Napoleon and his Dogs

by EchoAnora

EchoAnora Napoleon with his nine doggies ‘cause he’s to weak to fend for himself.
You’re probably wondering:
“Who the hell makes fanart for Animal Farm?” Well, let me explain...

I read animal farm in school. It was one of our books we had to read for the term, and I just found the story so interesting. The characters were awesome, and I just had to make human versions of them. The actual fanart started when I draw Napoleon and Snowball in my art book ‘cause I was bored. Then it kinda just WENT OFF, ya know? Anyways, long story short, I turned Animal Farm into my own personal fandom. I mean, if you guys want to get involved then, sure, dats cool.
Butterflygon and Willow Tree like this.
  1. EchoAnora
    All hail Comrade Napoleon
    *said sarcastically*
    Nov 28, 2021
    Willow Tree likes this.
  2. Willow Tree
    Willow Tree
    I went and searched this character up and HELP IT'S A PIG--
    Nov 27, 2021
    GalaxyEspeon likes this.