Cat School: The New Student

by BLOO Muffin

BLOO Muffin Read thee. :3
While the cats were in class and the teacher was getting the new student, all of the cats were throwing paper airplanes and the two little kittens were scared of all the big cats.

"Hey, Furry! Catch!" Mixer the orange cat shouted across the room as he threw a crumbled paper. Furry was backing-up and he tripped over a foot and fell down.

The teacher came in. Everyone looked at the teacher and was quietly fixing everything up. The new student was a little white kitten named Angel and her pupils grew smaller as she saw the mess in the room.

The two kittens were happy to see another kitten in class and they both laughed. Angel said,"Do they always act like this?" She asked irritated by the mess and trash.

This all! I hope you like this!! ♥
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