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Open The off color'ed neighborhood

This is in the same world as my other role play where the off colors/delinquents are at a high school (its still open by the way) But instead this is a Tiny Neighborhood with off colors/people who accept off colors. you can ONLY stay in the neighborhood because there is a store there for clothes,food,etc you are NOT aloud outside. if you do you either get put to sleep and put back were you were or you get killed.

You can only be TWO Pokemon (you cant be a trainer btw) One is a side character Pokemon and the other one is the pokemon you will use the WHOLE roleplay. and please don't make any weird Magic or mystery. there is alittel bit of mystery,the only mystery is kids (pokemon) go missing and why is it mostly cloudy out everyday.

I will now start! (and thank you SO much for joining the role play!!"

A eevee looked out the window from the basement and watched the kids outside playing or doing there own thing. she frowned and sat on her Princess bed and sighed she chose to draw and got up from her bed and sat on a flower pillow While she was drawing she heard him calling to her "Flower my dear Im going to the store you must come with me." she sighed and put on her hair clips and went up stairs "yes sir.." she almost went out the door but then the pokemon grabbed her "now now did you forget something?.." he took out the collar and put it on her neck "there! now we can go!" he held her hand and they proceeded outside
(Lol why not)
Main OC: Female Petilil named Scarletta
Side OC: Ungendered Cryoganal named Ink. (As you can tell I love gen 5)
The plant-like Pokemon sighed.
She was tired of doing the same old thing she did everyday. She woke up, ate the breakfast her owner made her, watched her owner leave for work, and then did virtually nothing.
Her owner was very poor and couldn't afford alot, so she lived in a simple house. It had a small kitchen nook, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small "living room". By living room, Scarletta meant a small armchair and a 32 inch TV resting on the box it came in.
Scarletta had tried to make the best out of a bad situation. But it was hard.
She tried going to some of the stores, and while collecting free samples was fun, most of the things there involved money. If she was lucky, she'd find some Pokedollars but she usually gave those to her owner.
She looked outside of the small window near her owners bed that she slept on, and saw the spoiled looking Eevee from across the street. Scarletta had never actually met the girl, but assumed she was rich and snobby from her bows and larger house.
She knew it wasn't the Eevee''s fault, but she instantly hated anyone rich.
Alice sadly hopped around her house, she was miserable. The little buneary was not allowed outside, as it would dirty her pretty, soft fur. She yearned for adventure and excitement, but instead was greeted with pink bows tied around her ears and an even bigger pink bow tied around her neck. Her ears twitched as she heard yelling outside. She hopped to an open window and watched as an Oshawott and a Piplup blew bubbles and played in the mood. She frowned and thought, no fun for little ole me. She was only allowed to go outside if her trainer was taking her to buy more frilly outfits, like dresses and tutus, or perfumes that nearly suffocated her. She turned around as she heard footsteps approaching her. Her trainer knelt down and tightened the bows that were neatly tied around her ears and neck. "There, no who's the cutest Buneary of them all?" Her trained asked as the girl pinched her cheeks. I have got to get out of here, just for a little bit, just so I can experience life outside of this house, she thought as she sadly hopped to her bedroom.
There were many disadvantages of being one of the few poor pokemon in the neighborhood. It wasnt all bad, as she could come and go freely and never had to wear silly dresses and have spa treatments. The closest she ever got to those kinds of things were the occasional dusting of her leaves her owner did and if she ever evolved to look like she had a dress.

Still, sometimes she'd yearn for expensive, gourmet food other pokemon got as opposed to offbrand berries and table scraps. Scarletta wasn't a traditional cuddly animal, so it was a miracle she was chosen at all.

Deciding moping inside was dull, she decided to take a small walk down the street and get some sun. The day was fresh, and the weather was nice.

She passed by a few houses. The wealthy family with the Buneary in those stupid outfits. The only other poor family with a Cryoganal that honestly freaked her out.

She walked up and down the street. Scarletta looked at the silly Buneary''s house. As per usual, she had a ridiculous getup consisting of a fluffy tutu and purple bows. Her owner went up to her, pinching it's cheeks. The Buneary had the face of "I would rather die".
Scarletta had a thought of pity, but looked at the large house in disgust. The entire house could fit about 6 of her own, and instead the owner spent money on itcy looking tutus.
Alice laid on her pink bed in her disgustingly pink room. All of the dressers were pink and held her even pinker clothes. Her room looked like a unicorn throw up all over it. She was thankful she had a trainer who cared so much about her, but she hated the itchy bows and the equally itchy tutu she was forced to wear. Her trainer paid for masseuses to come and pamper her, and she could only eat meals prepared by her personal chef. She was spoiled, and she didn't want to be. She wanted to feel the wind in her fur and the rain on her face, but she was stuck here. The Buneary frowned, she didn't like the bows and the tutus and the dresses, but her owner loved her, so she tried her best to suck it up. She had a home, with food to eat and a place to sleep, she shouldn't take it for granted. She was miserable, but she could've had it a lot worse. She sighed and got out of bed, She straightened her tutu and bows and hopped over to the window. She looked down to see a Petilil glaring out her house with disgust. She managed to open her window slightly and called out to the plant-like pokemon. "Hi, I'm Alice, what's your name?" She rarely ever got to interact with other Pokemon, and when she did they tended to be snobbish and stuck up.
Scarletta sighed. She decided to humor the spoiled looking pokemon. "It's Scarletta." She introduced herself simply to the fluffy looking pokemon, tugging on her simple green leaves self-conciously.
As they stepped out of the Male Pokemon house he held her hand tight and smiled at her this was her first time out of the house sense she was picked up by him. "How about you go introduce yourself to the kids! you need some friends we don't want them asking any question now do we?" the eevee made a scared nod so the Pokemon grabbed her littel paw and walked up to the kids talking in the window "hello cuties this is my uhm...Niece! yeah..". the Eevee nodded and smiled
Scarletta noticed more spoiled brats coming out, as well as the Eevee, so she was eager to get back.
"Well, it was nice talking to you, Alex, or Ally or whatever but, I've gotta go!" She ran back, stopping only to pick up a few pokedollars on the ground. She ran inside, and leapt on her owner's bed. Scarletta placed the dollars on her owner's nightstand and slowly fell asleep.
"well kids me and my darling little niece need to go to the store nice meeting you all!.." the eevee nodded and looked up at the pokemon the pokemon looked down and smiled and griped her hand tight "now lets go darling we need to get some food for the festival today!" two little kids looked at the eevee closely "hey..that looks like the eevee that went missing and was on the news last week..." the other child pokemon looked closely and nodded "your right! it does!"
Alice frowned as she watched the Scarletta run away, "The name's Alice..." she called out to her sadly. The little Buneary hopped back to her pink bed and flopped down on the pink pillows and blankets. She grabbed an especially fluffy pink blanket and hid under it. She started to doze off as she heard a knock on the door. "My cutie Buneary! Your masseuse and groomer for today are here ~" Her trainer exclaimed. Alice huffed as she threw the blanket off of her and hopped out of her bedroom. After hours of seaweed wraps and having her fur trimmed, she was finally free. She started hopping back to her bedroom before her trainer stopped her. "Wait a second! You're forgetting something!" The trainer grabbed Alice and tied baby blue bows around her ears and around her neck, she then slipped a matching baby blue tutu on Buneary. "There! All better!" She set Alice down and walked around. Alice rolled her eyes and grumbled before hopping back to her room. She hopped into her pink bed and throw the covers over her and took a nap.
(I'm just gonna join this RP, k)
Main OC: Male Furret named Breezy
Secondary OC: Female Castform named Meteor

Breezy looked out the window.
He was tired of having to stay inside the house half of the time. She wouldn't even step out there unless his owner was going to the store. He lived in a run-down house, but his owner was kind of rich. And of course, he lived in the attic. He looked around at the object that he had put in his own room, which were a small box, a blanket, a mirror to admire himself in, and a few other objects, plus more boxes. He heard his owner opening the door to go out to work. Breezy opened the window in his room, climbed through it, and just looked around.He climbed back in the house, shut the window, and layed on the blanket. He didn't want things to be the same all the time. So he made a promise. Change something every day.
He felt the floor rumble for a splitsecond, and then thought it was his imagination.
Breezy decided to go downstairs. Since his body was slim, he managed to had made a narrow tunnel from the living room to the attic. Breezy got down the tunnel, but the exit was blocked with black clothes. He grabbed the clothes that were mainly blocking it, and brang them to the attic. The items were this tuxedo and top hat, that were just his size. Breezy sighed. "It's that time of year again..."
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