Digimon- Roachmon

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Behold the dumpster twins! Roachmon are crunchy, dirty Digimon that stand at six feet tall. They have a toxic personality and get their kicks out of picking on the weak. Being champion level, they are slightly weaker for the stage, a well trained human could beat one if careful. However, to make up for their weakness in combat, they usually come in pairs, trios, or rarely in massive swarms. They think they are the raddest Digimon of all, can't you tell by all their skulls? Though they are seen as nothing more than thugs.

They came to exist through the existence of junk data in the digital world, and often Roachmon are born when two Digimon attempt to fuse together through DNA digivolution...but they are incompatible, so they fuse permanently into a Roachmon, explaining the two sets of arms. It's theorized this is why they crave being in pairs, due to their longing of being two Digimon once again.

Their primary attack is summoning a hailstorm of garbage from the human world, the contents being completely random. Plastic bottles, spoiled meat, or even busted pianos and concrete blocks! (Dream Dust). When in a pair or more numbers, they get more daring, moving together perfectly in sync to preform fast aerial punching attacks! (Terrible Fly)
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