Warping in through books is rude, Rian

by Maiden of Ghosts

RIAN NO (1) (2).png RIAN NO (3) (2).png RIAN NO (2) (2).png RIAN NO (4) (2).png
Maiden of Ghosts Mmmm this is like, over a month old. But I like it and it's cute, so here I am posting it.

So back in August I had been talking with my friend Azu about two of our characters, my Keir, and Azu's Riannon (An Espeon-Palkia hybrid), and how while Keir would just be casually minding his own business in the Distortion World, reading a book... Rian would just suddenly WARP IN to say hi. And I joked that she would warp in through his book.

And of course, I had to draw it. Because the mental image was hilarious. (Plus I love these two. Keir and Rian are adorable.)
  1. Maiden of Ghosts
    Maiden of Ghosts
    @MidnightMedia Well I mean, I guess??? I suppose it's because of the lines on her muzzle in the second to last panel.. But they're based on the lines on Palkia's face... Plus the perspective in that panel has her facing directly towards the screen, so.... *shrugs* eh.
    Oct 11, 2015
    MidnightMedia likes this.
  2. Localised
    If u look closely at the espeon it looks like its half pug :)
    Oct 10, 2015