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Rise of Team Neos



Shocking was right. I'm pretty much speechless right now. This was a powerful chapter that started off light enough but boy did it turn and FAST. Another awesome chapter even if it did make me sad...can't wait to see how the story goes from here.

You have officially made sure I won't sleep peacefully tonight. If I sleep at all.

That is all.

Scary chapter. >>

The Unthinkable is right ._.
I feel so sorry for Madison and Brian. A crime of immense passion there; his mind may have broken, but could Brian really be evil?

One thing in your dialogue got me thinking though...
Main/important secondary character death? I liked it! It always adds more depth to a story when a character dies.

I liked the drama in this chapter, and the way it switched from topic to topic. At first, it was going to be a search for Lugia, now it's going to be a hunt of revenge. :D
One word: Wow.

Obviously, Brian's demeanor is out for a huge transformation now. Madison certainly did give some laughs, but its actually kinda sad to see her go. Too bad Brian snapped. Things are probably going downhill from here, though.

Looks like he's in for a decline ... But we'll probably be enjoying every chapter of it, XD.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
As you all have probably figured out, this is the darkest thing I have ever written in my life. My playlist was being unusually cooperative too. During the final scene it played Mortify (Gundam 00), O Fortuna, Death Note Theme, and Devil Created (Code Geass) in that order at just the right time. I couldn't have planned that better myself. Now on to commentary!

[quote author=Tatile]
I feel so sorry for Madison and Brian. A crime of immense passion there; his mind may have broken, but could Brian really be evil?[/quote]
Maybe not so much evil as chaotically psychotic :D

I will probably have way too much fun writting his character now.

[quote author=Tatile]
One thing in your dialogue got me thinking though...

Thinking about what? I'm always interested in reader feedback.

[quote author=Moonlight-Zelda]Looks like he's in for a decline ... But we'll probably be enjoying every chapter of it, XD[/quote]

Hell yeah you will! Things are only going to get more interesting from here. There's a reason the next chapter will be called Decent Into Darkness.
Well, the previous chapter post the tournament defeat, wherein Brian meets with the head of Neos and the fatc that the symbol on the ship is somewhat unreadable, makes me wonder if this is a setup from Neos, rather than a mere random assualt - or what have you - of Team Rocket.
Incredibly well written with an eye to detail in all the right regards. I loved this, enough levity and exploration at the beginning, but then the momentary feeling of dread quickly overtaken by the craziness of true violence was an incredible twist at the end. Mr Psycho, please keep up the great work.!
Oh.....oh my....Oh my God.....

I finally sat down and read this, and dang, I'm glad I did. Hooked. Officially hooked.

For one, I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to it, but I did, and it's the thought that counts, right!? Right? : D : D *shot*

I laughed, I cringed, and nearly cried when those bastards killed Madison.

And I didn't cry during Harry Potter Seven.

And I love Harry Freaking Potter.

I demand more. Now. Please?

Just a little bit, really. Just a bit. Maybe a bit more Rocket murder? : D

In other words, I love this fiction. Everything about it. Pr. Himee is hilarious, Brain and Axel relationship is the best I've ever seen (human-Pokemon) and Madioson was ( D: ) cute in an irritating way.

Basically, your writing owns.
i never liked team rocket,but this time they went...to far...i am never going to forgive then.....never........i thank you for this episode,since i pretend on doing a fan fic myself and i know now where to start....*envelope itself in a thunder aura* this time,they are DEAD!!!

(i am going to keep seying how the history goes,but trust me,if i could,i would join team neo with you)

(the aura thunder part is comming from the case that my partner is a shiny lucario named lucalibur,since shiny lucario is yellow and he posses aura power,the thunder aura fits well)
I laughed, I cringed, and nearly cried when those bastards killed Madison.

I DID cry, but that mostly because my emotions are highly sensitive to things like that. Even I make me cry. The next chapter will most likely be shudder inducing; I can't see there being that mcuh funny for a while, unless we're talking black humour.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Dark humor is right. Just as an example, and I haven't decided if this will be next chapter or sometime later, Brian is going to start singing as he goes on a massacre.

As for your theory Tatile, it is an interesting insight to say the least. However, Strife isn't the type to sacrifice his pawns so early in the game for such a "trivial" cause. All he did that night was plant the seed that would lead Brian to notice corruption easier. Further details will be explained next chapter which should be up on Tuesday if I can get it done in the next three days.

[quote author:pheonix]Mr Psycho, please keep up the great work.![/quote]

[quote author=Cody *implodes*]Just a little bit, really. Just a bit. Maybe a bit more Rocket murder? : D[/quote]
Just you guys wait. >:D
For some reason, the singing thing reminds of an episode of Trigun, where Vash starts singing. He's not a mass-murderer though, despite his reputation.

Brian goes on a massacre? Now that will be an interesting thing to read.
Singing, while on a massacre of some living race? (It -could- be pokemon too >>)(But probably isn't)

Too much insanity, in that sentence X_X
*Brain overloads and promptly explodes*

Hell yeah you will! Things are only going to get more interesting from here. There's a reason the next chapter will be called Decent Into Darkness.

You mean Descent into Darkness. right? ._. I hope you do.

The other just makes no sense at all. (Well, kinda, but that's not the point)
Oh, and a few more things. I now reserve a permanent spot in my party on Platinum for a Cherrim as a tribute to Madison. Also, are Paul Shinji and his Torterra the ones from the cartoon? What happened to Madison's other Pokemon, like her Mantyke and Mime Jr.? Are they dead? Are they still alive in their Poke Balls? If they are still alive, what will Brian do with them? Will he keep them? Will he set them free? Will he give Madison a burial or not?
Oh my good God, just read the whole thing and I'm gobsmacked, you sir are a true chaotic genius, i love the way you're story just flows form one point to another, the relation between both Brian and Alex have, and if i was a More of emotional person, i know i would of cried when Madison died, i cant see how Brian go's to team Neo now, first with the broken law system and now the murder of an Innocent child, hell that would even tip me over the edge...
Shit, I am heartless. I really don't care that Madison's dead. Sure, I'll admit that I loved her character, but... *is clearly a heartless bitch* Oh well, I already knew that. And dispite the fact that I don't care... *picks up dagger and helps Brian with the hunting of the bastards*

Ahh funn... Dark humor is good too. Very. Good.

Wonder what Axel's gonna think of the transformation of his conpanion?
That... was... awesome... It sucks that Madison died. oh and i want to add on to AetherGlaceon's questions. Why is Axel's pokeball so beat up? Will Brian's dad going to jail come up later? And what about Eve, does she come back? I MUST KNOW! I need moar!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
AetherGlaceon, you are the first person to point out that Paul Shinji is a cameo of the anime character. As they gave him no last name that I'm aware of, I simply used his Japanese name. I always did like the Torterra/Infernape match up. Any and all other questions will be answered in this chapter and all up coming ones. So let's not distract me any more from this one ;)

Chapter 19: Descent Into Darkness

Axel and I spent the next hour prying open the melted Pokéballs of Madison's surviving Pokémon until our fingers were raw. When Fluffy, Ichi, Maki, Mimi, and Chuchu were all released, we gave them the tragic news. As expected, they were devastated at the loss of their trainer and fellow Pokémon. Ichi possibly took it the hardest as the Cherubi was the offspring of Cherrim.

"I am so sorry about what has happened here today. If there is anything Axel and I can do for you, let Axel know and he'll relay the information to me." I said supportively. I then turned to my gold companion, who was coved in blood just like I was, though not as much. He had a few splashes on his arms, and one each on his chest and face. Both of my hands were drenched with the life giving plasma, along with several splatters on my shirt and at least one I could feel on my face. From what he told me, the Houndoom were all dead. Axel had smashed one of the Dark Pokémon's head into a rock which shattered its skull and scrambled its brain, thus resulting in the blood on him. The other had its neck snapped.

"Axel, could you see if they need anything?" I requested. "I'm going down to the water to see if I can't clean myself up some."

"I know where you're coming from; even I'm considering taking a bath for once. Go. I've got things covered here." said Axel. I nodded in thanks as I moved away from the scene towards the beach. When I got down to the ocean, I waded into the salt water just over ankle deep and got on my knees. I began scrubbing my hands vigorously even using sand as soap hoping the small particles would be able to loosen the crimson stains.

Why did things have to go so wrong? I was only on my walk for ten minutes, but it only took ten seconds for everything to go straight to hell. Who knew that when she bid us farewell this morning that it would be for keeps? What further drove my guilt was what we had said yesterday. I told her in the Whirl Island cave that I'd protect her and she trusted me. But I failed. And I can't get the smell of blood off of my gloves! I punched my fist into the water in anger, impacting the sandy bottom.

"Brian?" I looked behind me at Axel who had come down to the water's edge. "You probably won't like this, but Madison's Pokémon all agree that they want to go back home to Madison's family. Her parents are breeders so none of them can be released into the wild as they were all born and raised in captivity and know nothing about surviving on their own." the Infernape passed on.

"Aw man. How can I face them?" I pondered sorrowfully. I sighed as I steeled myself for my inevitable fate. "Alright. I'll do it. Someone has to tell them what befell their daughter. I just hope I have five empty Pokéballs."

I returned to the defiled campsite and one by one recaptured Fluffy, Ichi, Maki, Mimi, and Chuchu in fresh Pokéballs. Actually, two Pokéballs, a Dive Ball, a Premiere Ball, and a Great Ball to be more precise. One after another the five Pokémon were transported to my PC as I already had six Pokémon on me. I then focused my attention on the grotesque remains that were once a cute sixteen-year-old and a Cherrim. "Do you know if we have two empty jars Axel?" I questioned.

"We'll need to check. What for?" inquired Axel.

"We can't leave Madison here all alone, but we also can't carry that around with us." I said briefly shifting my eyes to the corpse. "So, as horrible as it will be, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to finish what the Rockets started. Cremate her Axel. Cherrim too." I ordered mournfully. Axel was completely taken back by my request. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. I can't say I blame him, I hate myself for even coming up with such an appalling idea, but it has to be done.

"If I'm going to do this, then we also need to take out that blindfold we use for training." insisted the monkey bitterly.

I dumped out the contents of my backpack and began sifting though Item Ball after Item Ball looking for anything that could hold ashes. The blindfold was easy enough to find, as it was one of the few non spherical objects I carry. While Axel and I didn't find anything jar-like, we came across roughly ten empty water bottles. Makes sense, I'm a heavy drinker of water and I have nowhere to put empty bottles when on the road but back in my backpack.

"Ready?" I asked once Axel had his blindfold on.

"Just give the detestable order." Axel demanded.

"What are you talking about? It's just another day of training your senses incase you get blinded or the battlefield is dark." I said calmly hoping to make this easier on him. "The target is right in front of you. Use Flamethrower." The Infernape made an upset groan just before breathing a blazing tongue of fire at the remains. I quickly turned away with the horrified realization of the malignant command I had asked. The putrid stench of burning human flesh once again filled the air. I made a fist with my right hand and put it in the palm of my left to silently pay my respects to the dead in honor of the life Madison and Cherrim lived.

Even after Madison was nothing more than a pile of grey ash, that horrible odor lingered on. I tapped Axel's shoulder to let him know he was done for now. I walked over to Cherrim's body to separate it from the ashes so they wouldn't get mixed up. "Thirty degrees to your right." I commanded pathetically. The Flame Pokémon moved his body accordingly followed by another Flamethrower.

"That's enough!" I shouted when the Grass-type was reduced to another pile of ash. Axel removed the black cloth from his eyes to see what he had accomplished. Neither of us were proud of it. Now came the tricky part. I released Snorlax from his Ultra Ball for this very important mission. "Snorlax. I know I'm asking a lot, but can you try to Metronome Psychic to transfer those two piles of ash into the empty bottles while keeping them separate? If you can't do it, don't worry. I'll find another way." I begged.

The Sleeping Pokémon pulled himself to his feet with a very determined look on his face while making hand gestures. Snorlax's white face started to turn red from the intense concentration. Finally, Madison's pile began to rise in a spiral as if it were in a gust of wind. The ash trailed to one of the bottles and began filling it until the bottle was full. The stream continued moving down the line until all the ash was gone, filling a total of three bottles. While Snorlax transferred Cherrim's ashes into the fourth bottle, I sealed the others marking them each with an ‘M'. Cherrim only filled one bottle which I marked with a ‘C'.

"Thank you Snorlax. I know that that command was very taxing on your mind and body, but I am very grateful for what you did." I said appreciatively. After returning the rotund bear to his ball, I picked up the bottles to put away. "May you now rest in peace." I said to the bottles.

"I agree. Let's leave this place now." said Axel mournfully. I couldn't agree more.

"No, I haven't found the scouts yet." I heard a female voice yell. "I know they should have reported in an hour ago, but I am not entering that cave." I put my index finger to my mouth telling Axel to be quiet as we stealthfully moved closer. "Look, all I'm saying is that maybe they have tried to radio in but they don't get reception in the tunnels." I pressed my back up against a rock and looked around the corner. Talking over a radio was a woman about average height with shoulder length blond hair wearing knee high white boots, white gloves, a black miniskirt, a black beret, and a long-sleeved black shirt with that despicable red ‘R' on it.

The rage from this morning began to resurface at her sight. However, I did everything I could to suppress my bloodlust for now. First of all, I didn't want whoever was on the other side of that radio to hear me unless I wanted a whole army after me, and second, I wanted to hear this conversation. I might learn something. "For the last time, I am not going into that cave!" she shouted into the radio emphasizing every syllable. I turned my head and whispered something in Axel's ear. "Fine, I'll report back. Send someone else to find those scouts." She turned off her radio with an annoyed grunt. "Who the hell does that guy think he is ordering me around like that?" Now I would strike.

"Excuse me." I said walking around the rock into view. The woman jumped back in surprise. She quickly reached for a Pokéball, but I was smarter. I threw my hands up to show that I meant her no harm. Yet.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she interrogated warily, never moving her hand from the sphere.

"Easy. I only want to help you out." A lie, but I was putting on a pretty convincing performance. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I couldn't help but over hear your conversation. You're looking for your two friends, right?" Come on, take the bait bitch!

"Are you saying you've seen those two scouts?" she questioned suspiciously.

"Indeed." I answered. No came the fun part. "After all, I'm the one who killed them!" I confessed in a psychotic voice. A look of shock and terror appeared on the female Rocket's face. Exactly the look I wanted to see! "Now Axel!" I shouted. Axel jumped out from behind the Grunt in an ambush, landing a fully charged Focus Punch to her back before she could react. Our prey let out an agonizing scream of pain as she fell to the ground in prone position.

"Th- this can't be! I- I can't feel my legs!" she screamed with a mix of pain and panic.

"That's because Axel's attack broke your spine." I said calmly with an uncaring tone walking over to my victim.

"You bastards will pay for this!" the Rocket cried pulling out her radio. I stomped her hand as hard as I could, smashing both the radio and her fingers. She screamed in anguish again at the loss of her hand.

"If you want to live, you will answer my questions!" I demanded fiercely. The woman nodded miserably with tears falling down her face. "Good girl. Now, why is Team Rocket here? What were those two scouts looking for?"

"Th- They *sob* They were… *wheeze*" How irritating. I crouched down, flipped off the Rocket's beret, grabbed a handful of her dirty blond hair, lifted her off the ground, punched her in the stomach, and threw her back down on her broken back causing her to scream again.

"Answer dammit!" I yelled.

"LUGIA!" she cried before falling into tears. Amazing how tough Team Rocket acts, but when the tides turn they can be such pathetic cowards.

"That's why they were here? For Lugia? Is that why Madison had to die?" I ranted off. The woman simply sobbed and cried in response. "Alright, last question and I'll let you live. Where is your base? Where is Team Rocket hiding?"

"A ship…" she said in almost a whisper. That black ship I saw in the distance! The one that gave me such an ominous feeling! So that's where they are. "Please… you have to get me to a hospital. My body… it hurts…" she pleaded pitifully.

"I said I'd let you live. Whether or not you can survive with the use of only one arm is entirely up to you." I said coldly glaring down at her without remorse. Her brown eyes widened with grief realizing that while I wasn't going to kill her personally, I was leaving her to die a slow and painful death. She began screaming and begging me to help her. I ignored her as I walked away from my victim, motioning Axel to follow me. We travelled back to that dreaded place where the Rocket scouts remained.

"Why are we back here again?" Axel inquired grimly.

"Team Rocket is looking for their scouts. I say we give them what they want." I said graciously. "And then we make them pay for everything they've done! The lives they've ruined in the past will be avenged. The people they would have hurt in the future will be saved. And I get to have more fun!" I cheered with a gleeful malice.

"You're insane!" Axel shouted.

"I know! But the question is, are you with me or against me?" I asked hoping my friend and ally for so many years was still on my side.

"Bitch please. I already told you that it is my curse as a Pokémon to be eternally loyal to you. Besides, this is so that no one has to suffer again. I'm with ya Monkey!" the Infernape replied devotedly. I laughed triumphantly at his response.

"Excellent! Come forth Aerodactyl!" I shouted sending out my prehistoric Flying Pokémon. "We have a delivery to make. Would you be so kind as to carry myself and Axel to a nearby ship with that cargo in tow?" I asked pointing to the deceased enemy. The stony terror screeched his reply as he crouched to let Axel and I board. Once we were settled, Aerodactyl fluttered to the Rockets and picked them up in his claws before flying off the island.

I directed my Fossil Pokémon to the location I had seen the ship and what luck! There it was, sitting stationary just waiting to be ambushed. It was disguised as a black cargo ship, about thirty feet in length, but on the hull was the red ‘R' that gave it away as the world's enemy. Due to the sharp point the bow came to, the ‘R' was some what misshapen. It was really no wonder I didn't recognize the symbol from the distance and angle I saw it from the beach.

"Aerodactyl. When you drop off the delivery, let it touch down first, give the Rockets on board just enough time to acknowledge the bodies but not enough to react to us, then blow them away with Hyper Beam. A~and Go!" I instructed. The ancient beast opened his claws letting the corpses plummet to the ship below. No sooner had they touched down, a group of black dressed Rockets ran over to investigate.

"Now!" I shouted. Aerodactyl pulled his head back and blasted a powerful beam of yellowish orange energy when he thrust forward. Even though I wasn't the intended target, I could feel the heat from the attack from where I was and I had to grip Aerodactyl harder to brace myself from the recoil. The people below us looked up at the impending apocalypse heading their way. They didn't even get a chance to scream before their bodies were incinerated and the ship beneath their feet exploded. For maximum damage, the King of the Skies lifted his head from facing directly downward to almost looking forward sending the Hyper Beam in a straight path form the bow to the stern of the ship destroying everything in its wake.

I began laughing maniacally at the mindless destruction. I was forcibly silenced when the ship wasn't completely and utterly destroyed as I expected in addition to by the sight of more Rockets emerging on the deck to investigate the damage. The ship was more durable than I gave it credit for. To top it off, Aerodactyl won't be able to do another Hyper Beam, or even attack for that matter, for a few minutes. Not a problem.

I pulled out Snorlax's Ultra Ball again and released the heavyweight in midair. "Harden!" I yelled as the giant plunged from the sky, crashing into the ship below like a comet. Snorlax had landed on the Captain's driver seat room causing the windows to shatter and the steel to bend and snap like twigs. The entire boat violently rocked in the water from the impact. The Sleeping Pokémon rose from the resulting crater in a grumpy rage facing the stern of the ship. The Rocket's began readying their Pokémon at the sight of their foe.

"Eliminate them with Hyper Beam!" I commanded from Aerodactyl who had swooped in closer so that I could give commands. Snorlax inhaled followed by his own blast of the lethal energy attack. The enemies in front were consumed by the beam which resulted in another explosion on the ship starting a fire. However, the enemies behind Snorlax and on his flanks were still active and now had their Pokémon out, ready to take advantage of his recharge time. From my vantage point I saw a Nidoking, two Mightyena, a Dustox, three Golbat, a Raticate, a Gligar, two Weavile, an Ariados, and a Drapion. I quickly called back Snorlax and circled around to get some distance.

"Don't let that coward escape! Chase after him Golbat!" one of the Rockets ordered. Who said anything about escape?

"Use Iron Head to tear through the port side of the ship!" I commanded. "Be ready to jump Axel." Aerodactyl did as I told, stiffening his head until it shined a pale silver. With two seconds until impact, Axel and I got up, ready to dismount at the right second. As the prehistoric Pokémon tore through the side of the ship, we two monkeys jumped and landed on the boat while Aerodactyl tore through the other side with some unsuspecting victim in his mouth.

"You have some nerve attacking a Team Rocket vessel." threatened one of the criminals standing with the Nidoking. The Golbat that had been chasing us landed with its trainer as well. Axel and I stood back to back in a defensive position as we were now surrounded by the enemy. I could help but smirk. The worse the odds, the greater the fight or flight response. I then did the one thing they wouldn't expect; I charged them head on.

"You're plan will fail! We have you out numbered!" a Rocket shouted. "Slash him to ribbons Weavile!" he ordered. I felt the heat of Axel's flame as he flew past me surrounded by fire for Flare Blitz. Weavile shrieked as the fire monkey collided into it.

The Weavile's trainer grabbed me from behind wrapping his arm around my neck in an attempt to choke me. Lucky for me, I was both taller and stronger. I leaned forward flipping the criminal on his back. I repaid him for attacking me by kicking him in the face and stomping his groin. A cruel thing for one man to do to another, but I no longer view those who wear Team Rocket's uniform as human. They are nothing more than trash polluting this world. I dragged the unconscious -or dead, who could tell- Rocket into the fire created by the Hyper Beams and casually threw him in. Wait a second, how did I do that? I'm relatively strong, but lifting a human body and casually tossing it?

Now wasn't the time to reflect on that as I heard the furious roar of Nidoking. The Drill Pokémon came charging at me with his horn pointed low in an attempt to skewer me. I quickly drew Piloswine's Great Ball to summon the wooly boar. "Ice Beam!" I called rolling to the right just barely dodging the purple monster. As soon as the Swine Pokémon was fully materialized, he shot a wintry beam of condensed water vapor at the spiked bipedal rabbit. Nidoking roared in anguish as he was slowly frozen solid. With that, I unleashed Beldum onto the field. This would mark the first time I used the metallic blue arm shaped Pokémon in battle. I hope it performs well.

"Beldum! I want you to use Iron Defense, then shatter that Nidokng with Iron Head. Got it?" The Iron Ball Pokémon responded by shining with a fresh coat of metal followed by charging strait though the King of the Nidoran. "Long live the King!" I shouted smashing the Pokémon's severed head.

"Nidoking! Bastard! Look what you've done!" shouted the Pokémon's former trainer angrily.

"All I did was defend myself." I said indifferently. "You just need to chill. Ice Beam!" Another pale blue beam came from Piloswine's mouth freezing the Rocket as well. I walked over to the frozen statue and pushed it over causing it to shatter. "Oops." I said like a child who just broke his mother's vase. I casually walked away from the frozen shards to find what more trouble I could get into.

"There he is!" cried more Rockets charging at me. I took a fighting stance and quickly dealt with them with a mix of punches, kicks, and throws. I didn't kill them; in fact I even left them conscious. I had a better plan. Besides, the fires were starting to spread, and the deck was littered with warped or sharp metal shrapnel.

"Axel! Where are you?" I called stopping at the bow of the ship.

"Right here. Why?" the monkey asked running to me with an Ariados leg in his hand.

"It's time to end this." I told recalling Beldum and Piloswine to their respective spheres as both were weak against the spreading fire.

"Attention Team Rocket!" I announced. "As you have probably noticed, you can't beat me! My Pokémon and I have already killed a few of your members and Pokémon. Now I'm giving you a choice. Those of you who think you deserve to live step forward and stand in a straight line. Return all of your Pokémon to their Pokéballs and lay the balls in front of you. Do that and I may accept your surrender."

"Are you serious?" asked Axel in dismay.

"Just watch." I whispered to him. As I expected, all of the surviving members of Team Rocket gathered and stood side by side in a straight line.

"So you all think you deserve to live?" I asked them. Each one nodded nervously. At that moment my face turned grim. "So did Madison." I mumbled. An evil smirk appeared on my face. "Now all of you! Die!" I commanded sweeping my arm down the line. While the arm motion did nothing in particular to them, it was the signal to Aerodactyl, who was patiently hovering above, to launch another Hyper Beam. The revived carnivore cocked his head back before sending another burst of heated radiation right down the line. The Rockets screamed in agony before being completely destroyed by the blast and the resulting explosion.

"That's what you deserve you animal fucks!" I shouted victoriously.

"You are enjoying this way too much." Axel pointed out.

"I know. I'm so fucked up." I owned up shamelessly.

"If you are, then so am I. Just now I got a sadistic pleasure in holding another life form's existence in my hands. It's actually a kind of liberating feeling. Before when I fought, I always gave it my all, but I never crossed that fine line. Now it feels like I've been holding back." my companion described.

"Well don't let it go to your head. We only kill the guilty. Friendly battles will stay just that. We don't want to hurt innocent people or Pokémon. We'd be just like them if we did." I made clear. The boat then began to shake violently knocking me off balance. The sound of creaking metal could be heard. I guess the ship has finally had it. "Hehehe. Time to go Axel." I said raising my right arm in the air while embracing Axel in my left. Our transport dove down catching us in his claws. I tightly gripped Aerodactyl's ankle as we sped away from the exploding ship.

The middle of the boat caved in first sending the bow and stern into the air folding into eachother. The fires of the deck were gradually put out as the vessel sank. Axel and I climbed up on Aerodactyl's back so we could get a better view of it all. I had the ancient flier circle the crash sight for about ten minutes just incase any survivors surfaced. If there were any, I'd have Aerodactyl pluck them out of the water and tear out their throats with his serrated fangs. After ten minutes no one surfaced, and I doubt any survivors would be able to hold their breath this long after such a traumatic experience. Satisfied, I had Aerodactyl fly us to Cianwood for a much needed rest.

One week later after having chartered a boat from Cianwood, I arrived back in White City. Knowing what I had learned from last time, Strife Maxwell was a political who worked for the White City Committee which resides in the tallest building in the city. Axel and I wandered around the pristine and clean city until finding a tall, reflective glass paned building dominating the skyline. This was it!

I walked through the glass doors into a gigantic lobby. Lining the door were two potted plants, one on each side and each about human sized. The floor was white, smooth, and uncarpeted. In the middle of the room was a finely crafted marble fountain carved in the shape of a Suicune with its snout turned up as it sprayed a Water Gun to the sky before coming back down into the surrounding pool. People in suits walked to and fro going about their daily lives completely ignoring me. On the left and right sides of the room were a set of staircases, both covered in an expensive looking ruby carpet. Each staircase was adorned with a golden railing on either side and in the middle to give them both up and down capabilities. In the back of the room between the double staircases was a mahogany desk with someone sitting at it; most likely the secretary.

I waded my way through the crowd to the desk in order to greet the secretary, who was an older woman, possibly mid-forties, with tied back graying hair, a narrow wrinkled face, thick librarian style gasses, and a dress suit like everyone else. "Can I help you young man?" she asked in a shrill voice.

"Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Strife Maxwell. I'm the son of one of his friends, Nathan Xelbu. My name is Brian." I introduced making sure I covered all of my bases so I could get my business done as soon as possible. The secretary gave me an unconvinced look but picked up the phone on her desk anyway and dialed a number.

"Sorry to bother you Mr. Maxwell, but there is a young man here to see you. He says his name is Brian Xelbu." the woman said into the phone.

"That's not his name dumbass!" Axel corrected. I on the other hand, found it to be the perfect alias to protect both my reputation and my family from my new enemies.

"I understand. I'll send him right up." she acknowledged before hanging up the phone. "Mr. Maxwell will see you now. He is in room 376 on the eleventh floor. Elevators are right up those staircases." said the secretary pointing to the stairs behind her. "And this is your visitor's pass." she said giving me a sticker and a marker.

"Thank you." I said graciously. I quickly filled out my pass and made my way up the right staircase passing several workers on the way. The upper part of the first level had the same white floor as downstairs. Just like the building's entrance, healthy looking green human sized potted plants were on both sides of the four gold door elevators resulting in five plants total.

The first elevator to open was the second one from the left. Without hesitation Axel and I entered as everyone else got off. I guess it wouldn't make much sense to be going to the first floor if you weren't intending to exit. Two other people entered with us, a man in a shit brown suit and a woman in midnight blue dress clothes. I pushed eleven while the man pushed three and the woman pushed eight. Both gave us weird looks; first curious, then dirty and condescending. That is the very reason I hate rich people, they think they're better than the commoners, especially Pokémon trainers who have almost no money at all.

As the elevator went up, those two eventually left, but more got on. Each time they regarded me and Axel as diseased rodents and tried their best to keep their distances. Just you wait you rich bastards, I'm going to tear down the establishments so that your money is worthless!

At last floor eleven. I rudely pushed past the three smug humans who remained in the shaft just to give them something to talk about. The hallway was like a lounge area of sorts with blue carpeting and comfy looking sofas and chairs surrounding tables of various sizes where people were enjoying their lunch breaks and coffee. I ignored them as I made my way to the offices. 374… 375… Ah there's my prey, 376! I didn't bother knocking, Strife should already know I'm here, so I just opened the door and walked right in. I made sure to close the door behind me so that no one would easily overhear our conversation.

Strife sat in his black leather chair facing away from me, instead looking out the window which gave a scenic view of the entire west side of the City. The interior of the room was fancy as one would expect. The azure carpet from outside trailed in covering the floor. Strife's fine brown desk was covered with neatly stacked paperwork and office supplies. The white walls had awards and pictures on them that I really didn't give a damn about. There was only one thing I was here for.

"Brian Xelbu?" he greeted with interest placed on the name.

"I had nothing to do with that. It was the secretary's assumption." I defended. Strife turned around in his chair to face me. Like before, he was in a neatly pressed white suit with a sky blue dress shirt underneath. His brown hair was also neatly combed giving him a sofisticated and propper look.

"So what brings you here Brian? After our last meeting, I did not think I would see again, especially so soon. What has it been, two, maybe three weeks?" Strife played with his hands folded under his chin and his elbows resting on his desk.

"I won't drag this out Strife. I want in." I said straightforwardly. The politician chuckled lightly at my declaration.

"So what made you change your mind?" he inquired.

"I've been enlightened. I've finally seen the world for what it really is; corrupt, unjust, dangerous, and chaotic. A man gets charged with assault for defending his family and property from a burglar, an innocent child is burned alive because she's in the wrong place at the wrong time… I want it all to end! You said Team Neos is working to bring peace and order to the world so let me help." I ranted while Strife sat silently hearing me out. "In fact, let me make myself clearer." I got down to one knee and extended both my arms to my side. "I, Brian Nosurname, now known as Brian Xelbu, do hereby swear my loyalty to the ideals set out by Team Neos!" I decreed.

"Where would you like to be stationed?" asked Strife obviously accepting my proposal. He was, after all, the one who extended the first invitation.

"Anywhere in the world is fine, I'll gladly go where ever my services are needed." I answered. "Although, I want Team Rocket to suffer the most." I added maliciously. Without a word, Strife reached into his desk and pulled out a notepad. He scribbled something on it, ripped off the sheet, and handed it to me. I walked over to the desk to accept it.

"The Left Atrium is a bar in Goldenrod City. It is also one of Neos's recruitment facilities. Go up to the bartender and say you want a NEOpolitan with emphasis on the Neo. He'll show you to the back room." Strife instructed.

"Thanks." I said stuffing the paper into my pocket.

"I have a few words to share with you before you go." said Strife. "When someone refers to the Leader of Team Neos, they refer to Arthias. He goes by the code name Leader while serving as my stand in so that I may easier manipulate dealings with the bureaucrats and politicians. As of this moment you and Arthias are the only ones who know my true identity. Therefore do not say anything foolish."

"Got it." I answered. "By the way, I also have something I want to say. Before I realized how the world really was, I thought of Team Neos as nothing more than another criminal organization. If at any time I regret joining, I will kill you Strife Maxwell." I warned heatedly.

"Then I hope that we meet your expectations Brian." he said sounding unconvinced of my threat. It wasn't that he didn't believe me, it was more like he was confident I would fail if I tried. Always with that air of confidence and coolness. Never faltering once except that time with Arthias. Strife Maxwell is probably the most dangerous man on the planet. It's a good thing I'm on his side.

"Come on Axel." I said walking out the door.

"I'll be honest with you. I really don't like that man." stated the monkey once we were in the hallway.

"I can't say I'm too fond of him either, but if anyone can change the world, it's him. Not to mention at this very moment, Strife Maxwell is our new boss." I responded.

"Your new boss. The only human I take orders from is you." Axel retorted.

"Right." I affirmed. "Anyway, back to Johto then."

And by no more questions, I mean I won't be answering the ones already asked. Feel free to hit me up on any new ones you come up with after this chapter ;)
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... Yikes. I'd say that Brain is declining quickly, as is Axel now.

Like AetherGlaceon, now I need more, XD. Your newest chapter left a shroud, and one that needs to have a little bit of light. *Is now immensely curious*
Psycho, you're certainly good at setting up a world of hurt for your characters. Brian has gone compeletly off the deep end, with Axel following quite reluctantly I take it. He might still have morals, but he seems to be going ever further toward Chaotic Evil! or Chaotic Neutral, which is probably the more likely at the moment. (Good old D&D alignments, explaining everything and nothing.)

So, I'll give you the usual message of write more or you're dead ;)
I hope you know that message is seconded right? RIGHT?

Good. Now... I wonder what would happen if Brian and Eve met and as enemies. She said she was willing to kill right? Well, now so's Brian...

Destroying Rocket lives: *round of applause for Psycho* I never did like Rockets... they don't seem to have much of a purpose do they?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
If we're talking D&D alignments, then Brian's all over the spectrum given the situation.
Neutral Good when in everyday life like he was before.
Lawful Evil in that he only kills criminals.
Chaotic Neutral when killing said criminals.

[quote author=Aura]Destroying Rocket lives: *round of applause for Psycho* I never did like Rockets... they don't seem to have much of a purpose do they?[/quote]
They do serve a purpose: things to kill in order to level up! >:D

[quote author=Moonlight-Zelda]Your newest chapter left a shroud, and one that needs to have a little bit of light. *Is now immensely curious*[/quote]

Tell me what you want to know and perhaps I can enlighten you if it isn't too spoilerific.

[quote author=AetherGlaceon]GIVE ME MOAR! NAO![/quote]
Shoosh you! Creating awesomesause takes time! But thanks for the enthusiasm! :D
Oh jeez.

Nope, there's no new team, this is Psycho's creation.

'nyway, this fic is pretty freaking awesome. I actually laughed at

I casually walked away from the frozen shards to find what more trouble I could get into.

Which is kind of whacked up, I think, me laughing at it xD
You're an awesome writer as I actually found myself cringing at points.... anyway.... I can't wait for more ^^
Mhmm, quite the writing y'have there, lad. At the battle on the ship, when he took it down, I whooped in excitment! But then I realised I was at work...*felt eyes staring into his soul*

Anyways, your story made me enjoy the apittiser, but dying to get to the main course. (in other words, I loved it and wanting more)
This story just gets better and better! :D *claps for Psycho*
"Just watch." I whispered to him. As I expected, all of the surviving members of Team Rocket gathered and stood side by side in a straight line. "So you all think you deserve to live?" I asked them. Each one nodded nervously. At that moment my face turned grim. "So did Madison." I mumbled. An evil smirk appeared on my face. "Now all of you! Die!"
xD I loved this part so much. Team Rockets are nitwits. They really don't deserve to live, now do they.

Brian's going to end up with a dark heart at this rate >:D
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Don't crush my hopes, Aether. If I want to hope that Brian'll end up with nothing with murder on his mind, then I WILL. Comprende?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I do hereby declare this my Deoxys post. Not because the DNA Pokemon is involved, simply because this is my 386th post ;D

Chapter 20: Point of No Return

It took awhile to find -due to the size of Goldenrod City and my own directional impairedness- but I finally found the bar known as the Left Atrium. It was a rather simple design; rectangular, peeling white paint on the outside revealing the wooden walls beneath, and a beaten wooden door leading inside the bar itself. On the roof were the words "Left Atrium" shining in red neon lights written in a fancy cursive font. On the left side of the name was an Ace of Hearts card, also made out of red neon lights. Just what could be expected from this kind of place.

Unlike the rest of the city which had a golden glow in the afternoon sun, the area I was in was dirty and full of broken buildings and boarded up houses. According to the people of Goldenrod, this dingy district was considered a bad neighborhood where only the scoundrel of humanity resided. The main hangout spot for these vermin was none other than the Left Atrium. It was ironically fitting that this was also the very recruitment center of the organization that would clean up this filth.

"Ready Axel?" I asked my companion. "Once we walk through that door, it's over. There will be no going back."

"There was no going back the moment you killed those people. I say we do what we came here for and finish what we started." declared the monkey. I could only smile at his determination. I reached out for the bar door and entered.

The inside wasn't much better than the outside. First of all, I started coughing from how much cigarette smoke there was in the air. I grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted it over my nose and mouth to keep from breathing that crap, but that did nothing to keep my eyes from watering. I felt bad for Axel who had no protection from the carcinogen. Aside from the foul stench in the air, the lights were dimmed giving it a more dreary look. To the far right were a number of booths and tables, some occupied, with a yellow tinted window by each. In the middle of the floor were about six pool tables with various thugs playing at all but one table. In the back left corner was a dart board with about three darts in it, none on the bulls eye. What I wanted was on the far left side, the bar itself. All I had to do was ask for a Neapolitan with emphasis on the Neo. The idea was to get in without any trouble, but based on the looks I was getting from everyone here, I could already tell that was going to be difficult.

"Hey there little boy." said a soon to be dead man. He was a shirtless bald fat bastard wearing a simple black leather vest letting all his girth hang over his blue jeans. A tattoo of a Gyarados ran up his right arm. "That's a mighty nice Infernape you have there. Hand it over!" he ordered.

"Go fuck yourself tubby!" Axel spat. I pulled my face out of my shirt to make speaking easier.

"Sorry, but it doesn't look like he's interested in going with you and I'm not really the type to give into intimidation." I said nonchalantly with a hint of snark.

"Are you making fun of my friend here?" asked a skinny guy with buck teeth and a purple mohawk. Judging by how alike the two men were dressed, I'd say they were both part of the same gang. Tubby must eat all the food leaving Slim hardly any.

"What ever gave me away?" I asked carelessly. Both hooligans gave me angered looks. "Listen, I have better things to do than deal with you unevolved monkeys, so get out of my way and no one gets hurt. Kay?" I proposed pushing past the two thugs.

"Hey! I'm not down with you yet!" shouted Tubby grabbing my shoulder.

"I got the Infernape!" Slim said proudly. My eyes widened with my pupils narrowing. They had their chance to live.

"Flare Blitz!" I called to Axel. I heard Slim cry in pain as Axel surrounded his body in fire, then most likely tackled the fool. I reached my arms behind my head and grabbed Tubby's arm. I then pulled him as I leaned forward flipping the fat bastard over me with some effort. I stood over him glaring.

"Wh- wh- what's with your eyes?" he stammered in fear.

"These are the eyes of a killer." I said coldly. "Perish, now." I ordered placing my foot on his head. Slowly I pressed down, savoring Tubby's every scream.

"That's enough!" shouted the bartender. I looked over my shoulder at the man in a white T-shirt and black apron with buzz cut brown hair and a stubble beard and mustache.

"You're lucky I have better things to do than waste my time on you." I said lifting my foot off the man's head. "Axel!" I called.

"Oh fine." Axel said disappointedly as he dropped the now hairless Slim. I took a seat at the bar with Axel standing on my right. No one else in the bar dared mess with us after the stunt we just pulled.

"Hey bartender! Can I get a NEOpolatin?" I asked.

"What did you just say?" he asked warily.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me. NEOpolatin." I repeated boldly. The bartender shifted his eyes right and left before looking back at me and nodding.

"Could you watch the bar Jack?" the bartender asked another guy who was wiping down glasses up until now. "Follow me." he said to me quietly. As soon as he left the bar, the guy led us down a narrow hallway.

"So who'd you hear that from?" he inquired suddenly.

"What?" I asked not completely sure what he meant.

"The password. There is no way you just knew, so who told you?" I couldn't exactly tell him the truth, I swore myself to secrecy. Actually, I could tell the truth and lie at the same time.

"I heard it from Leader himself." I said. Strife may be the real leader, but they all will think I'm talking about his stand in Arthias.

"Shit! Leader!? As in…" he said starting to shake his hand over his head.

"Leader as in the head of Team Neos." I bragged. The bartender started spazzing as if he was about to die. He was acting like I was some sort of prince or other type of royalty.

"Shit. You must be somethin' then for Leader to recommend you. Those guys out there really had no idea who they were messin' with did they?"

"Well I don't like to brag, but I came in second at the Sinnoh Conference. Now, there's a reason I'm here." I reminded sternly.

"Ah! Right, right! Sorry!" he said walking forward once more until we got to a door. He began fumbling with a set of keys he pulled from his apron. When he found the one he wanted, he unlocked the door and led me and Axel into a dark room. After flipping a switch on the wall by the door, the bartender knelt down and lifted up a secret hatch on the floor revealing a set of stairs.

"Take these stairs and you and your Infernape will find yourselves in Team Neos's recruitment branch of Goldenrod. Normally I wish people luck, but someone like you probably doesn't need it. Hell, I'm willing to bet you're made a seated officer if not lieutenant." he kissed up.

"Thank you." I said walking down with Axel close behind. I wonder what will have to be done for me to become an official member. Maybe all I have to do is say Leader told me about this place and they'll just give me a position. Hm. Wishful thinking.

At the bottom of the stairs was a room full of people conversating about whatever. Were we waiting for something to happen or was this it? I walked through the crowd interacting with no one, but observing and listening to everything so that I could piece together what was going on. As I passed through, I realized the diversity Team Neos represented. People no better than the ones upstairs were here, along with teenagers and adult alike. Some people were still dressed in their work clothes having just come from their jobs. Why were they here? Did they have the same goals as I did? As Strife does? Or are they here just because? For the crime? For the money?

"This should be interesting Axel." I stated continuing to look around. Out of nowhere a pair of hand came around my face covering my eyes.

"Guess who." a female voice said sweetly. The voice was so familiar, I know I know it, but from where?

"Evil bitch." Axel mumbled unkindly.

"Eve Illuminati." I said pulling her arms away from me and turning around. Indeed it was her. Long white blond hair, piercing emerald eyes, black gothic lolita dress, black platform boots going up to her knees and everything. "Why am I not surprised to see you here?" I asked condescendingly.

"Why am I surprised to see you?" she asked. "This is no place for children." I was hoping I'd see Eve again so I could pay her back for before, but this was way too soon.

"I'm here to change the world." I answered deciding not to let her get to me. "What are your reasons?"

"For fun." Eve responded with a crude gratification. I should have known. She isn't the type to change her behavior on or off the battlefield. Speaking of battlefields…

"Tell me, who won the White City Tournament?" I inquired. Eve looked away from me with a mopy look on her face. Obviously not her.

"It was so stupid!" she shouted in aggravation. Obviously a humiliating loss. "Raiden Arka beat me in the final round." I had stopped listening right there. Raiden Arka had been in that tournament? How the hell did I miss him? It should have been me fighting him! The first trainer I ever battled. The first trainer I ever lost to. The first and only trainer to grant me my ideology on training Pokémon.

July 10, 2003
"I challenge you to a battle!" I said to an older trainer on Route 1. The man had long black hair tied in a ponytail with several strands hanging down the side of his face ending at his cheek bones. His eyelids hung over his dark eyes giving him a sense of aloofness. He wore black jeans which were torn at the knees, yellow boots, and a blue denim jacket over a sleeveless navy blue shirt. I was so excited! This was the first trainer I had met since I captured Axel just two days ago.

"Do you honestly think you can beat me?" he questioned uncaringly.

"Of course I can! And don't think you can back out either! Once a trainer makes a challenge, you must accept!" I said arrogantly. "Let's go Axel!" I called throwing a red and white sphere. The Pokéball opened materializing the golden Chimchar in a burst of red light.

"A Chimchar. One of an interesting color no less." he said before sighing. "So young, so brash. Fine. I accept your challenge. You will not win, but I will at least give you some advantage with Magneton." said the trainer holding out a blue Pokéball with red stripes on either side. I believe it is called a Great Ball. From it emerged a Pokémon made of three silver steel orbs held together by about seven screws with a vacant white eye on each orb. The Pokémon was surrounded by six magnets.

"Alright Axel! Let's get this guy with Ember!" I called. The young monkey inhaled deeply but was only able to burp out a puff of smoke. Axel giggled in embarrassment.

"He cannot use even the simplest Ember?" he questioned with an unamused look.

"We're working on that!" I defended. "So let's try Scratch instead!" I commanded. Axel ran at the Magnet Pokémon and swiped his claws across the opponent's smooth shiny body. The young Pokémon gave out a muffled wail of pain as he gripped the hand he had attacked with in his other.

"A Steel-type like Magneton is resistant to such weak attacks as Scratch. If anything, your Chimchar hurt himself in the same way a human would scratching the side of a building. How weak." scoffed the other trainer. Axel got an angry look in his eye and before I could stop him, the Chimp Pokémon reached under his tail and threw a pile of flaming poo at the trainer. Lucky for him, his Magneton was fast enough and willing to take the hit instead. "What… was… that?" he asked completely perplexed.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized. "Axel! Enough with the flaming poo! It's rude and just… just no! Don't do it again, got it?" I scolded. The Chimchar gave me a dirty look in response.

"No need to be so harsh on him. I'll punish your Chimchar for you. Magneton! Thunder Wave!" the trainer ordered. Magneton had shaken off the poo leaving an unpleasant brown stain on the Magnet Pokémon where it had hit. All three eyes stared at Axel furiously as the entire body began sparking. Axel squealed nervously as he slowly started backing away with a scared expression on his face. Magneton discharged its electricity on the young monkey casing him to first scream then quiver uncontrollably from paralysis.

"And finish it with… Tackle." he said picking the move seemingly at random. Magneton threw itself into the immobile Chimp Pokémon sending him rolling across the ground before stopping with his butt up in the air. The flame on the Chimchar's rear extinguished itself as a sure sign he was fainted. I was left with my mouth agape completely taken off guard by the situation. How easily I had lost.

"No… No way! What power! You are way too good for me." I said in admiration.

"That is because you are a low class trainer. You just picked up a Pokémon with out knowing what to do with it while I am Gym Leader level. I was just on my way to Viridian Gym to prove that Electric-type Pokémon can beat Ground-types when given the proper training." explained the other trainer after recalling his Magneton.

"A Pokémon is only as strong as its trainer, and you are weak. You rush into things and you do not have complete control over your Pokémon or else he would not have thrown feces at my Magneton. You, the trainer, must first become stronger before you can expect anything from your Pokémon. You must lead by example. Also," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a white crystal "it is very irresponsible to walk around with your Pokémon fainted if you can help it, so take this Revive and use it on your Chimchar. Now, I hope you learned something today. I must be off now."

"Wait! What is your name? I wanna know so that when I do get stronger I can beat you." I spoke up. The man turned back to me with a blank look.

"It's rude to ask someone else there name before giving your own." he said flatly.

"Sorry. I'm Brian Nosurname." I said.

"Raiden Arka." he responded before walking away again.

I never forgot what Raiden said that day. Ever since, I have trained alongside my Pokémon including my frequent sparring matches with Axel just to make sure that I am also at the top of my game. Unfortunately, that training wasn't enough. Three years ago I ran into Raiden again in Hoenn by chance. We had another battle but I still lost. He beat two of my Pokémon with his Manectric before I beat it, he beat another two with Magneton until I was able to take it down as well, but his Raichu finished me off. He said my problem then was that I had realized I was going to lose but kept going anyway. Losing faith in my Pokémon's ability to win is what cost me.

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" Eve yelled bringing me back to the present.

"Yeah, I heard you. You got your pretty little ass handed to you by the most powerful trainer either of us have ever met." I repeated.

"And he's the one that recruited me." she added. I think I just swallowed my tongue and had a heart attack. Raiden was also with Team Neos? How many other people do I know are with this organization?

"Alright, quiet down all of you!" shouted a man standing on a stage wearing the Team Neos uniform; grey mid-shin high boots, hakama pants, gloves, and a hooded long sleeved shirt, the emblem of a silver X with red dots in the upper cross, grey dots in the lower cross and blue dots between the two crosses was on the chest. Standing with him were three other members, two on his right and one on his left. "As of this moment you maggots are members of Team Neos. To determine your rank we will hold a number of tests from Pokémon battling to situational logic. If you want a respectable rank, I advise you to well." he blared from his high point.

"I am not wearing that outfit." Eve said defiantly.

"Then work on getting an advanced rank. Higher ups are usually allowed to customize their uniforms." I taunted.

"There's no doubt I'll get a high rank. Most likely higher than you. And then you can be my wittle gwunt servant." she mocked with her baby talk.

"Just know that if we ever meet in battle again, I will rape you." I threatened.

"Oh please don't! I'm still a virgin!" begged Eve crossing her legs. She decided to drop the act by laughing me off with a snide giggle. "Remember? You even admit it yourself, you can't beat me. That is an unchangeable fact."

"Just be glad we're on the same side now." I warned.

"Stupid woman. She has no idea what we're capable of now." Axel said. I wonder though, what would she be like if I actually got her to fight seriously? My Pokémon would need to be ready to fight for their lives if I did.

The training really wasn't all that bad. The way it worked was the better you did in one round, the tougher the next round would be. Our four instructors would give us different scenarios and hypothetical missions, whereas we trainees had to find ways to complete those missions successfully by any means necessary. What made these tricky were random hurdles and unexpected incidents that threw off the original plan forcing us to adapt. Those who passed with all requirements met were sent to the next level. Those who failed were demoted.

Another thing they looked at was our skills in battle. Obviously those who were strongest and smartest outclassed the weaker crowd. Combining these two attributes, combat and success rate, would be what would determine our rank.

Low Class Grunts: Any trainer who just picks up a Pokémon and thinks they have power now. A lot like what Raiden said about me all those years ago. They are only a threat to people without Pokémon, new trainers, and wild Pokémon. Low class grunts are given the most basic and unimportant missions.

Grunt: Trainer level. They are like the average trainer, they have a team of about three or more Pokémon, and they can hold there own in most battles. Grunts are given missions where failure is only a minor set back and success leads to great rewards. This is the most common rank among the Neos.

Officer: Gym Leader level. Officers are as strong as a Gym Leader or someone who has beaten all eight leaders of any region. They are highly unlikely to lose except to higher ranked individuals and are given more important missions such as interfering with the major criminal organizations of the world. The two trainers I fought on the boat that one time were officers.

Seated Officer: Frontier Brain Level. A step above regular officers, seated officers are given a numerical rank to determine status. Ten is only slightly better than a regular while one is the strongest. Seated officers have missions similar to officers, only they are to derail the more important plans of the enemy Teams. A seated officer would have been needed for the Lugia incident on the Whirl Island had they known about it.

Lieutenant: Elite Trainer level. The highest obtainable rank. Like elite trainers who have mastered all thirty two Gyms, beaten at least one Battle Frontier, and regularly participates in tournaments worldwide, lieutenants are nearly unstoppable unless faced with someone of equal or greater power, though this is rare. They are given missions that are crucial to Team Neos's plans and are treated with the utmost care. Failure is not an option.

Captain: Elite Four Level. The two most powerful members of Team Neos, this rank cannot be obtained without first being appointed by Leader. Their missions consist of only the most important. If there is any room for failure by a lower ranked member, the mission is given to a captain. Arthias is ranked head Captain making him the third, though for Strife's purposes Arthias assumes the role of leader.

These ranks of course only apply to the main division. I don't know how accurate the rumors I've heard are, but supposedly there is also a Stealth Division. They serve as spies and do more black-ops type missions. There is also the Science Department which Xelbu was apart of, but that has nothing to do with me.

"If you are ever in a situation where the mission has crumbled and the only way to get out alive is to abandon your Pokémon, what do you do?" asked one of the instructors. Today was day four of our training.

"That's easy. Leave it! When it comes to survival, you must always look out for number one." answered a random person I couldn't see from my position in the crowd.

"You're wrong!" I interrupted. "Abandoning your Pokémon is the stupidest thing you can do in that kind of situation. I'll give you two scenarios to prove you wrong. In the first one, you abandon your Pokémon but get captured by the enemy. You now no longer have any means to defend yourself against them and their Pokémon leaving you with two options: surrender or die. If it were me who caught you, I'd execute you on the spot without mercy. The second case is you get out safely, but the rest of your Pokémon no longer trust you. They've seen that they are disposable to you, and like how you abandoned the other Pokémon, they too will abandon you to survive. It would be the same case if you were a grunt and saw your commanding officer leave a fellow grunt to die. You would do what ever it took to get away from him before you are next. That is why I would do whatever I could to save my Pokémon or die trying because I know they'd do the same for me." I explained.

"Well said." came a voice that did not belong to any of the instructors. Arriving down the stairs from the bar was none other than Raiden Arka wearing a Team Neos uniform with the hood down so that we could clearly see his face.

"Third Seat Raiden Arka! Sir!" the four instructors acknowledged simultaneously as they saluted Raiden. Third seat huh? As expected, he is very far up there in rank. I didn't expect to see him here though.

"Brian is absolutely correct." Raiden agreed. He even remembered who I was. There is a reason I have an undying respect for that man. "A Pokémon is only as good as its trainer. In combat a trainer acts as a general to his troops, the Pokémon. If the general is weak, he can expect nothing from his subordinates. At the same time, a general is at the mercy of his troops, without them he cannot accomplish his goals. Therefore a symbiosis must be met where the two work together." Raiden clarified. "I want all of you to remember that!" he addressed to all of us.

"He's a pimp." said Axel in admiration.

"He is." I agreed. So badly I wanted to battle Raiden right now just to see how much I've improved. However, this was not the time or the place. I'll challenge him after today's seminar. Hopefully my Pokémon and I won't be too worn out.

Riolu thrust his palm forward sending a burst of aura through my opponent's Sudowodo's body. The tree look-a-like gave a weak yelp before collapsing unconscious making Riolu and me the winners.

"Alright Rio!" I cheered as I crouched down to high-five the young Emanation Pokémon. Riolu gave me a gratified smile as he slapped my hand.

I took a quick look at my Poketch which read 7:51p. Only nine minutes remained of this exercise. Our final test of the day was combat practice. We could challenge any other new recruit of our choosing and there was no backing down from a challenge. A lot of the people that challenged me would be Grunts at best. The sad part was that Eve and I were two of the best people here leaving not much decent competition. It's a shame we aren't allowed to challenge the instructors or Raiden.

"Hey you!" someone yelled out to me in a deep gravelly voice. This challenger had a jowled face like a Granbull's with small narrow eyes and short silver hair.

"Let me guess, you want a battle." I said uninterestedly.

"I wanna get you back for making me look like an ass in front of the superiors!" he shouted. I had no idea what he was talking about. I turned my head slightly to the side to try and remember who all I had humiliated today.

"Oh, you wouldn't happen to be the clown that was going to abandon his Pokémon are you?" I realized.

"Yer damn right I am! Now it's yer turn to be humiliated!" he bellowed grabbing a ball from his waste and releasing a human sized green mantis with long bladed arms and a reptilian like head.

"Can I fight this one?" asked Axel like he wanted a treat.

"Alright, Scyther is yours." I agreed. "Hit it with Flame Wheel!" Axel's fiery mane grew intense as he jumped in the air and spun at the unfortunate Bug-type.

"Avoid with Agility!" my adversary ordered. Scyther turned into a green blur dodging right of Axel's attack. "Now I'll use Straptor!" he said sending out a tall bird covered in black, grey, and white feathers with a long head crest tipped with red feathers. The bird Pokémon stood on powerful orange talons that could tear its prey to ribbons.

"Two against one isn't exactly fair, ya know?" I said looking back and forth between Scyther and Staraptor. "So I'll just have to use-"

"Staraptor! Use Brave Bird on the Infernpe! Scyther! Quick Attack the trainer!" barked the trainer. What did he just say!? Staraptor slammed itself into Axel's chest knocking the monkey as far away from me as possible with the Mantis Pokémon lunged at me at a blinding speed. Before I could react, I was thrown to the ground with Scyther looming over me.

"Brian!" Axel cried trying to get to me.

"Keep the Infernape busy with Close Combat!" ordered the Granbull face. The Predator Pokémon started rapidly kicking and slashing at Axel with its enormous talons forcing the monkey on the defensive. "Now Scyther! Finish the trainer with Slash!"

Time seemed to slow down as Scyther lifted one of its lethal blades over my head. I couldn't dodge, Scyther was way too fast, it would hit me no matter what direction I moved. I couldn't summon another on of my Pokémon, it would take too long for them to protect me. There was only one thing I could do, and that was to protect myself! I instinctively threw my right hand into the air actually catching the Mantis Pokémon's blade in a firm grip. I winced in pain as I felt the blade cut into my palm. Blood ran from my palm down my arm before trailing off to drip on the floor.

"Impossible! Scyther's blade should have cut your hand off!" my opponent cried in shock. I gazed up at the man with a feral look in my eyes. He stepped back in fear at my commanding presence. I picked myself up, throwing Scyther aside when I had regained my balance. I stared down at my wounded hand, blood still trickling from the gash in my glove. To my alarm, I noticed that my finger nails had suddenly grown into claws and there was a faint blue glow around my hand. "What the hell are you!?" demanded the terrified man.

"I'm beginning to wonder that myself." I answered in confusion looking back at him. The glow around my hand faded away while my nails returned to their normal length.

"Whatever you are, yer dead! Scyther! X-Scissor! Staraptor! Aerial Ace!" he ordered. I reached for Piloswine's and Aerodactyl's Pokéballs for assistance, but they were unnecessary as two bolts of blue lightning shocked the two Flying-types into fainting. Raiden walked up with a Jolteon by his side and a very unamused look on his face.

"Like I said before, a trainer is like a general and the Pokémon his troops. Taking out the general will leave the troops in disarray making victory impossible for them and inevitable for you. It is a smart strategy when facing your enemies. However, taking out one of your own comrades is greatly frowned upon and is also a way to develop mistrust among the ranks. Much like abandoning your Pokémon." Raiden reprimanded. "As for you Brian; great job parrying that Scyther's attack. Perhaps you have gotten stronger."

"Thank you sir!" I thanked appreciatively of the complement.

After getting my hand bandaged up, I joined the rest of the recruits for rank and squad assignment. The four instructors stood on the stage with two on each side of Raiden.

"Well maggots, you are all being promoted tonight! Your rank has be determined by the tests you each performed these last four days! If you do not like your rank, you have only yourself to blame and only you can change that!" one of the instructors blared. "First, I would like to inform you all that as of now you each serve under Third Seat Raiden Arka! That won't change until you become seated officers yourselves! That said, Raiden Arka has hand picked four of you to be his personal officers and as such his squad members! Will Eve Illuminati, Zack Kaguya, Chane Turk, and Brian Xelbu report to the stage?"

Did I hear that right? Raiden hand picked me to be in his personal squad along with Eve? This is both an honor and a WTF moment. "Get moving Psycho Monkey, we're up!" Axel told as he pushed me up to the stage.

"Let's do this!" I declared with excitement. I would be in a squad with someone I admire, someone I have a loathing respect for, and two people I know nothing about other than they must have impressed Raiden somehow.

On the stage standing by Raiden's side were Eve, a petit girl with wavy auburn hair and brown eyes with a timid expression on her face, and a boy with unkempt red hair with blue eyes hidden behind glasses. This one had a look of confidence to him.

"Wow. Little baby Brian made it all the way to the big leagues. I'm so impressed." Eve teased sarcastically. "And since when is your name Xelbu? I thought it was-"

"I changed it to protect my family." I interrupted. "You and Raiden are the only ones here who know my true name."

"Well whatever your name is, I'm Zack Kaguya." introduced the boy holding out his hand. I gladly accepted my new partner's hand shake.

"A-and I-I'm Chane Turk." the girl introduced shyly. It made no sense to me why someone as shy as Chane was here. Team Neos doesn't seem like the line of work someone like her would be cut out for, but she must have her reasons. Either that or she's just nervous.

"I'm Brian Xelbu and this is my life partner Axel." I introduced formally motioning myself then the Infernape.

"When he says ‘life partner' he means it. Don't you ladies come sniffing around my man." the deranged monkey said defensively. It's times like this that I'm glad I'm the only one who can understand him.

"Shall we be off then?" Raiden inquired leading us to the exit.

"We shalst!" I answered following my new leader with the rest of my companions. I took one last look at my bandaged hand. There was definitely something going on with me that I needed an answer to. For now though, I'll just have Axel keep an eye on me until I get a chance to find out what's happening. For now, I'll enjoy the company of my new squad. This will be where the fun truly begins!

For the record Chane uses a Japanese pronunciation so it would be said Cha-nay. Don't any of you dare ask about what's going on with Brian, that will be answered next chapter. Though I'm sure most of you figured it out anyway ;)
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you do not have complete control over your Pokémon or else he would not
have thrown feces at my Magneton

This is why I love your fic xD

I can't wait to see where this is going now that there's a little team formed, it should be interesting. Can't wait for more :)
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Lolz, this chapter was epic win. Eve may be arrogant, but she is funny at times. I can certainly imagine more than one catfight between her and Brain. ;)

Like Cody *implodes*, I can't wait for more. ^_^
D'aww! Axel and Brian are so close XD

Very interesting look into how Neos works in regards to what it expects from its members; as far as I can recall, members of other teams have a tendency to blame failure on their Pokemon (when they can't beat a ten year-old) rather htan their own ineptitude - well, the grunts at least.

I think I can imagine why Chane is so high ranked, she might actually be compeletly psychotic (or perhaps subject to a perverse form of MPD). I can also take a myriad of guesses at Brian's condition, but I'm sure your explination will be most fun :D
Raiden Arka, eh? I wonder how much Brian and Axel'll be able to get away with without stepping out of line xD. I dub this Chapter to be one of my favorites :D

I needest MORE.