Bismuth 2V-1537-fasset 12: "Ambition" Entry #3

by DartrixTheIntrovert

DartrixTheIntrovert I bismuth am ready for earth. I can fight. I can think. I can create. I'll be a legend.
I'm also a great fighter. Most of the bismuth's don't even use there gem weapons, just shape-shift to help build. But I do. Almost every day I fight, with other gems. My diamond's pearl assigned me as a teacher of fighting. I fight with quartz', rubies, the fighting gems. Which I am not. But I am the teacher. Huh. My gem is located on the forehead, one of the best places to have it. It's strategic. it's like before I even emerged I thought strategically. One thing I have in common with all the other bismuth's is ambition. That's what defines a bismuth. Ambition. But I'm just ambitious about other things.
Bismuth 2v-1537-fasset 12
Entry #3