Red and Pika

by Sy Kage

Sy Kage I wanted to make something to do with the old first gen games, so I made this! Like it? Pikachu was a PAIN to make, because whenever I referred back to the picture I was using as a base, I got everything jumbled up. Hope you enjoy it :D
ShineThunder, Flygonn, Kumec and 4 others like this.
  1. ShineThunder
    :(Red isn't pshycic how dull
    Jun 12, 2014
  2. ShineThunder
    :(Red isn't pshycic how dull
    Jun 12, 2014
  3. Vaporeonn
    Now I feel bad for not giving my Pikachu a bathroom... ^^;
    Apr 7, 2014