Spritework: Project Miato Sprites

by StellarWind Elsydeon

Prof_Redwood.png Miato_Male.png Miato_Female.png Raven_Sprite.png Luna.png Erol.png Ivy.png Kara.png Melissa.png Ken.png Robyn.png MiatoOverworldsWIPs.png
StellarWind Elsydeon You'll probably notice the quality on these rises and falls like the power levels of an average anime character. The reasons for this being... well, largely the fact these have some major gaps in time between them.

These are a few significant characters in my long-running fan-region project, Miato. These include Professor Erin Redwood, the two playable characters (male and female), and the eight Gym Leaders: Raven, Luna, Erol, Ivy, Kara, Melissa, Ken and Robyn.. and a few bonus overworlds. I should probalby do the rest of them, but quite frankly, life is too short. xP
  1. E.K.A.N.S.
    Ken is my favorite. He looks like he could be Steven's brother.
    Jul 12, 2018
  2. StellarWind Elsydeon
    StellarWind Elsydeon
    I have no intention of licensing my personal characters for use by randoms, so that's never going to happen - but thanks for the vote of confidence. XD
    May 29, 2017
    PrincessPika and Merciless Medic like this.
  3. AyraDX
    These should be trainers for the Trainer card maker!
    May 29, 2017