
by |Dean|

|Dean| PROLOGUE: You will not see any heroes and villains until Ep. 1.
Apparently, all needed fixing.
By Dark-Type Pokémon.
Arceus wasn't sure about it.
Not even Darkrai was.
That is why the heroes of this world, where Pokémon could communicate by speaking, saved them all. Even though many died, the ones who didn't give up were defeated once.
Once, there were Pokémon who realized who, and why, the Dark-types of this world were clearing it of Ghost-types and Psychic-types: to apparently make that world a better place. Those Dark-types were wrong. By then, the Abra evolution line were at most danger. The other Pokémon of the region weren't happy with the Dark-type Pokémon. But the Dark-types were being controlled by an incredibly strong force.
Something that looked like Mewtwo.
Except black.
And stronger.
And evil...
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