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Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Ah I see. I like Vader just "oh you deactivated my lightsaber? I'll just fucking choke you".

I like Trandoshans because of how extremely brutal they are and because of their regenerative abilities. Though they might not be suitable for the type of characters I write. If I write an evil character, I prefer them to have flexible bodies which Trandoshans usually don't have.
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
I like Wookies because they're literally walking giant teddy bears.

And the lore from the Zabraks is amazing.
I accidentally put the wrong image. The one with vader is the cortosis weave. The one I have posted now is a clone assassin. Trandoshan would be cool too. Many of them believe in hunting for the great scorekeeper. If I made a trandoshan it would look similar to the elite ones in star wars republic commando
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Aaaaand the picture doesn't work. But I looked it up. Not really my thing.

Would be cool to see how a male and female zabrak would do out in the galaxy. Expand on Assaj's and Savage's story basically. But with own characters. The female is obviously being dominant.
Star wars fallen order showed some use of dathomir magic. The clone wars savage opress showed some as well with the creation of darth maul's new legs. I make fun of darth maul a lot, but his cool new legs are undeniably awesome. Made by sweet dathomir magic no less.

My zabrak would wear an outfit like Talon Malicos https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/eb/61/b9eb6146ec4ba47342321fe58527818c.jpg
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Sure they look cool and are definitely big threats, but I prefer something flexible. Something more like Bossk would work for me
They were threatening in republic commando. When I first had to face one. It took me three attempts to kill one cause that mini gun tore my republic commando to shreds very quickly. His sadistic laughing as he killed my clone did not help my wounded pride any.
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
A zabrak for me would be more like Maul rather than Savage. A Wookie doesn't really work for my preferences. A Trandoshan might work but most likely not
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Should we make an RP? In that case, what would our plot be? I feel like we should fight something like a crime syndicate if we make a Star Wars RP. We could try to make our spin on George Lucas' plans for the sequel trilogy where Darth Maul was supposed to be the big bad (basically a space-Godfather) and Darth Talon would be his apprentice. It would only be a couple years after Death Star 2
Being a wookie has plenty baggage with it too. For starters most people don't understand you. Your super furry which means you probably don't do well in hot climates. Most wookies if not all wookies seem to have a very strong sense of honor and servitude to them. You look at chewbacca who was willing to serve han and even die for him to pay of his 'debt' to him. This could be a pro, but it could also be a con.
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Yeah I agree. The fur didn't seem to help Chewie much on Starkiller base either because he said he was cold. Wookies and Mandalorians are quite similar in the honor aspect. But Mandalorians also share similarity with Zabraks because both respect power a lot
If i made a character. My smuggler character likely wouldn't give two imperial credits about darth maul or the war between jedi and sith. That and Maul wouldn't be interested in attacking random smugglers. Looking back I kinda like a zabrak dathomir magic user more than the kaminoan for my smuggler.
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
That's the thing tho, Maul is a crime lord and not a Sith Lord in Clone Wars. He would welcome smugglers and hire them. Your character is an illegal smuggler and might be hired by Maul. Maul himself don't care if he breaks the law. We could borrow some ideas from the Mandalorian. In that show they make it clear that civillians don't see any difference between the Empire and the New Republic
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
The New Republic would be at it's infancy in the RP if we make it. Luke would make sure Jedi and politics are more separate so Jedi would be more like civillians who volunteer to help keep the peace.
Off topic. I always find this funny that a lot of people don't know this but there are actually four jedi councils. Everyone is familiar with the jedi high council.
Then theres the council of first knowledge. These guys are mostly librarians and lore masters, the council of reconciliation. These guys are like diplomats and peace keepers. and the council of reassignment. When a padawan doesn't get a master these guys decide which one of the three loser orders to put them in.
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
I was actually unaware of it until a few months ago when I saw a video talking about a Grandmaster that was active at the same time as Yoda. But Yoda is still THE Grandmaster