My Pet Boy

by Mr.Munchlax

My Pet Boy.jpeg
Mr.Munchlax This is a watercolor and pen & ink I just finished for the Daily Sketches challenge on Twitter. It's technically a late entry since they gave this subject 3-4 days ago, but I still wanted to try since as part of my social media development.

Basically, the challenge is that we're supposed to draw whatever we want as long as it involves the subject matter, in this case, the iconic Creature from the Black Lagoon. For my entry (and my first tweet), I thought of doing a simple illustration with a whole role reversal play on the "a boy and his pet fish" scenario where the creature is a child and he has a pet kid in a human bowl fitted with oxygen tanks (I was originally going to include a TV, a race car bed, & a Wii-U, but it looked too cluttered).

The piece was done on hot press watercolor paper, & this was just a simple wet-on-wet technique with a few added details using sea salt, brushes, sponges, & cotton swabs
  1. Shiny Glaceon
    Shiny Glaceon
    Oh my god how does he feed it?
    Oct 22, 2014