... Moon loves that music box, and its the only thing that can calm her down at times...
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
*jumps out of Moon's hands and turns back* the thing is I have trash memory, I don't know if I did or did not.....
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Hopefully you didn't leave it at the Celestial Wolves' hideout... 'cause if you did, its either burnt, or the Celestial wolves destroyed it, 'cause they know how important that music box is to Moon... Moon: *doesn't seem to be paying attention to what Midnight is talking about*
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
Ok hold on let me check *looks in his backpack* found it.... Thank goodness.....
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Good, 'cause Moon would be really upset if something happened to it. Tom: *appears beside Moon and stabs her in the shoulder, and snatches one of her pokeballs before disappearing* Moon: OW! Hey! He stole one of my pokemon! >_< *turns into a espeon and teleports to random places where Tom might be, but can't find him and teleports back and changes back into a human*
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
...... I'm gonna kill him.....I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!!!! *Glowing purple*

Grim : *knocks me out with a frying pan* what have you guys done to him? I can sense power in him that I did not give him...
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Kiana: *appears beside Midnight* He wanted to be a Lunar Wolf, so Midnight had me turn him into one. Moon: *is upset*
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
Grim I see.... well if he goes crazy like that again just kill something and ill be here *leaves*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Kiana: *disappears* Moon: *pacing back and forth* what doi I do..? If Tom let's Darkness out of his pokeball, Darkness might go on a rampage... or Tom might drop Darkness's pokeball in lava... Calm down, Moon, we'll get your pokemon back. *Tom appears and grabs Moon, throwing her into a tree* Moon: Ow!
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
*hears moon's cry of pain and wakes up*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Moon: That's it, you little no good brat! *growls and tries to punch Tom, but he teleports behind her so she ends up punching a tree, and Tom knocks Moon's feet out from under her before disappearing* Bah! GET BACK HERE YA SCAREDY WOLF!
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
........ if only i had my sword..... but its still with them.....
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Moon: *Tom teleports behind her, but Moon is quick and spins around and grabs Tom's hand before he punches her, and twists his arm behind his back, causing Tom to yell, and then throws him into a tree while growling, knocking him unconscious*
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
*tries to focus some of his power into the tree, suddenly it and a small area around it warps and Tom phases trough it before it goes to normal, his head and lower half out while the rest is inside the tree*
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Lilith: *appears and teleports Tom away, then throws Moon's pokeball at her, and throws Pain's sword at him before teleporting away* Moon: Try not to kill Tom. Even though I freakin hate the little rat, I'd kinda like him alive, since me and him used to be best friends... *puts her pokeball on her belt*
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
....... *falls to his knees and coughs* i think that almost killed me again... *uncovers his mouth from under the mask to spit out blood* i sure need practice....
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
You okay? Moon: *more interested in making sure her pokemon is okay*
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
just a bit...... dizzy to be honest, ill just sit here for a bit...
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Okay. Moon: I think Darkness is fine. *turns into a wolf and goes and sits by Pain*
Lord Of Pain
Lord Of Pain
you ok? *asks moon even though it makes more sense if he worries about his current state*