Taya Defenders Team P. Member, Gustavo

by CombuskenBrazil

CombuskenBrazil As far as I know, few US people know this name, as far as I know! Maybe it's common... Or not so much, but know... Or not know it ... Nah, say in the comments... That's it... Oh! I was about to forget he is in the combat area, then it uses brass knuckles! I think... It's something that you put in your hand and use it to punch, ehh something like this... This is all folks...? (Something is wrong) (FORGET MORE ONE THING! IT'S THIS *(&(¨&$#%$¨&$ ADS, BUT OK. Ponytails! Just, this... Bye)
AzureEdge and Jhan Garc like this.
  1. CombuskenBrazil
    @Olivar On my Pokémon Sapphire new journey, I choose the name "Emanuel" for my Mudkip, after a few months, my cousin said that this is the same name of a friend... And he seems to be cool. :p
    Jan 9, 2015
  2. Jhan Garc
    Jhan Garc
    One of my schoolmates is named Gustavo...
    Jan 9, 2015