WIP: Raichu The Endurring

by Dragockon

Dragockon I don't usually upload rough sketches like these, but I’ve been trying to adjust the cartoon style of pokemon, to my semi-realism style and its not been easy LOL. However, fear not! I think I’m finally getting the hang of it |D, I’ve been trying t figure out their anatomy from some screenshots of the show, and it helped a lot.

So here’s a rough WIP of one of my pokemon OC’s Raichu! She’s female, still a small child (though don’t underestimate her abilities lol) at about 13 years of age in human years? Afraid of human because of what they did to her, abit of a loner, but has a kind heart and a very loyal friend to those who take time to gain her trust.

Her full info will be on the finished reference!