Sprites~: FIFA~

by AzureEdge

Americaa.jpg Argentina.jpg Germany.jpg Spain.jpg
AzureEdge Alright, I tried again, but this time, there's a slight improvement. I used the soccer sprite from Pokemon Black and White and recolored to look like FIFA 2014's outfits, and made it 80x80. They are a improvement from last time, but still I would like constructive criticism on how I can make these sprites better~
The first one is America's outfit, then Argentina's, Germany's and last but not least, Spain.
  1. AzureEdge
    Heh, looking back on this, I could have done way better now~
    Apr 2, 2015
  2. Jhan Garc
    Jhan Garc
    Olé,olé olé olé! Oooolé! Oooolé!
    Dec 26, 2014
    AzureEdge likes this.
  3. Shiny Pyxis
    Shiny Pyxis
    Very nice improvement! It's kinda hard from the noise from .jpg, but your clothes could do with a bit of shading. I think Tun does a decent job explaining it, but basically imagine your light source (for Pokemon it's usually in the upper left corner) and go out from there. I personally go out in a somewhat circular fashion, but that's all up to you! You can even add wrinkles if you feel like being fancy~ Some of your footballs/soccer balls also look a little lopsided. Kawaiihannah helps explain curves pretty well here, and I suggest taking a read over that~ (click on "Beginning Pixel Art" and scroll to the bottom).
    Dec 16, 2014
  4. Skyheart42
    @AzureEdge That's really weird... But I'm almost positive it had nothing to do with the file type. Either your computer was doing something wrong, or there was a server error. I've uploaded plenty of .PNG's to Pokecharms and other websites, and if there's ever any problems it can usually be fixed by refreshing and trying again.
    Dec 15, 2014
    AzureEdge likes this.
  5. AzureEdge
    @Skyheart42 I did save them as .PNG at first, but they didn't show up here before, for some strange reason,so I changed it to .JPEG. It's probably a one time thing, but next time (If that issue never occurs again) I'll change it to .PNG.
    Dec 15, 2014
    Kyubeon likes this.
  6. Skyheart42
    You're getting the hang of this now! Although, it seems you accidentally saved them as .JPEG files. Remember, always use .PNG, it will give you the best quality.
    Dec 15, 2014
    AzureEdge likes this.
  7. NocturnalNetwork
    Dec 15, 2014
    AzureEdge likes this.