Thank you: Thank you for 100+ likes!

by NightRaven

NightRaven Heh. I was too lazy to color a full background and the cat in the bottom left corner. ;_;
Oh well. Thank you for 100+ likes and for all of the support!
  1. NightRaven
    Heh ^^ Looking back at this makes me feel like doing a ton of corrections. And when I say a ton, I mean basically re-doing the whole thing XD
    Oct 30, 2015
    Twilight Nova likes this.
  2. Twilight Nova
    Twilight Nova
    Lol just saw this XD thanks for telling me, I have the memory of a walrus. 0_0 auto correct.....
    Oct 30, 2015
  3. Vanilla Rose
    Vanilla Rose
    Congrats! ;)
    Oct 6, 2015
    Twilight Nova likes this.
  4. NightRaven
    eh, no rain today(finally!) and no school tomorrow >:3 and the red-eyed white cat is Crow.
    Oct 5, 2015
    Twilight Nova likes this.
  5. Twilight Nova
    Twilight Nova
    Yay! Congrats! I have a lot of cat characters 0-0 remind me who the red-eyed cat is? XP I have the worst memory. Also, I hope things get better over there! School being out is cool, but a hurricane 0_0
    Oct 5, 2015
  6. NightRaven
    I couldn't color them black, sadly because it'd look weird. Heh. I colored it over night, so that's why it looks a bit odd. It looked better when I was coloring it, but it still turned out well nonetheless! And I guess you could say that the white cat with red eyes is for one of @Twilight Nova 's characters (because she has a character that is a cat with red eyes.).

    I was working on this before I had 100+ likes, but I was very close (and by working on it overnight, I meant that I worked on it a few nights ago); 74 likes! I knew I was going to reach it with all of your support and this is how I say thank you! And, remember, since Middle School was cancelled for today, I still have a while to do some suggestions!
    Oct 5, 2015