Twig and Gotham (for Sy)

by frozen-hex

frozen-hex XD That awkward moment when you realize you're using the wrong brush once you finish the art- Gotham looks a little funky, but I just love how Twig turned out~
@Sy Kage Keep these coming! :D
Vaporeonn, Sy Kage and Burgundy like this.
  1. frozen-hex
    Thank you!
    XD I take requests on my free time, so sure!
    Apr 13, 2014
  2. Vaporeonn
    OhmyGod!! So adorable!!! I ♥ your art!! I feel kinda stupid for asking, but... do you take requests? X3
    Apr 13, 2014
  3. Sy Kage
    Sy Kage
    OMG! So much yes! Thank you so much! This is so amazing! X3 Can't wait to see more!
    So much yes...
    Apr 13, 2014
    frozen-hex likes this.