Mr. Beeba and Poog

by NonAnalogue

NonAnalogue Akiko, by Mark Crilley, was another hugely formative influence on me growing up. I'm sort of gathering that it wasn't very popular, which is a shame, because it's jam-packed with imagination, creativity, and whimsy. Totally worth a read if you're into light-hearted space romps.

Pictured are Mr. Beeba and Poog. Poog is the best character. Mr. Beeba is also up there.
  1. NonAnalogue
    @lemonzlime I know, right? It's a real shame. These books were something else.
    Sep 22, 2016
    lemonzlime likes this.
  2. emeraldzplash
    OMG...... I REMEMBER READING THESE IN LIKE 5TH GRADE I LOVED THESE BOOKS!! i never see anyone talking about them tho :(
    Sep 22, 2016
    NonAnalogue likes this.