legendary pokemon as weapons: Shaymin weapon

by roanyael

roanyael So here is Shaymin.

FINALLY my exames are over. That all I have to say.
Next up is GOD so ye great

(P.S. I did both forms bc they where really different.)
  1. Glitchy Gold
    Glitchy Gold
    Looks good!
    Nov 2, 2018
    PrincessPika and roanyael like this.
  2. roanyael
    Step one: just fucking flail you will hit eventually
    Step two: google search "brawlhalla jiro scythe sigs"
    Nov 2, 2018
  3. ~Rinko~
    I'm confused as to how the Sky Forme weapon works; it looks like the handle is attached to the main weapon part by a chain, but that wouldn't be the most efficient design for a weapon as it would likely miss the target most of the time; so yeah, how does the Sky Forme weapon work?
    Nov 2, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  4. DrakeDraws
    Its ma boi shaymin YEEEEET
    Nov 2, 2018
    roanyael likes this.