Light of Truth

by Maiden of Ghosts

Maiden of Ghosts welp I disappeared again but I'm back? With new art? what a surprise

so for christmas I got both a new drawing tablet and a new art program (manga studio 5) so I've been. getting the hang of drawing again to be honest ahahaha I'm still not used to this new program but hey testing stuff out is fun

ANYWAY yesterday I decided to dig up and finish a wip I started a few months ago of my Reshiram OC, Baine. Baine is a pretty old OC, in that I created him before Black/White even came out IN JAPAN (so basically only a select few gen 5 Pokemon were known at the time, including Reshiram and Zekrom. and I just. fell in love with Reshiram), and he's been one of my favourites ever since. despite.. well, being dead in RP canon for like. five real-time years ahaha. but with the reboot for that RP verse, he's back! And JUST AS BEAUTIFUL AS EVER! (actually he's even more beautiful than before. Baine is easily one of my prettiest OCs ♥)