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Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

Zangoose attempted to endure the hit and half succeded but took some quite majoy damage. 'Good job Zangoose, now, use crush claw!' Lloyd ordered. Zangoose ran towards Alakazam (god,that's a pain to type) and scraped his claws on the grass while speeding past the green stuff.

Within a couple of seconds, Zangoose's claw seemed nailed to Alakazam's head as he attempted to crush him with his utmost strength. Whether it worked or not was about to be seen. 'Now pursuit with your other claws!' Zangoose slashed Alakazam with his spare hand and claws which were giving off a black aura.
That was one smart move, the weak spot of all Alakazam would be the head that they can't hold up alone and depend on their powers to do so, But that was something Brendan prepares for in advance through exercises, Alakazam shouldn't be as handicapped as others of his kind should the worse cas scenerio happen.

Alakazam! Use Psychic!" Brendan ordered, Alakazam responded by glowing purplish, then Zangoose glowed a simlar colour. Alakazam then used his powers to fling Zangoose into a tree five meters away. Zangoose was unable to use pursuit a second time. "Good job! Now use psybeam!" Brendan commanded. Putting his spoons together like in the previous round against Luxio, Alakazam focused his energy and the beam of colours homed in on Zangoose who was dazed from his impact with the tree.
'Zangoose! Use detect!' Zangoose snapped out of the daze and jumped out the way onto the ground. Lloyd knew that the foe would be strong but he didn't know how strong, 'Zangoose, catch your breath' Lloyd said attempting to think up a strategy fast while Zangoose wheezed and huffed. He racked his brains long and hard.
Brendan could see that Lloyd was unsure of what to do next. And that would leave an opening to attack, or...

"Alakazam! Recover yourself!" Brendan ordered, Alakazam took a defensive stance and glowed white as his wounds began to slowly heal himself. Brendan would just have to hope that Lloyd wouldn't come up with something devestating. Or maybe that would be a good thing should future sight hit. Brendan looked into Alakazam's eyes and saw that the colours that shifted in his eyes were shifting at incredible speed, future sight could take effect at any moment now, Lloyd would need to come up with a move stronger than pursuit or crush claw to beat Alakazam in time.
'Zangoose! Endure!' Lloyd shouted. Zangoose crossed his arms up abainst his chest. Lloyd knew that Brendan wasn't attacking but he had something else up his sleeve and he hoped it was devastating.
"Alakazam! Use Psycho cut rapidly!" Brendan ordered, Alakazam launched his move as before, but he now sent several of them at Zangoose. However, they did rather minimal damage due to Zangoose's endure. But that would be all that's necessary, Zangoose couldn't just endure everything the whole time, things will catch up to him eventually. Something told Brendan that Lloyd was planning something big, Alakazam could see this as well as well and prepared to dodge should Zangoose try anything dangerous.
'good job, Zangoose!' Lloyd said to his pokemon, and started to whisper something into his ear. 'okay, let's go!' Lloyd finished. Zangoose ran up to Alakazam and started to endure but not from alakazams attack, from future sight which was now taking effect, he took his arms and crossed them on his chest. Alakazam watched, confused by what Zangoose was doing. Suddenly 'NOW!' Lloyd screamed at the top of his voice. Zangoose slapped his hands into alakazam's belly causing him to become winded and lower his guard slightly. Then Zangoose started using close combat into alakazam weakening him very slowly as of close combat's weakness, 'Payback!' Zangoose took one final blow into alakazam and this time, the dark move did a significant amout of damage.

(i had to REALLY use my imagination for that)
(and it was worth it)

Brendan was so shocked by such a well planned combination, that pause earlier was more than worth it. If Alakazam hadn't used recover earlier, he would be finished by now. Even so, he was barely holding on. Brendan remembered a combination he and Alakazam had practiced way back in Johto. But when Brendan left for Hoenn, they were unable to perfect it. He just hoped Alakazam had as much memory as experts say.

"Lloyd, you are one powerful tactican and trainer, but I happen to be pretty powerful in both aspects as well" Brendan commented to the trainer that was almost about to beat him. "Alakazam! I hope you remember the 'pinning' combo!" Brendan asked, Alakazam nodded, trying to look like he had more energy left than he really does. "Confusion!" Brendan called, Alakazam's head began to glow blue, then the glow enfulged seven square meters around him, taking Zangoose in with him. Zangoose was trying to fight the pain and at the same time, was bewildered by the fact that Alakazam was using such a weak attack. Alakazam then leapt into the air directly above Zangoose, "Psybeam!" Brendan ordered, Alakazam used his powers to stay suspended in the air and launched the psybeam attack and it took the whole pokemon in. Brendan wasn't sure if Zangoose was feeling mental pain or the pressure of the attack was pushing down on him, but the pokemon was being pinned down onto the ground. This should hold him long enough to deal enough damage to even out the score, or even finish the mongoose pokemon off. It all depended on if Zangoose was able to bring itself to get out ot the beam.
(woah, how can i recover from that?)

Lloyd let out a little smile, not at watching Zangoose suffer but more of what was coming. 'Zangoose! up!' and zangoose did so very slowly, still feeling the pain, he also still had the psybeam still seemingly attatched to him. 'Pursuit' Lloyd said calmly, Zangoose speedily dodged the beam and threw himself up into the air at Alakazam leaving a black trail behind him. He then struck the foe with incredible speed and a sharp black claw.

'now endure!' Lloyd said just loud enough for Zangoose to hear. Zangoose quickly started to endure the psybeam while, without alakazam realising, Zangoose was using alakazam's feet as a plane. had he not have done, Zangoose would have fallen and then fainted from that and the damage that was already caused to him. 'Close combat!' Lloyd once again yelled just loud enough so that Zangoose could hear. Zangoose started to rapidly throw punches into alakazam very hard and fast again and this time with more power, Lloyd looked up again 'Now, use...' Lloyd's voice trailed off as he mouthed the attack to his pokemon. The Endure had worn off and Zangoose was very high in the air just on Alakazam's feet.
(you just answered your question)

Brendan could tell that Lloyd was rather suprised how high the two were now. Brendan on the other hand knew; and it wasn't good for either pokemon. During the pursuit attack, Zangoose weakened Alakazam so much, he had reached a crucial point in the battle; Alakazam was starting to lose control of his powers. It didn't mean that he was down yet, but Alakazam would either be unable to do anything, or take things to the extreme and cause some serious injuries. When Zangoose was hitting Alakazam with close combat, Alakazam was uncontrollably taking the two of them high into the air. Brendan tried to call Alakazam to stop, but it wasn't to any help. When Zangoose's endure wore out, Alakazam tried to take control, but it resulted in the two of them being flung around in the air. Eventually, Zangoose lost his grip and began to fall.

"Alakazam! Try using teleport!" Brendan called. Alakazam was able to control his powers enough to do so, but he could have teleported anywhere. Zangoose continued to fall towards the ground as if it missed him...

(if you want, I can say how this plays out, but that's your decision)
(you can if you want)

'Now!' Zangoose's body started to glow all over like it did earlier and just before he hit the ground, he stuck his claw into the ground and used it to hold himself up. Crush claw had worked exactly as Lloyd planned it, but not the way it was intended to be used. Zangoose checked to see where Alakazam was but couldn't see him.
(well I was going to get Machop to catch him to prevent major injuries, but too late now)

Zangoose and Brendan's head motions to find Alakazam were almost syncronized. There was silence for twenty seconds, then Brendan noticed small cracks in the ground surrounding Zangoose, as he watched, the cracks circled Zangoose until they connected, Zangoose didn't seem to notice. Suddenly, just before it happened, Brendan realized where Alakazam was.

(oh, sorry and woah, have i like broken the earth or summin?)

'Zangoose, GET OUT OF THE WAY!' Lloyd screamed at his bevolved pokemon. (lol, i scream at my beloved) Zangoose couldn't budge, Lloyd concentrated really hard, 'Use Fury Cutter!' Zangoose's free claw started to scratch furiously at the ground surrounding his burrowed one. Eventually Zangoose became free and still as cool as a cucumber got out of the crack circle.
(cool as a cucumber?)

Just as Zangoose jumped out, the rock inside the crack circle was sent flying into the air, followed by surrounding rocks away from Zangoose. If one was looking from Zangoose's position, Alakazam could be seen trying to control his powers enough to keep the rock from harming anything. It was starting to come down, but Machop who had rested up after his defeat in the previous round broke it apart with rock smash as it began to come down. Zangoose instinctivly tried to run down and finish Alakazam off. It was probably a mistake as rocks around him went flying, one could send him into the air at any time.
(english saying XD)

'Zangoose! behind you!' Lloyd yelled. Zangoose was about to strike Alakazam when Lloyd realised how dangerous this could become, so decided that they should work on trying to control this odd turn of events and then battle it out, it would be more safe and fair.

'Now destroy any incoming rocks with crush claw!' Lloyd said to Zangoose to protect him and Alakzam.
(I'm a british citizen and even I never heard of it before)

Alakazam then was able to sucessfully use recover and restore control over his powers as Zangoose defended itself. Then a rock came down over Zangoose, before it made contact with the pokemon, a psybeam blew it into bits. Zangoose spun around to see that Alakazam was the one that launched it. Both pokemon understood it as a gesture to show that they were to have a fair fight.

"Zangoose! Crush claw!" Lloyd ordered, once again directing the attack into Alakazam. The mongoose rushed in to hit the once haywired pokemon with one of its most commonly used moves.

"Counter it with reflect!" Brendan ordered, Alakazam put up a blue barrier that Zangoose got his claw stuck into; inches away from Alakazam's face. Alakazam had his spoons parallel to the edge of the barrier. And when he cocked his wrists so the spoons pointed parallel to the ground, the barrier toppled, sort of, and began trying to squash Zangoose into the ground. The mongoose looked very bizzare with his face pressed into the 'window'. But that wouldn't last long as the barrier started to crack. It wouldn't do much against the mongoose, but it did prevent the attack from making contact, and hopefully stunned Zangoose so Alakazam could follow up with another attack.

(some people might say the losing control part was useless, but another plot piece is to appear after the battle based on the damage caused)
(XD but i hear it all the time)

'Payback' Lloyd said to zangoose, this would be fun, payback would do more damage because of alakazam hitting first and it being dark against psychic. Zangoose broke the almost invisible glass with his head and claw and striked alakazam with the same black claw.
Alakazam may have had great odds against him, but he ducked and managed to only get a glancing blow, but that was still a hard shot. But as Zangoose was in the air, he made himself open to the original psychic attack.

"Alakazam! Psychic" Brendan ordered, Alakazam's eyes glowed blue and an aura of blue enfulged Zangoose. It hovered in the air, sluggishly trying to slash at Alakazam. Brendan knew that Zangoose was sluggish as it was trying to mentally fight back. Brendan could now see that Zangoose was a hard hitter and endurance fighter. It was time to try and mess with his head a bit.

"Alakazam! Use your powers and use him as a drill!" Brendan ordered, Alakazam stared at Brendan bewildered. But then got the message and moved one of his spoons in a circular motion. Zangoose began to spin, rapidly going faster and faster. Alakazam turned his other sppon upside down and slightly downwards. Zangoose responded in the air with similar motions. It slammed head first into the ground, still spinning and sprayed pebbles everywhere. It looked like Brendan could keep it up for a long time. But something none of them expected to happen happened. The ground gave away and Zangoose plummeted down a hole. Alakazam stopped in suprise and stared at the hole made. It didn't quite look like Zangoose made it himself, a thin crust of earth between the surface and the pitch blackness below.

"Alakazam, take a look and see what happened. Be ready with reflect should Zangoose ambush you" Brendan ordered. Alakazam had his spoons ready to recreate the barrier, positioned it over the hole, and peered down carefully.
(i think we should end it now, this has gone on for ages)

Lloyd couldn't see Zangoose anywhere, he was completely gone in his eyes. Just as Brendan shouted his attack, Lloyd soon saw where Zangoose was and smirked to himself. 'Crush claw!' Lloyd shouted to what seemed to be no one but all of a sudden, Zangoose leapt up behind Alakazam and took a hard strike at him, causing Alakazam to fly into the hole in quite a daze from the shock and the blow.

(i don't mind who wins, if you want, just come up with an attack of EPIC proportions and blow me to bits XD)
(I agree, finish the battle with an epic ending, and I finally figured out how to do it)

"Zangoose! Finish him off with one more crush claw!" Lloyd ordered, Zangoose leapt into the air to hit Alakazam inside.

"If you can hear me Alakazam, use Psybeam!" Brendan ordered, As Zangoose decended, a beam erupted from the hole and ripped through the mongoose pokemon. It fell in somewhat clumsily, but still attempting to use his attack the psybeam stopped a second after Zangoose dissappeared from view. Then what happened then was away from human eyes. A clang, followed by two thuds, then all was silent.

As the silence continued, Brendan pondered what could have happened. Did Zangoose connect his attack? Or did Alakazam block with a relfect or even one of his spoons by chance? Was Zangoose still strong enough to fight? There was only one way to find out. Brendan instinctivly walked forward and climbed down into the giant ditch from Alakazam's meltdown earlier, Lloyd did the same. Both were almost in a trance. Randy stepped forward also. Larvitar shuffling along and Machop limping behind the judge. Brendan climbed into the hole, followed by Lloyd, then Randy and the two pokemon. Brendan peered in the gloom. He could make out Alakazam flat on the ground face first with both spoons biting the ground. Zangoose was lying on his back. Brendan was unable to tell whether either was out yet. But it was likely that both were out from that cinematic battle. Brendan believed that Randy would be able to see better down here and sucessfully call the results for the last round.

(Why don't we let Gaby decide the result? he barely did anything throughout the whole battle, so it would be fair to let him decide)
(i agree, there's not much pint to post in this but, y'know)

Both of the trainers looked at Randy in hope of a satisfying answer. it was a brilliant battle to behold but each one wanted to be the winner
OCC: Man why you got to put the pressure on me yo, Lol RANDOM!

This was truly an amazing battle. Both trainers fought with such passion that it almost made Randy want to just walk away without making a decision, but Randy was the judge and he had seen perfectly what had happened. As Zangoose connected his attack Alakazam acted on pure reflexes to move just a bit so the move wasn't a complete success. Zangoose had some strength left so if Alakazam never moved Zangoose would've won without a doubt, but Brendan was smart to use one last move. The Psybeam hit Zangoose tossing him back, but the fall to the floor for Alakazam was a high one. As the two pokemon laid sprawled out on the floor, Randy began to talk.

"Alakazam is the winner." Randy said feeling somewhat crummy.

As Randy explained to them what happened both trainers looked somewhat surprised. Randy didn't know weather it was because they were proud their pokemon can battle for that long, or because of Randys decision. As he finished talking, Alakazam started to budge and he stood. It became dead silent, yet again.

OOC: Ehhh that was a hard decision to make, not as epic as I hoped. ;D

I edited my post making a true winner. I decided a tie was too crummy, xD. Besides Badly Shaded said he didn't mind.
(I didn't mind either, the RP experiance and the extreme match was its own reward)

As Randy announced the result, Brendan thought for a second that Randy was only saying that because he knew Brendan well enough, and that it was really a tie. Until he saw Alakazam pull out his spoons and stand up. Brendan could now imagine what happened. Zangoose was pretty much done when it was hit by psybeam, but could still finish Alakazam off with crush claw. Alakazam must have defended himself with his hands, explaining the clink before the thud of the two pokemon collapsing.

Brendan tried to jump for joy, but the sheer magnitude of the battle took away all of his words. All he could do was return the worn out Alakazam back to its pokeball. With it inside, he stared into the pokeball and whispered, "you have no idea how proud I am of you". Brendan then turned to Lloyd and extended his hand, "that was a pretty insane match. How long have you been training Zangoose? I can picture him destroying the elite four"

Just after Lloyd said that, Brendan suddenly asked himself a question, "Where are we anyway?"
(lol, i agree, that was quite the battle we had going on there)

't'was' Lloyd said shaking the guy's hand and continued, answering Brendan's question 'since, ooh about 3 years now, but he was originally my brother's but he liked me more i think'. Zangoose, who was not awake to hear this thankfully would never admit to this and probably crush claw Lloyd before he would have a chance of saying it but inside Zangoose knew Lloyd was right. 'that alakazam is quite tough too, how long you had it?' Lloyd asked 'you two were really in sync with one another' at times i thought he was reading your mind to get your command.

Just that moment, Lloyd realised that each other didn't know where they were, they had lost all conciousness of their surroundings to concentrate on the amazing battle that had just taken place.
"I met Alakazam as an Abra that evolved quickly when I was eleven, so around the same time you got Zangoose. Although I didn't really work with him in Hoenn which takes away eleven months of three to four years. Though I have to admit, Machop was one I had for even longer" Brendan explained, He then became accustomed to his surroundings. He looked behind him and saw the remains of stone carvings etched into the rock, taking up about half the rock face. "Hey, check this out!" Brendan exclaimed as he began to study the ruins.

He could see the remains of a triangle; yellow, pink, and blue stones sat at the points, all looked like they were once polished daily. Inside the triangle was two larger pink and blue stones, in a same fashion as the three surrounding them. But in the center was a significantly larger white one. Doesn't look like something you find everyday.

(game fans would find this familiar and jump to conclusions about it, but it won't be seen in this RP, but in a later project that can be either a fiction or an RP)
(ooh nice touch)

Lloyd followed Brendan and saw the odd formation and laughed 'probably some myth' he laughed 'they're always doing things like this' but inside, Lloyd knew it must have some significance, but he couldn't be bothered to trail it right now, he was still trying to figure out what was happening in Mt. Moon
Randy came over and looked over Brendan's head to see the markings.

"I'm not too sure, they look somewhat familiar" Randy said, there was a three second pause, "And it's incomplete, there are seventeen tiny holes surrounding the white rock. Maybe something else was supposed to be in them" he continued, Brendan focused his eyes and saw that Randy was right. small holes about the sizes of bullet points surrounded the white rock in the center; all of them were the same size.

"Maybe we should just leave this for now, it's getting rather late to go treasure hunting" Brendan joked. However, he was eager to give this place another look later on.
'yeah, haha' Lloyd said, rather enthustiastically, 'we should go to the pokemon center first though, get all these guys healed up' Lloyd continued. As they walked away, Lloyd couldn't help looking back to take another glance at the odd stone. As he did so, he noticed the others were doing the same.

they looked like very odd ruins and they all knew that there would be some story behind it but for another day perhaps, it was too late to go solving this puzzle now. Brendan and Lloyd went to pick up their pokemon from the battle, Brendan returned his Alakazam and Lloyd picked up his Zangoose which had seemed to put on weight, but then again, Zangoose hadn't lost a battle in a while, so of course, he would seem heavier

(hope you don't mind the autoing here, i can change it if you want)
(No problem with autoing like mentioned before, although I returned Alakazam to his pokeball immediatly after the match ended. Everything else is fine though)

Brendan gave Randy a boost up to the hole before being pulled up himself. He and Randy then helped Lloyd and his Zangoose out. Brendan didn't have a watch, but his instincts told him that it wasn't too long after nine' o' clock in the evening. The stars were alight and the moon was peeking from above the peak of Mt. Moon, possibly one of the reasons that it was called Mt. Moon was because of the angle of the moon from Pewter City. As the trainers and pokemon wandered back, the lights of the city appeared and soon towered above them. The center was directly in front of them with a glowing, red roof. There was hardly any activity. A few voices of a battle going on out back, a group of what seemed to be trainers walked in, everything else was quiet.

Brendan turned to Lloyd and Randy, "Well, looks like this will be the last stop for the day. Its been quite a day I have to admit. I haven't had a battle that extreme since the hoenn league" He said, then yawned long and good, he was originally going to call it a day about an hour ago, but the battle was worth the wait.
'yeah, i'm gonna take my Zangoose and the others to get healed up, great battle, that was' Lloyd chuckled as he started to make his way to the pokemon center, it was eerily quiet all around and inside, only Nurse Joy seemed to be there and she looked pretty bored, aparently, there weren't many customers at this time, which is only to be expected, so when Lloyd turnedup in fron of her, she was both shocked and suprised.
Brendan didn't stop at the counter to heal his pokemon, he went straight up to the rooms and found the room he had stayed the night before. He took out his pokeballs and layed them in a pokeball pattern on his table then clambered into his bed. He thought for a second that the earth shook a very tiny bit just then. But it was definatly nothing compared to what he felt only six hours ago. With a long yawn, he fell asleep, his Machop as one of the only pokemon small enough to fit in the room curled up on his side and fell asleep on the bunk above.

(a bit short in my opinion, but I need to give others to call it a day before I push time forward)
"tim sighs"after all that i still lost looks down at his pokeballs. man i thought i was better than that i couldnt have lost to him tim throws his pokeball commanding porygon z to come out tim exclaimed hey buddy how do you feel?(porygons all scratched up and bruised)dang its worse than i thought if i do not get him to a pokemon center soon this will be fatal (staraptor go)tim commands fly me to solaceon town.
porygon how could i let this happen to you i should of forfitted but i let you get hit by that gyro ball dang that bronzong and his trainer i promise porygonz i will get better and show you im a good trainer we have been through a lot buddy just hang in there i promise everything will be alright.
tim finally arrives at a pokemon center and rushs to nurse joy nurse my porygon is badly injured (nurse joy: how could you let it get beet up so badly you should be ashamed) i know thats why im going to give porygon to a more deserving trainer ive failed him i dont deserve him.the next day tim wakes up to find porygon next to him sleep and lets out a sigh of relief and pulls out a pokeball sayong rest easy in your ball buddy and gos to sleep but porygon bust out of the ball and insist that he sleeps next to tim(tim: porygon i love you)(porygon:pory)i wouldnt trade you for the world tim reachs to his pokeballs all of you guys come out infernape,torterra,empoleon,pikachu,staraptor come sleep eith me and porygon and they all fall asleep peacefully!!! =]