
by shdowspryte

shdowspryte Greer is one of the prides and joys of my ranch next to kanah, he's a crossbreed! Or, in Nations's terminology, he's a mix of both a dunsparce and a dragonite! He's got physical properties, typing, and moves from both! Dad was a dunsparce, mom was the dratini. Here I was giving him some moves, leveling him up, and he learned hyper beam :)!

I love him to bits and pieces!
  1. shdowspryte
    Oct 17, 2015
    Aura likes this.
  2. shdowspryte
    @Maiden of Ghosts , thank you! The idea behind him was by another player on PKMNation (at least the original baby), I just evolved him ♥
    Oct 17, 2015
    Maiden of Ghosts likes this.
  3. Maiden of Ghosts
    Maiden of Ghosts
    Oh my gosh, this is so cool! I LOVE the lighting/glowing effects on this! And Greer is such a cool hybrid too! ♥
    Oct 9, 2015
  4. Aura
    I think this is legitimately the most badass thing I've seen on this sight. Just, wow.
    Oct 8, 2015