Disney Princess Gym Series: Disney Gym 3 - Aurora

by Takinas

Disney Gym 3 - Aurora Compressed.jpg
Takinas Third in our line up is Aurora. I do feel a little mean for giving her Drowzee, Jigglypuff, and Snorlax...no not really. I feel justified honestly. Those are actually good Pokemon and they fit. Bellossum was actually to prove to myself I could draw the lil thing.

Next up is, well let's just say Sebastian is having a fit.
  1. Draco Gengar
    Draco Gengar
    maybe they could have compromised making it a maroon like color
    Feb 17, 2015
  2. Marie Ravenclaw
    Marie Ravenclaw
    *sigh* I still wish they had made her official color blue...but *thumbs up* she still looks good
    Feb 17, 2015
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