Plush Nautilus Concept

by RacieB

RacieB “A lot of us love the nautilus
with its cuttley spiraly features
20,000 leagues beneath the sea
it’s one of our favorite creatures!”
  1. Aura
    @RacieB Yeah thankfully I could vote :) I guess I'll just have to keep an eye out if the price drops in the future
    Nov 23, 2015
    RacieB likes this.
  2. RacieB
    @Aura at least voting is free! :p I do wish they could figure out how to distribute internationally more cost-effectively too, but they are a small company after all. Maybe someday...
    Nov 23, 2015
  3. Aura
    Oh god I need this in my life right now. Sadly that international shipping is harsh, but good luck to having it made!
    Nov 23, 2015
    RacieB likes this.