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The sudden gust from Sonic's wings caught Rusty by surprise, and the umbrella flew out of his hands. He rushed back over to pick it up, and looked back at Zana. He had a face of sincerest worry. He couldn't do anything to help her. Zana would not allow it...
Noble walked over to Rusty and summoned another arm for him, attached it and then looked at him dead in the eyes. "Just be there, she hasn't had any friends, basically a emo kid, always got teased, bullied, hurt in every way possible". He said through telepathy before turning and walking away.

Zana looked down at her arm, the scar was still there. "He betrayed me....shen I needed him the most..." She mumbled as tears streamed down her face.
Noble had somehow summoned another prosthetic arm for Rusty, and had attached it for him. He said something to Rusty through telepathy. He looked back at Zana, feeling really bad now. "I wish I could have been there..." He whispered. A tear rolled down his face. "...to save you."
Zana stopped and winced. She slowly looked down and saw that she has stepped in a deer trap, and it was clamped right on her. (That actually happend to me yesterday, my ankle broke...). Zana let of a scream if pain as she fel to the ground, twisting her foot. "Nine!!!" Noble exclaimed as he used flamethrower on the trap, but it absorbed the attack and made Zana cry even more.

(Drama time!!!! XD)
Diamond ran to look for the other two trainers. He couldn't find them. He looked off in the distance to see Traps all around. There were Deerling traps, Ursuring traps, and others. In a second he saw Zana walking in the direction of a Trap. In panic Diamond yelled. "ZANA STOP!" He yelled. She kept going. She stepped into the Trap and fell down. "Oh NO." Diamond said. Diamond slid down the hill and into the bus grabbing the First Aid Kit. He rushed to Zana but stopped. He saw Rusty.

He ran over to him. "Rusty you need to Help Zana!" Diamond said handing him the First Aid Kit. "She is in a Deerling Trap and she needs help!" Diamond continued. He poited over to where she was. "You're a way closer friend to Zana than I am. I feel like you should help her." Diamond Finished.
It happened to fast for Omega. He ran down to Zana and looked at torn." Help her quick fury cutter now!" He shouted and the gligar pounced next to the trap and began hacking at it." Hurry up that looks painful." Omega exclaimed as the trap broke and torn jumped in front of Zana to protect her from the metal flying everywhere.
Zana cried and held her scar "Whyyyy?!" She scream and looked down at the scar....it was glowing a crimson red. as if instantly, all her wounds healed. "..." Zana was speechless, she slowly took of the bandages, but then, Zana closed her eyes and screamed, it was her scar...it seemed to be growing more closer to her fingertips.
Omega watched and grabbed something out of his pocket. He pushed at her scar and a blinding light shot into the air." No one else shall know of what I just did." He looked at everyone." Zana should recover but I can't heal her ankle." He put the thing In his pocket and went to help Zana up.
(Hey OZZIE! I got a question for Omega! Is he gonna be 'lover boy' again?! :3)

Zana groaned as she was lifted up from the ground. "O-Ow...." she moaned and opened her eyes. 'who is this?' Zana thought and slowly turned her head to look up at the boy. "O-Omega..." She whispered as tears ran down her face.
Omega was startled then gained his composure." Yes it's me. How are you?" He smiled and looked at torn." Great job buddy." He rubbed torn's head and gave him a pokepuff." Can I come to the safari zone with you guys? I only ever went to the one back home." He said as he gave a few pokepuffs out to the rest of his Pokemon.

Zana nodded "Yeah...what's that?" She asked and pointed at a yellow and red thing running at them. "And it's coming right at us...hold on!" Zana exclaimed and quickly started wrapping her bandages around the broken leg. "Wait! it's a fire type! Raina! Hydro Pump!" Zana exclaimed but it was too late, the thing disappeared.
(Sorry I was gone for so long. I'm in a class where I can't do this. .3.)
Rusty was speechless. He could not believe what had just happened. "Zana..." His voice was inaudible to anyone. He got down on his knees, staring blankly at Zana, and crying. "I...I didn't..." He clenched his fists, and pounded the pavement of the road. He winced at the pain of the road scratching up his knuckles, but he didn't care. He pounded the ground again, causing a smear of blood to be left on the ground. He smacked the ground about 3 more times. He was beating himself up for not being able to do anything to help her. Not just mentally, but physically as well.

Rusty got up with bloody knuckles, and walked inside the bus, and sat in a seat. Being the only one on the bus, that gave him time to think of something, but he couldn't think well from his sustained injury to his hands. "I guess...this is one way to know her pain..." He mumbled under his shaky breath. Rusty felt guilty all over.
Zana stumbled forward after seeing Rusty brutally beat himself up. She chambered into the bus with difficulty and she sauntered next to him, taking a seat beside Rusty. Zana gently took Rusty's hands and looked down at them. The blood was bleeding down onto her lap, but she didn't care. Zana raised one hand to Her mouth and a light flashed when her lips gently touched his knuckles. Then when the light disappeared, the wounds were gone. Zana looked up at Rusty and smiled "Hopefully that doesn't hurt anymore".
Then, Zana walked onto the bus, and sat next to Rusty. She looked at one of his hands, and took one of them, and did what looked like a...kiss? With a flash of light, the wound on his knuckles were gone. Rusty looked back up at Zana, with a face of worry. "Zana, you didn't have to do that. I wanted to feel what you're feeling. Part of it being physically." He put his freshly healed hand on his wounded hand. "I'm keeping this." He stubbornly said. "Look, I'm just so..." He looked down, and another tear trickled down his face.
(I wasn't sure if I should say about the post @Kitsune477)
Omega grabbed his pokeballs and walked in to the bus and sat behind Zana and Rusty and grabbed the thing from his pocket." Your healing powers will run out tomorrow." He said to Zana as he cleaned the gold pendant." Rusty calm down you don't have to beat yourself up." He smirked and grabbed his phone and put his earphones in.
(Don't worry, it's should be sorted out)

Zana sighed and forcefully pulled his other hand and did the same as the other. Then Zana looked at Rusty with a worried expression. "Don't do that again" She said and hugged him tightly. With one hand, she wiped the tears that tricked down the boy's face.
Diamond was surprised about what happened. He expected Rusty to help but another person helping instead. "Whoa." He said amazed. He walked onto the bus and waited for the others. In a minite or two he realized. "The other Students!" He said.
Rusty made a pouty face, and let out a quiet and brief chuckle after, not even questioning how Zana is even able to do such a thing. This is the world of Pokemon after all. He rubbed his hands together, feeling the smooth skin of his hands once again.
Zana was breathing softly, meaning that she has fallen asleep. She was shaking though, also meaning that she was cold. Noble returned with the other students, some of them glaring at Zana and Rusty, most of them cooing and staring and awe. Eventually, everybody was seared and the but started going to the Safari Zone.
Rusty started rubbing Zana's head, not knowing what came over him again. He yawned, and his eyes grew heavy. In about a minute, his hand dropped from Zana's head, and he fell asleep, sitting beside her, and his head accidentally falling to the left, onto Zana's shoulder.
Zana awoke when the bus slammed into a stop, only realising that Rusty had fallen asleep on her shoulder. Zana smiled softly and gently ran her fingers on his hair, then turned her head to see that Noble was sleeping under the chair with his head popping out, Sonic was hanging from a pole above with Whirl and Snappy with him, Raina was sitting with the driver and Trik was with Raina.

Zana smiled and then trailed her eyes to Omega, who was absolutely unconscious to the world around him. Then, her gaze drifted down to Rusty, who was still sleeping. Zana rolled her eyes and looked out the window. "It's gonna rain, urg..." Zana mumbled before feeling her eyelids droop.
The bus had stopped, and when he heard the gas break, Rusty snapped awake, sitting up, and slowly opening his eyes, and squinting outside. Dark clouds were above them. Some lightning could be seen every minute or so. He yawned, and looked to his left at Zana with glassy eyes (meaning he's still tired. .3.).
(:3 Thanks for clearing that up, I was like HIS EYES TURNED TO GLASS??!!!)

Zana smiled at Rusty, who's hair stood up like a hedgehogs quills. She shook her head and gently rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes before looking out the window. "Forget this, I'm staying in the bus" She said and made a Pillow fort with pillows that randomly appeared. She threw one on Rusty's lap and then sunk into the mass of pillows.

(I know that feeling...pillow heaven....)
Suddenly, pillows. Pillows all around. Or at least, all over Zana. She throws one on Rusty's lap. Rusty looks out the window again. "Actually, I think I'm going to go out there. I like it when it rains." He said. Nikki poked her head out of Rusty's bag. "Pika!" She chimed in. "Oh yeah, and Nikki likes it when there's lightning." Rusty then gets up, along with everyone else, and they head outside to the Safari Zone.
Zana watched Rusty and the others walk away. "Nooo!!!! Senpai left me...not really...I don't even have a senpai...ahem, anyways....wait uppppp!!!!". Zana ran full speed past everyone and immediately got drenched. Noble and Trik were growling, Raina was running around in circles, Snappy, Whirl and Sonic were perched undercover under a tree. and Psychee was hidden in Zana's scarf, that was also wet.

Zana squealed in delight, seeming to be the only one that is enjoying the ran for now. Psychee went and joined Whirl and the other two under the tree as Zana and Raina went to he'll knows where. "Wow...look Raina!!! A Ponya!!!" She squealed and stood in front of it, waved at it and handed it a pokepuff. He neighed and Zana pulled out a pokèball.

Rolled once...twice...thrice...click.
Zana and Raina cheered and ran back to her pokèmon, called out the Ponya, named him Flare. Trik and Noble greeted Flare, who was sitting beside them, under the shelter of the tree. "Jeez, it looks like you guys hate water" Zana exclaimed before she ran off with Raina, forgetting about everyone else....
Rusty walked through the tall grass, and encountered a Plusle. He crouched down, and signaled for him to come over. "Hey, come on over here." Rusty held a pokepuff in his hand. The Plusle came up to him, and sniffed the pokepuff. It grabbed it from his hand, and ate it. He cheered in delight. "Plusle!" Rusty pulled out another one. "Here you go!" The Plusle gladly took it, and ate it. Rusty smiled, and walked out of the tall grass. The Plusle made a face of wonder, as if to think if he'll be back later.
Zana brushed past Rusty, but Raina ran right into him from behind. "Raina!!!" Zana exclaimed but then yelped when she felt the rain get more hard. "Ow! That stings!!!" Zana exclaimed and hissed and ran back into the bus, all of her pokèmon not having second thoughts and followed after her.

Zana pounced on the pillows and buried herself in the mound, then, click. The handle that separated the two chairs, went in. "Cool, like the couple bench in the movies" Zana said and shifted to the window side. She started shivering, her pokèmon, even Raina, did too.
He suddenly felt a force push him from behind. He turned around, and it was Zana's Vaporeon, Raina. Zana had shouted at her, but then yelped when the rain suddenly got harder. Zana and her Pokemon went back inside the bus, and Nikki urged Rusty to do the same, because she was still on Rusty's head, and was getting pelted with the sharp rain. All the other students were also gathering back on the bus, so Rusty had no choice but to do the same. He had no intention on leaving, but if everyone wanted to go, he'd do the same. So, Rusty got back on the bus, and before the bus door closed, the Plusle from before managed to squeak in.
(Sorry it takes me so long to answer, I just came back from seeing a Captain America 3 and also my school doesn't let us use computers often)
Nate looked out the bus window and saw that it was raining outside. "Hmm, maybe I can find another pokemon while I'm here..." He walked off the bus, getting drenched by the rain, and started looking around. Then all of a sudden, he tripped over something. "OW!" he sat up and looked at what he tripped over. "It's.....an acorn" The acorn turned around "SEEDOT!" it said angrily, for it was hit by Nate's leg. "SEE DOT DOT DOT!" it said as it started using Bullet Seed. "GAH, Geck help me out and use Quick Attack!" he said as he threw a Pokeball and Treecko ran out while using Quick Attack. It hit the Seedot and made it fall over. It started crying. "Aw man....hey buddy you ok?" Nate walked up to it and picked up the Seedot. "I guess you were scared huh?" Nate held out a pokepuff and Seedot started eating it. Nate held out a Pokeball. "If you want to come with me, just hit this ball." Seedot hit the Pokeball and went inside. It started rolling....1.....2.....3....click. Nate picked up the Pokeball and went back to the bus with Treecko following him. Once he got in he saw that Zana was buried in some pillows. "Hey, that's a good idea" he said as he sat on the bench and dozed off with his Treecko sleeping on his lap.
Diamond walked out of tge Bus to see Hail. "Um guys i dont think we should get out of the Bus." Diamond said. He was ignored and everyon jumped out the Bus. After a few Minutes Zana came running back into the Bus while everyone else were still outside. "Lol." He commented to himself. He walked back to his seat and tripped over Pillows all piled up on the ground. "What? Diamond said surprised. He got up to see Zana. "Uh Hey" He said.
Zana turned at looked at Diamond "Hi, we never really spoke a lot, so, what's up?" She asked. The more Zana tried to stay warm, the colder she got. Noble was using fire type moves on himself to get dry. Raina was just kicking off the rain. The airborne pokèmon where drying off by speeding around. Trik was shaking himself off and Flare was just dry.
Name: Syo
Age: 14
Hair: Blond hair that goes down to his shoulders
Eyes: Light Blue
Skin: Pale white
Personality: Syo is very fun and kind but is way too scattered brained for his own good..... he would lose his own head if it was attached to him.
Kitsune/Fennekin/Male (I know I missed spelled that....)
Winter/Shiny Eevee/Female
Yuki/Sneasel/male (since I can't have my absol......)

A small Tyrunt, about the same size as a Pikachu, came running through the halls with it's mouth open and waving it's small arms around like a little kid. It was being followed by a Sneasel. Normally Dark, their trainer Syo's Absol would play mother hen to the little Tyrunt named Runt, but since Syo wasn't allowed to bring his Absol with him, his Sneasel named Yuki had to fill in as babysitter for Runt. "Runt get back here before you hurt yourself!" Syo said running after his two pokemon with his other two pokemon, Winter a shiny eevee and Kitsune his Kennekin, following behind him.
Omega was sweating in his sleep. His clenched fists were shaking and his lips trembled. The gold pendant felt heavy in his pocket and he awoke with a short scream. He looked around and smiled." I'm still here I'm still here I'm still here." He whispered to himself and grabbed a pillow." I don't feel right I'm staying inside." He said to no one.
(OZZIE, can I trade Groundon? Cause I don't wanna do something and then regret it *AKA in UnovaRPG*?)

Zana turned around and smiled at Omega, but frowned when she saw his state. "What happened?" She asked and tilted her head in worry.
(Sure you choose the Pokemon and I'll probably trade it. EXCEPT MY VOLCANIONS! XD)
Omega looked up at Zana and smiled a shy smile." It happens when I use the pendant to help someone. I can't go into further details." He said and looked down at his pendant. It was a gold pendant shaped like a mew head." It was worth the nightmares, saving you was worth it I mean. I won't tell you how I saved you but I did." He slumped into his chair and grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie and lifted it. Five scars in a tally sign were at the top of his arm." They burn into my skin automatically after I help someone or use the pendant for other things."
(YAY!!!! XD)

Zana frowned "What's so special about me?" She asked and looked down at her scar. "I'm just a normal person that has a non normal life" She said and rested her hands on the necklace that was gifted by her scarf. "I also have a pendant, but in not sure what it does, maybe nothing" She said and pulled out the pendent, it was attached to a silver chain. And the pokèmon was a Shaymin(Sky) face. Zana hid it back in her scarf just a quickly as she pulled it out, not giving anyone a chance to see it.
Omega leaned forwards and whispered into Zana's ear." I can ask any Pokemon to lend me their strength. I used audino to heal you." He sat back in his chair again." Apparently I'm from a line of priests that worshipped mew. Each generation was given one 'miracle child' who could use the powers of all Pokemon for a good cause. My mum was the last miracle child and her dad managed to use legendary Pokemon to help him." He smiled and stood up." I might go outside just for a bit. You coming?" He asked.
Zana looked at the hail that was slamming against the window. "Ummm.....sure...." Zana said and stood up, almost getting slapped in the face by Sonic. "Are you guys coming?" she asked her pokèmon. Raina gave a brief nod and so did Trik, but the others, refused to even stand at the door. "Oh well" Zana laughed and picked her Zorua up.

"Raina, Trik, you can run around outside for awhile" She said and put Trik on Raina's back. And like that, the two bolted outside. "So, is there a specific pokèmon?" Zana whispered to Omega, back on track with the pendants. She had NO idea what hers could do, even though she knew what pokèmon it was.
Omega smiled." My grandfather was so strong he could summon arceus's powers to help him. I can only do normal Pokemon. I'm working on it but I've almost managed to summon Eevee. Then I can do almost anything." He jumped out of the bus and looked at Zana's pendant." You'll probably be able to fly and purify things."
"What do you mean by purify?" She asked and looked at her pendant. "I wonder..." She mumbled and walked up to a dry leaf and touched it, making it turn to a green leaf once again. Zana returned to Omega "You mean that purify?" She asked, a bit puzzled.