Jada's Art Requests: Requests x3

by JadaDoesArt

JadaDoesArt I'm so sorry these took so long to complete, but I completely spaced that I even had them.... But they're done now!!! ( I was also having problems with that torchic.... So yeah that was part of the delay)
Again I'm sorry for not having them done sooner.
  1. Skyy-chan
    I absolutely love it! A perfect thing to come back to. I've been able to subdue my schedule now since I broke my foot today, so now I have more time to be online again.
    Sep 12, 2014
  2. Jeydis
    Thank you for your great work, she is quite mischievous looking :D
    Sep 2, 2014
    JadaStark2015 likes this.
  3. Burgundy
    Yaaaay I love him! And the others as well. ^-^
    Sep 2, 2014
    JadaStark2015 likes this.