Pokemon Sun Trainer's Card

by AlolanTrainer

  1. Teapot
    Jun 28, 2016
  2. AlolanTrainer
    @Hernan23Pro Yes, that's where the badges are placed and they are different I guess. Doesn't really matter. :D
    Jun 26, 2016
  3. Hernan23Pro
    If you see generation 6 game banner cards at the Trainer Card Maker (X/Y/OR/AS),you can see that the pokeballs when you place your badges (under Trainer's Card)is different that (for example)the gen. 1 game banner cards.(Red/Blue/Green/Yellow) ;)
    Jun 26, 2016
  4. AlolanTrainer
    @Hernan23Pro First of all thank you!
    So the background is from the official game title.
    Both Solgaleo and Lunala are from the footage we have seen so directly from the game.
    The font is not from the game but the logo is.
    Sorry I didn't understand the last one.
    Jun 26, 2016
    Hernan23Pro likes this.
  5. Hernan23Pro
    Good card,but i have some questions:
    .Background is from the game title?
    .Solgaleo in the card is model or some art?
    .Font is from the game?
    .As a example,you can use gen.6 pokeballs for badge placing.

    Same with Moon card,but it's very good,10/10,need to be placed in TCM when generation 7 games will be released ;).
    Jun 25, 2016