Shauna's Story Chapter 1

by 1212hawkeye

1212hawkeye This story is going to be all about Shauna's journey in Kalos. (This takes place in the video game not the anime)
Walking down a red brick pathway we finally arrive at his house, the new kid in town named Calem. I glance to see a Rhyhorn on a blue and white towel. Wow, someone in his family must be a Rhyhorn racer. Both of my parents just work for a big business, nothing exciting. My best friend, Serena, knocks on his door, and we here it creek open.
A boy with dark black hair, a red hat, and a blue jacket and jeans opened the door.
"Welcome to Vaniville Town," says Serena with a big smile. "My name's Serena. I'm your neighbor." Without thinking I quickly say "And I'm Shauna great to meet you! Guess what! We come to get you!" 'Wow, that wasn't creepy at all' I think.
Super embarrassed about what I just said, I didn't even pay attention to Serena's mumbo jumbo about Professor Sycamore. When she finishes we walk back down the pathway leaving Calem, and going onward to get a pokemon!
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