Neo and Penguinmon

by NerdyNinja

Neo and Penguinmon.jpg
NerdyNinja I decided to d another RWBYMon sketch becuase well, I'm bored. so here it is, Neo and Penguinmon
Digivice: Dark Digivice (Black and Purple) + Pink inner ring.

It is uncertain how Neo obtained her partner, She also appears to somehow communicate to Penguinmon, without words. Allowing him to also Digivolve into the massive Daipenmon,
not much is known about how Cinder and her team has been able to get stronger Digivolved forms just from their rookies, but at the dessert Zone, Neo demonstrates, nd Daipenmon destroys the bridge that had Team RWBY, JNPR, Austin and Pyrodramon on it, after mercury and emerald's defeat.
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