Orcattle: Pokemon Guardians by Espeon233

by Espeon233

#016 Orcattle.jpg
Espeon233 Hi guys,

I'm just new here.

You can check out the rest of my pokemon fakemon arts on my tumblr.

I haven't got the time to make a digitalized version of some of the other sketches of mine.

to the admins of PokeCharms - more power to your site! I'll have your site be an ally of our group in facebook POKEMON: PINOY STYLE. thanks!
  1. Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    This is fantastic! Your art style is amazing Espeon233! I love the transparency effect on the pectorals and fluke! I hope you post more of your art because Orcattle is beautiful ♥
    Mar 15, 2014
  2. ShinyZekrom009
    Excellent fakemon, one of the best I've ever seen.

    And @baratron, I think the most likely possibilities for the second part of Orc/attle/'s name are b/attle/, or possibly emb/attle/.
    Mar 12, 2014
  3. pluem240
    I guess the -ttle part is there cuz it's back looks kinda like a turTLE shell.
    [Reply to baratron]
    Mar 11, 2014
  4. Shiny Pyxis
    Shiny Pyxis
    OH wow, this is really cool! I've always wanted an orca Pokemon, and this is just such an awesome design~ Loving it :D
    Mar 10, 2014
  5. baratron
    Holy crap, this is awesome! You should definitely post more of your stuff here.

    So, why Orcattle? I looked at your Tumblr and you didn't explain it there either. I get the Orca part, but where does the -ttle come from?
    Mar 10, 2014