Pokéfications: Butts Pokémon

by Buttercheese

Buttercheese So there is this Skype group (called the "Butts Company") I have with a bunch of fellow Brony artists and I had this idea to draw all their OCs/ Ponysonas as Pokémon. The drawing is from 2013.
Top row second from the left is me btw.
  1. Buttercheese
    @Aaron the Fright: Speaking from my personal experience, most Skype groups happen just randomly and are only on topic half of the time, if ever. It helps though, if the people in the group have more in common than just a fandom. With my pony group, we where all (aspiring) artists, so we all had that to talk about, often doing collabs and helping each other out.
    But yeah, if you want to start a group like this, just invite some people and have them invite their friends. It really helps though, to have one or more person in the group who is good at animating other people to talk.
    Dec 23, 2014
  2. Aaronimations
    i'm trying to start a group with people on Skype who like Pokemon but i want random people to talk about Pokemon with but do you know how to do that
    Dec 23, 2014
  3. The Voltagonist
    The Voltagonist
    Hehehe... I can SO relate to the Spheal. XD
    Dec 16, 2014
    Buttercheese likes this.