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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread



Micheal Jones is my hero.
Was playing on Microvolts (online tps) and went on a 8v8 elimination match (basically team deathmatch but once you die you are out for rest of round) and it ended up being 6 v me and I took them to the cleaners (also me level 7 those six level 30+)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I can't help but watch the Anime FMV for Tales of the Abyss 3DS each time I boot up the game... I actually intended to play it a bit before work this morning, but then all I did was watch the opening and shut the 3DS afterwards. :x

*Must youtube Japanese version~*
-_- I can't win in this house. I get shouted at for being lazy if I do my homework but equally I get shouted at for not studying enough if I'm being active. I'm so confused at what to do at the moment @.@

EDIT: On a side note my efforts to begin the removal of Lugia in the H&H thread has gone back to square one ._. Other than the Sinnoh legendaries Lugia is my least favourite but Sinnoh is doing good anyway so might aswell start chipping away at Lugia


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
*Giggles and hugs El*

I have just spent the last five or so minutes staring at KoL's signature... without even realising I was doing it. Because it's sparkly. Spaaaaaaaarkly. I need help :'|


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
You're definitely a magpie, or some sort of crow. ;D

And Riley: IT'S ON! >=O

Anyways, I just spent the last hour planning my next HG team with Demelza. Ended up picking 11 team members. For a game known to have horrible level grinding issues, this should be fun. :'D
Threw up today and got jumped ._. But I'm glad I've thrown up been wanting to for like the past 3 weeks (couldn't eat anything without feeling sick)
and about getting jumped I punched them in fear and ran off >-<

And Katie: THIS MEANS WAR >=O xD

EDIT: My mum is taking me to a computer shop so they can look to see whats wrong with my PC and see if they can fix it when I already know it needs a new charger and battery as I did fixes for everything else it could have been checked on the shop website they just do printers and stationary -_- Wish my mum would stop being a tight wad and get me a battery and charger I'll even pay her back >.> And whats worse she been putting off buying a new battery and charger for nearly 2 months argh D<
Applying for an internship at Channel 4 hopefully I get ze job because its the music side of channel 4 so I would get to meet loads of musicians I like :) Plus did I mention the £20,000 salary which is alot for an internship :p


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

Nothing better than being paid for an unexpected day off. (Simple things make me happy)

Assuming the world stays in one piece, I shall enjoy this snow day! :D


Former Moderator
Still ill. Off uni today with a high temperature and sore throat, keep on having flashes of dizziness. Controlling my symptoms loosely with drugs, hoping I feel better by the end of the week.
Yoshimitsu said:
Still ill. Off uni today with a high temperature and sore throat, keep on having flashes of dizziness. Controlling my symptoms loosely with drugs, hoping I feel better by the end of the week.
Rileyixx said:
Looking forward to a day off tomorrow :p
Linkachu said:

Nothing better than being paid for an unexpected day off. (Simple things make me happy)

Assuming the world stays in one piece, I shall enjoy this snow day! :D


I. AM. NEVER. OFF. I've been ill once in three years, and my area has gotten snow only twice since the winter started. And it was that shitty snow that turns to sluch after, like, ten munutes. WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL?!


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Luckii said:
I. AM. NEVER. OFF. I've been ill once in three years, and my area has gotten snow only twice since the winter started. And it was that shitty snow that turns to sluch after, like, ten munutes. WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL?!

There's a simple answer for this.

MOVE! ;)


Former Moderator
Linkachu said:
Luckii said:
I. AM. NEVER. OFF. I've been ill once in three years, and my area has gotten snow only twice since the winter started. And it was that shitty snow that turns to sluch after, like, ten munutes. WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL?!

There's a simple answer for this.

MOVE! ;)

Also I don't need permission to take time off uni, I just don't turn up. I put in a notification letting them know I'm ill.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Been wanting a Raspberry Pi for a long while now. Until now, I've been able to be patient and sensible about it. Today it 'launched', but basically became instantly unavailable. Now I'm about to lose my shit over wanting one right now.

Also, I'm sad 'cos GAME are probably going to be either history or worse - GameStop - within mere weeks/months.
Hmm seems my battery wasn't the problem rather a fault in the motherboard :/ Going to check repair prices because buying a new laptop would be cheaper than a new motherboard
Linkachu said:
Luckii said:
I. AM. NEVER. OFF. I've been ill once in three years, and my area has gotten snow only twice since the winter started. And it was that shitty snow that turns to sluch after, like, ten munutes. WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL?!

There's a simple answer for this.

MOVE! ;)
Yeah. Simple as that. Move. No need to worry about buying a new house/flat, or insurance, or even perhaps the fact that I'm 14?


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Luckii said:
Yeah. Simple as that. Move. No need to worry about buying a new house/flat, or insurance, or even perhaps the fact that I'm 14?
Calm down, dear. It was a joke. :'|


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Teapot said:
Luckii said:
Yeah. Simple as that. Move. No need to worry about buying a new house/flat, or insurance, or even perhaps the fact that I'm 14?
Calm down, dear. It was a joke. :'|

I'd like to hope that both of his comments were jokes too, but one can never tell on the internet... :x
I know it hasn't been long since I posted on the hiatus thread but I'm in a really good mood :D

Finished college 2 hours earlier than rest of my class, spent 6 hours hanging out with friends I haven't seen in ages and now I'm singing Shania Twain xD I think I'm either hyper or high maybe both :p