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:O An Art Thread From Alex?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Just curious as to why you set the blog as the main loading page for your website. Are you not planning on designing a more generalized welcome page, or just haven't gotten around to it yet?

Either way, everything seems to be working to me. Lolz at the Twitter RSS feed.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Static welcome pages are pretty pointless. The visitor glances at them fleetingly and then is instantly hunting around for the actual content of the website. There's really no reason why that content shouldn't be the first thing they're presented with.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Static welcome pages are pretty pointless. The visitor glances at them fleetingly and then is instantly hunting around for the actual content of the website. There's really no reason why that content shouldn't be the first thing they're presented with.

I guess I just view a blog as more of a blog, and proper site news to be separate. But even with news taken out of the equation, welcome pages on professional websites are generally just that - a general welcome message and introduction. They do serve a purpose IMO as they're like the "Hi, welcome to my site" greeting, similar to how you might shake a person's hand when first meeting them. This might be where splash pages play a role as well. From there people seek out what they're interested in.

I do see your point however, and as long as your website serves your purposes it doesn't really matter.

Doctor Oak

Staff member

Liking the new layout Alex. Love the two contrasting shades of green as the background.

And I love how the page is nicely neat and organized, with a place for easy access to your profile down the side of the screen instead of going across the top of the page. It looks awesome so far Alex.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Very impressive. This design looks a lot less like the adverts are taking over the site - which is certainly a good thing.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I agree with Data on the adverts front. It does look a lot less like they're taking over XD

I like the colours of the new design, they're very easy on the eye and pleasant to look at, not to mention they compliment each other rather well. I also like how the 'Charms Pokeball stands out more on the new design and looks a little 3D.

Ivysaur for the win at the bottom, although I would be sad to see the grass of the current theme go. I always liked it.

I agree with Jet on the easy Profile access. It looks very neat and fits down that side of the page nicely. All in all, I'm loving the design so far! The only thing I'm maybe not so keen on is the typeface you used for 'Pokecharms.com'. I'm not sure why though, I guess I'm just used to the one 'Charms currently has.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I would be sad to see the grass of the current theme go. I always liked it.

Given the trouble that making it work in the first place has given me (which has caused the majority of the trouble mentioned in being able to customise the pages easily...), I wont be. It was a nice idea - but neither CSS nor IE are ready for it yet and I'm not prepared to sacrifice simplicity for their inefficiency.

The only thing I'm maybe not so keen on is the typeface you used for 'Pokecharms.com'. I'm not sure why though, I guess I'm just used to the one 'Charms currently has.

After attempting to make an identifiable typeface for the site name (to be used as a logo or in images etc) with the one up top, I came to realise that it failed miserably and had just too much crap applied to it to make it work consistently. I wanted to go back to simplicity again and back to some sort of Pokemon roots. The actual Pokemon style font we used to use not only looks a bit pants, but really doesn't scale down well at all - so I went another route and used a font based on FireRed/LeafGreen's own font and kept it as simple as possible.

All in all, the entire thing is an excercise in returning to simplicity - which is why after only half a day's work yesterday, I've managed to get a working example of the design more or less finished and will probably be able to put it live over Easter.
I really like it! The purple and green fit each other perfectly (in my eyes) and the profile information at the side means theres a lot less clutter at the top of the page, which is a good thing.

And I'd be glad for the removal of the grass. It isn't transperent on our old computer... (not this new laptop though!)

Doctor Oak

Staff member
You need to:

a) to upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. If you can't see 24bit PNGs' transparent backgrounds, you're running IE6 which is so out of date it isn't funny. This version is buggy, unsafe and can't render websites for shit. IE7 does a better job, but IE8 is even better.



Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Alex, to be fair, I have to use IE6 at school. They can't, and won't, upgrade. The site does work in IE6, minus the 24-bit PNGs, but that's just chance. :)

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Anything I design is designed to work in IE. It may not work AS WELL as it would in later versions or on Firefox if you're using IE6 - but it's usable.

In general, web development is now completely shunning IE6 - or at least starting to. In general, MOST IE users now run 7. There's something like 10% still running 6 - quite a lot considering the massive built-in audience IE has, but to be fair, most of those are big businesses or schools that are just ridiculously slow at keeping up-to-date in any shape or form. And aside from maybe the schools, our audience isn't THAT likely to be effected.

Overall, we have a pretty high FireFox to IE ratio on Pokecharms - probably one of the higher you'll find online at all - something like 55:45. It's a lot harder to get a read on how many of those IE users are using IE6, but it's safe to say it's probably pretty minimal.

So, yeah, if you're running a crap browser, websites look crap - so if it's your computer, upgrade already. If it's not, get a petition together to your systems admin to get off his lazy arse and actually do something.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
My systems admin /can't/ upgrade. The school's operating system is basically locked because it's a custom package - although they run Windows XP, they run a custom "spin" called RMCC3. They can add new auxilliary software to it (things like Microsoft Office and other softwares), but things that come with or are built into Windows (like Internet Explorer) cannot be changed. We'll get IE8 when/if the school upgrade to Windows 7/RMCC5, but that'll be long after I've left. :D

But, what you're doing is the best any designer can do in this case. Whether you should continue to support IE6 is something that will be debated years from now, but until the percentage of users is under 1%, I figure people should still use it. Mind, I also design my websites to work well in text-only browsers, but that's just me.
I like that new layout. Its a bit of both worlds in terms of its design. (Hannah Montana references, oh god no D:)Incorporating a lot more green and retaining Ivysaur and a complimentary Cyan was a good decision. Although personally I miss the wrapping paper patterns of a clover with a Pikachu Tail stamped on it. Sharp edges do irk me, so the rounded borders are a lovely thing to behold. Simply splendid all in all, Alex.
Wow! This picture is amazing. The pose, the clean, sharp lines, the wonderful, slightly blurred background...

Everything in this picture is... *explodes because of lack of complimentary words*

The chained wallet is a nice touch, too, along with the four-leaf-clover on the shirt.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I saw this in your siggy and immediately loved it. The slanted running text, and the way "Pokecharms" and the motto stands out, creates a really interesting effect. The images on the left are subtle and mesh well together, just the right amount of fading to make Dr. Oak's pic stand out. Then the emblem in the top right...

Very cool. Great design, Alex XD


The effects on that wallpaper are simply beautiful. Professional would be even more accurate.

The picture you used is awesome, too.

Good job! ^^


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Ashko, consider yourself warned for smiley abuse.

Read the rules please.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Handy to have this topic bumped for me. :D


A new prototype design for Charmed Designs, my portfolio website. Full sized 1440x900 version available by clicking download on dA.

This was a tough one to come up with - I was determined not to be boringly 'standard' with what should be my flagship design, so I took an almost desktop wallpaper like approach to the design aesthetics.

I wanted to keep the idea of web design as a purpose for the site integrally obvious, so I put together some fake HTML source code for the background. Keeping in a 'design' aesthetic, I've used a handwritten font (after unsuccessfully using my own handwriting) for the headings and menu links. A graph paper background for the text boxes (which is partially transparent so as to not completely obscure the background and thus nullify its purpose) finishes off the whole 'design' idea.

This design will be intended for widescreen users, so the dimensions will remain roughly the same. however, I'm in two minds over whether or not to make the final design a fixed or fluid size.

Wow. ‘Charmed Designs', eh? I know where that came from! *nudges*

This portfolio is simple, yet nice. The palette of black, white, and green works well, emphasizing your current work.

I sure hope this works well for you. Good luck with your plans!
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Sorry I didn't comment early, Doctor Oak. :)

I'll just say that the last design you have is AWESOME, and I love the overall harmony within the page. And of course, you have to have the dZ, facebook, twitter and 'Charms links at the top. What would a website be without those? XD. I'm just kidding, but I do think that is an awesome idea. It would be great if you gave that 'your own handwriting' idea another shot. The web portfolio would then have a little bit more of an Alex flare to it.

I'll also say that your Golden Sun DS wallpaper is also AWESOME! The artwork is really great, and your wallpaper gives it a great frame for display on your computer screen. Love it.

I would comment on almost everything in this thread, but i'd have massive long paragraphs of comments, so I'll just end it saying that everything in this thread is amazing, for both your artwork and your web designs. Gotta give credit to anyone who can use html code. For the life of me, I can't get it down. Too confusing. Maybe next year.

Great job, can't wait for more.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
HTML is easy once you understand the basics of it. Considering most people use most of it quite fluently in its BBCode form on forums, it's really not too difficult for anyone to pick up these days. All you have to remember is that it's '' instead of '[]'. :p

I maintain that almost anyone could learn HTML in a day. It's CSS, Javascript and then onwards to PHP, MySQL, PERL, ColdFusion etc etc that causes the real problems that will take some work to learn. But to anyone who would want to, I'd encourage them to do as I did and start doing so as young as possible. It's not too difficult to teach yourself and the longer you do it, the more tricks etc you'll pick up. I already know that having over 10 years of web design behind me already has me put way ahead of my peers in my Uni course for the chances of pulling a job out of this in the end.

In fact, were it not for the fact it'd be fantastically beneficial to have a degree saying I was awesome at this stuff, I could pretty much just go and pick up a job at a design firm now if I wanted...

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I have a new design for the same (still unlaunched) site:



Yet another prototype - this time for my portfolio website, Charmed Designs. This is about the 4th incarnation of this site's design now (and it hasn't even 'launched' properly yet) - and this one's a bit different (which is good).

After having issues with the direction my other design had taken - I've taken yet another one with this one. Focusing now on the portfolio aspect of it and displaying the site like a binded book.

This, the home page, is functionally the 'front cover' for the book. Although the 'title' as it would seem to be are fully clickable links leading to those sections.

Obviously, because of the nature of the design, the size is restricted, and leaves a fair amount of white space if viewed in full screen in a monitor wider than 1024x786. However, there's not a lot one can do to avoid this issue in this case.

There is also a second part to this design, which shows what pages within the 'book' will be like.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
VERY different indeed. I can't say I've seen too many other websites set-up in that sort of manner, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's an interesting design-style, and I bet it'd look even nicer when actually online.

I'm wondering if those 'front page' links might be too big text-wise, though. Can't say for sure without seeing smaller examples.