Unrelated: Flowey no

by Apocolythe

Flowey panel 1.png Flowey panel 2.png Flowey panel 3.png Flowey panel 4.png Flowey panel 5.png
Apocolythe So guess what I'm obsessed with now? Sigh. Never anything pokemon related.
TooBlue12, AzureEdge and WindRyder like this.
  1. PennyThePokemon
    maybe if at the end of the month i'll get to play undertale
    Oct 18, 2015
    Apocolythe likes this.
  2. Apocolythe
    @PennyThePokemon Dun wurry, I'm just a lazybones and I don't come on here much~!
    Oct 18, 2015
    MelodyEevee likes this.
  3. PennyThePokemon
    you havent seen me in conversations?
    Oct 18, 2015
    MelodyEevee likes this.