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Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)


Previously Shadow_Pup
Jake West
Interactions: Kim, @DevVoid; Tsugikuni, @Cryronn the Mudkip
Jake decided to try to socialise, having people watched enough, he looked around for a moment, he spotted Tsugikuni and walked over. Upon reaching the table he gave a small wave, "Mind if I sit with you fine people" he asked with a smile" as he stood trying to not be too imposing, although he had a rather feminine physique for a guy and imposing was never usually the term people used to describe him.

Amaryllis Cloverfield
Amaryllis was standing by the kitchens of the cafeteria when she sniffed out what she had been hunting, honey, she grinned and went invisible, sneaking her way into the kitchen where she then located the kitchens supply of honey, she excitedly helped herself, but she became visible again and was soon caught by the kitchen staff, she quickly grabbed a large pot of honey and dashed out of the kitchen and quickly floated up into a corner to hide from the kitchen staff with her stollen goodies as she hovered their eating her honey.

Tandy Parker
Interactions: Pax, @=Nightshade=; Isaac, Ilya, @Draco Nightshade; Angus, @-[ Just Vibin ]-
Tandy walked around the cafeteria her tail swishing back and forth excitedly as she listened to and smelled all the new people around her. She quickly locked in on one group in particular, that had a girl who seemed a bit like her and she quickly made her way over to the group, one of them smelled like insects which she thought was kind of curious, but she walked up and with a big grin she said "Hi, my names Tandy, I'm really excited to meet everyone, you guys seem kind of cool, are you an insect or something, you smell like bugs, and you smell like a wolf that's cool, your kind of like me" she kind of then rambled off as her excitement got the better of her, she paused on Pax for a second, "there is a strange smell on you, I've not smelt it before, it's kind of an old smell, like some kind of lizard, do you own lizards, that would be so cool" she said still very excited her tail wagging back and forth really fast.
Isaac and Ilya Ashton

Ilya's ears morphed back to wolf form as they perked up, herself catching a new, more familiar scent. When she turned, she saw Tandy and was surprised to see someone with an appearance similar to her own. Before Isaac even realized what was about to happen, Ilya jumped out of her seat, tail wagging and faced the newcomer. "Hey! I'm Ilya, this is my brother Isaac!"
Isaac briefly choked on a piece of fruit before turning around. "Gosh darn it Ilya! Can't you keep calm for like, ten minutes? What's got you so excited?" Isaac then spotted Tandy and his jaw dropped. "Dear Lord they're multiplying."
Ignoring her brother's comment, Ilya asked. "Are you a werewolf too?"
@Void_Nugget @=Nightshade= @-[ Just Vibin ]-
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Marx's looked at Milliara with sparkling eyes of happiness as he grinned with glee. He got up from his seat and fixed up his clothing to look somewhat decent.

"Sounds good. Wanna head out now? I really don't got much else to do here and I kinda wanna know where I got to go so I don't get lost."
Milliara Rakoto

"Hold on, there's supposed to be an announcement from the Principal, but once that is taken care of, we can head out."

Milliara was actually happy, and it seemed like Marx was just as happy, if not, even happier than they were. Milliara smiled a little at Marx, with them suddenly copying someone else's power, which was Marx's again. They'll keep this power around to figure out how it works and if there were any possible insecurities with it.

Marcel smiled before softly moving his hand. “No problem, Fuyuko.” Marcel was mere inches away from holding Fuyuko’s hand. But decided against it, rather, he began to continue his tale. “Then we get to the headmaster’s office and Jack is suddenly playing the victim act.”

4 Months ago, Woodstock Vermont
Time: 12:06
Temperature: 43 degrees
Calypso Power Academg

Marcel, Samael, Alexis, Jack and His Gang were all inside the Headmaster’s office. Headmaster Whitmore was furious at the display that took place in the hall. “Now. Can one of you explain, what happened inside that hallway!”

The cross talking and arguing ensued between Jack, Marcel, Samael, and Jack’s friends. That was when a a fed up Alexis cut everyone off. “Enough! Enough. Okay….I’m tired of hiding everything away.”

Marcel and Samael were caught off guard. Jack gritted his teeth, he was half tempted to cut her off from speaking. But, before he could, Alexis dumped everything out. “Marcel and Samael were merely defending me Headmaster Whitmore. They…they kept me safe from Jack and his terror. He…he hurt me, mentally and physically. I hid my pains under hoodies and sunglasses so no one could see.”

Alexis took off her hoodie, her short sleeve showed some…marks. Bruises and even some ice burns on her arms, she took her sunglasses off and showed some bruises on her eyes. This was enough to seal the deal.

Jack was furious, he almost got up and charged Alexis before Samael held him back with his Anima Sola chains. Whitmore knew what to do.

“Alexis…I am…very sorry this happened to you. Marcel and Samael, you two are free to go. Alexis, we will provide all the resources for you to heal from Jack. Okay.”

As soon as Marcel, Samael, and Alexis left his office. Alexis hugged Marcel and Broke down in his arms, Marcel gently reassured her that Samael and him would be ready at any moment. Their sentiments were cut short as they heard Whitmore explode on Jack. Ultimately suspending him.

“It took a lot of time for Alexis to overcome what she went through. But, we were there to support her.” Marcel smiled softly before looking at Fuyuko. His eyes filled with unspoken protection. “I wanted to tell you this…incase if we got close, I could always be there for you.”
The lore, it’s real)
Fuyuko Redtail

"I hope this Alexis is okay now, especially with what she went through, it was scary for her, and I don't know how I would react to Mel Mel ending up in that situation." Fuyuko admitted, "Francesca was ready to try that, but the teacher that got wind of everything got involved, and that led to Francesca getting expelled. The teacher said this about Francesca's fight with me, 'Francesca Ghostfist has made a grave mistake with the target of her malicious escapades. She has now enraged one of the strongest students in the school, and will be seeing just how much a good idea it was, and retribution had hit her like a freight train.'"

Fuyuko then sat with Marcel, looking around the room, seeing all sorts of interactions, such as four people with this one girl, a random boy eating alone (Omar), a few other groups of interactions, then pointing out Melanie and a random boy she was talking to (Cinead).

"M-Marcel, t-there's M-Melanie, M-my h-half-sister." Fuyuko explained, "Y-You'll m-meet h-her l-later."

She then looked at how Melanie was with him. Fuyuko was trying not to laugh at what she was seeing. She was watching her sister, flustered, trying to talk to a boy with wildly red hair. Fuyuko had picked up on something that her sister had no idea of. She'll keep it to herself for now.
Just as Marx was ready to head out, he heard Milliara's words and stopped dead in his tracks, turning to look at her ass he chuckled to himself.

"Right! I knew that, just checking to see if you did." He joked as he playfully nudged her before crossing his arms, looking around the cafeteria as he raised a brow. "Actually, now I'm just wondering what the announcement could possibly be about." The young man asked as he rubbed the bottom of his chin with a curious expression on his face.
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
Interactions: @Void_Nugget (Jack West)​

Kim was in her chat with Tsugikuni as another figure seemed drawn to their table who seemed to ask for permission to sit with them, Kim was normally not the type to comment on the subject she figured that someone should provide clarification to the newcomer to the table.

"I take no offense, there are open spaces so make yourself at home." Kim replied, as she wondered if this young man was also invited by the sort of puppeteer who had caused her to be guided to this spot, though he currently seemed lost in conversation with that spider guy not that she had the full details of that. Though as she sipped her water she figured it was only fair to give a name to the young man so he had a reference if nothing else.

"Takahashi. Kimiko Takahashi is the name, though I'd prefer if you referred to be as Kim." Kim said with her sort of formal introduction.
"Oh, no! Hearing voices ain't weird. I mean, whenever we think, we read out our thoughts with a lil' voice, don't we? Like a narrator but inside our heads."
Cinead smiled, staring at a bit of fire on his finger.

"A formal woman? Hmmm......Like, business-like? Maybe you met the Principal, and she's just REALLY short for her age. Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about the Principal. Wonder when she'll show up, huh? Anytime soon? I'm gettin' real tired-like...Y'know? Long day."

He yawned, bringing the fire dangerously close to his nose as he covered his mouth with his hand.

"All this food is so delicious...Might have me mum licked...But don't tell her I said that..."

Putting his chin in his hand, Cinead's eyes wandered the Cafeteria. Then he made eye contact with his friend. "You sure do stutter a lot. Not that I'm tryin' ta make fun of ye or anything! I'm just noting it." He waved his other hand in the air next to him, his whole face turning pink with embarrassment. "Forget I mentioned it. My bad."

Isolde's eyes got a bit watery. She felt terrible.

I'm a dirty liar....I'm a cheater! I just cheated this poor pleb out of his cat bed....

And now he's leaving...He's one of TWO WHOLE PEOPLE I've had a semi-normal conversation with! How am I supposed to make friends like Mother said if I lie and speak to them like that? I've got to apologize or he'll hate me...

Hanging her head in shame, Isolde looked straight down at the table and said,


"I'm a dirty cheater....I-I used my power to w-win...I can, uh, see through lies..."

"And I kind of knew the entire time you were lying about the demon thing but I still cheated you out of your possessions because I wanted the bed...."

Isolde started handing him items off the table. Despite her apology, she did not seem willing to relinquish the bed, and in fact stuffed it behind her back in an attempt to have him forget about it.

"I r-realize that it wasn't really a f-fair deal...I-I'm sorry....I understand if you're mad..."

What's wrong with me? Isolde thought. I'm no better than a common thief...And I acted shamefully...Why the heck did I say those things earlier?
She pushed on her cheeks to flush the thoughts away (as her mother said) and looked around.

"Uh- I guess you've got to go back to your friends now...I-I'm just some strange rich kid....Ahaha..."


The Best Policy

Come on come on come on! The boy pleaded inwardly with gritted teeth. With each glitch of the now unstable portal, he felt the weight of his own limitations crashing down on him like a ton of bricks.

...Even after all this time, this is still all I can manage?! How the heck am I gonna survive in a place like this if this is my level?

Cursing his powerlessness, Orion was on the verge of giving up when Isolde's hums had pierced through the chaos like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day..

"Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!" Orion's exclamation echoed through the cafeteria, drawing curious glances from nearby students. "You - you can see through people's lies? For real for real? That's how you won?"

At this point Isolde began mumbling something else at far too low a level for Orion to pick up, but he quickly realized this also meant that she must've known about his fraudulent identity the entire time!

"To think there'd be so many people here with all these wild, wacky, incredible abilities..." He whispered, the stress of keeping the gateway afloat still evident on his expression but his eyes wide with wonder.

Then, his eyes turned back to Isolde, who had now started handing him the items on the table. For a while, he was stood there with a blank expression on his face, unsure of what to do.

Eventually, though, he allowed his mind to take the backseat, giving way to his truest inner feelings.

"...This place rocks!" He smiled, taking the items that Isolde was handing him and plopping them through the portal with a flourish.

"Mad? How could I be?! If I had an ability as cool as that, I'd wanna use it all the dang time too!" He reassured his newest companion. " Forget the cat bed; you can take anything you want, Ms. Barley; so long as you're pushing that awesome power of yours to the limit!"

Part of Orion wondered where all this energy was coming from. After hearing that Isolde had 'cheated' him out of the game, he'd expected to feel some sort of anger, or indignation at having been duped. Especially since he was usually the duper and never the dupee.

Still, when he searched his heart, there was no resentment, no anger... only an all-consuming fascination, zeal, and excitement.

So much excitement!

More excitement than he knew what to do with!

It was a feeling of levity and lightness that he hadn't felt since that one time he accidentally discovered he could fit his entire body into a bean bag chair. Using his newfound inspiration as a source of power, Orion took deep breaths and concentrated, stabilizing the passageway as much as possible as he and Isolde tossed the last few items through it.

A few moments later, and cafeteria table was once again clear, the only remnants of their herculean endeavour being the wispy clouds of dust wafting through the air, and the light scent of lemon room fragrance.

"A-All done!" Orion panted, sinking into his chair. No more portals for a while; ideally, for the rest of the day. Another reminder to be more cautious with bringing an entire warehouse's worth of items across, he supposed.

Their task now finished, Isolde looked around the cafeteria timidly and pushed onto her cheeks. She appeared deep in thought, soon enough encouraging Orion to go back to Tsugikuni and the other girl, who he'd later learn was named Kim.

Orion glanced over that way himself, noticing that Jake of all people had somehow meandered his way over there.

Ignoring the shiver down his spine, he turned back to Isolde.

"Good idea, strange rich kid!" He declared with a playful twinkle in his eye.

"Let's head back together! Then, we can use that nifty power of yours to find out if Jake's a natural blonde or if he's been in cahoots with a bottle of bleach all this time! Oh, and we can ask that girl if her skincare routine involves sorcery or just good genetics. Seriously, I could see my reflection in that forehead! After that, we'll..."

Now enraptured by his visions of a world where the line between truth and lie was made clear as day, Orion circled round the table and grabbed Isolde's shoulders. Then, with his ramblings still filling the air, he started to push her like a shopping trolley toward his previous table.

Interactions: Isolde (@Inkage)
Stupefied from her thoughtful countenance, Isolde flinched from the strange man's yell, looking around to find eyes all over.

Slinging her overlarge sleeves over her head, she flushed at the indirect attention drawn by her....Whatever he was at this point.

I hate this place...Why couldn't I have gone to a NORMAL boarding school...?

She flushed a bit more at what the man said after that, plonking her forehead on the table. She did not deign to reply, instead silently handing him the next item on the table.

Pushing the limit...? But I just used one of the basic functions....

She continued to help him until all the other objects disappeared, leaving naught but a cloud of dust that caused Isolde to sneeze. She felt a bit proud, for some reason, feeling as if she had just finished cleaning up her room. A sense of accomplishment filled her, and Isolde lifted her head off the table, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"....Uhm....Uh...A-Are you alright...? You seem....T-Tired. P-Power overuse...?" Isolde cocked her head, concerned for....For...Who?

....Do I...Not know his name...? I feel like he would have said it...But I don't think he did...

"Uh....A-Are you sure you don't need to calm d-down...S-Sir? I d-don't even think I a-actually got your name..."

Isolde was practically mumbling to herself, for the purple fellow had already moved on and was in fact energetically crossing the table. Isolde didn't quite catch the first part, but she heard the second part pretty clearly, as it was punctuated by him putting her hands on her.

Isolde blushed as red as a tomato. A boy. TOUCHING HER?

"Wha- H-Huh- W.....HUH!?! H-Head back o-over into a group of people? W-Wait, no, I meant you! I-I can't t-talk to o-other p-people! Especially n-not a....g-group..."

Her protests apparently went unheard, as she was dragged all the way over to a group of people. A rather strange group, too.

The first one she noticed was rather appropriately described as a blonde. His eyes were a rather dull green, but pretty in a hard to notice way. She was scared of him.

The next was a boy with stark, bright yellow eyes. They pierced Isolde's soul with their clarity, and she looked away quickly. She was very scared of him.

The last, and probably the worst, was a girl who held herself with poise. Oh no.
Isolde, somehow, knew this person, but not directly. The distinct purple eyes, the jet black hair....This had to be a Takahashi.
Isolde's father often liked to ramble about other rich people's business, and he seemed to take a distinct interest in the affairs of a foreign hero line; The Takahashi's, known for a certain class that escaped most people.

"There's a girl who's about your age, apparently, destined to take the family mantel," her father had said in a particularly long lecture about how insufferable he found the Takahashi's despite the fact that he had never met them before. "I am afraid that people really only chatter about her potential and whatnot. Hogwash! Give me something weighty!"

Isolde had tuned out the girl's name and everything, but she was still familiar with what she apparently looked like, described to Isolde by her father.

"They're all full of themselves, with their raven hair and delicate features. Not to mention those eyes. They think they're on top of the world. I might be able to find a clipping, perhaps? Let me look..."

He didn't find a picture, and Isolde certainly didn't think that her father was the best judge of who was full of themselves or not. Even without his warnings that allowed Isolde to recognize anyone with even a scrap of fame, Isolde would still have been extremely wary. She was VERY scared.

...I'm starting to hate the color purple...

Isolde waited for whatever thing Orion would say about her, wishing she never went to this school. Isolde refused to look at the occupants of the table any further.

She felt like throwing up.



Previously Shadow_Pup
Jake West
Interactions: IIsolde @Inkage, Orion @RhythmThief , Kim @DevVoid, Tsugikuni @Cryronn the Mudkip

Jake watched the group for a moment before making a casual remark "I find it so interesting that people are so open with their abilities, no one is afraid of people attempting to exploit them or judge them or what not, it almost renews my faith in humanity...almost" he stated with a wide grin, "I love show casing my abilities and talking to people about their powers, of course my power sometimes makes people uncomfortable but that just life" he quickly realised he hadn't actually mentioned what this power of his was, "oh for reference my powers include Empowering Kiss, where I can make people more powerful when I give them a kiss, Siren Song where I sing a special song and make people tired and confused and I can emit various pheromones that cause different effects" he said with a large grin.
Unintentional Asshole
Braedyn sighed. Nothing to do. Well, besides get into another fight, but he would be pulled out unless he started one. Besides, his nose was already half-broken. He didn't know where Dean was. Probably over with that guy with the eyepatch. Probably. He couldn't see Dean with some random people in the way. He just decided to look around. He saw some girl with a guy who was probably royalty (keyword probably), some shortass that looked like Hayden, a black guy with dreadlocks in a ponytail for some reason, an eldritch horror, a fairy, a Takahashi, pretty much everything. Then he just started sleeping randomly. He was tired as fuck.

Miles finally decided to swing back to Orion and his group of misfits. Sure, he was a misfit, but let's be real, he felt normal here. Problem is, he still wasn't used to web-slinging. He hung directly above Orion and his other friends. And he was still swinging. He tried to land behind them, and, let's be honest, it worked pretty well. He landed a couple metres behind Orion, walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, only to cloak himself immediately. Perfect.


"Five dollars says 'alf the place is in flames."

"Make it five hundred and maybe I'll consider it."

A tall woman with huge, snowy wings and a curious-looking puppet promenaded along the vibrant halls of the academy, the click and clack of the former's heels echoing throughout the space. As they approached their destination, sounds of laughter and silverware began to grow louder and louder.

It was almost time.


Once the explorer had returned to his table with his quarry in tow, he took another glance around the table. Tsugi seemed to have settled into a comfortable rhythm, his expression as calm (well, calmer) and serene as a lakeside forest in spring.

He noticed something similar with the girl, though her eyes still had a sharp quality to them, as though she had finished appraising him and found him lacking in...whatever the metric units for class were. Chin elevation, perhaps?

Either way, it seemed they'd settled into a comfortable flow of conversation whilst Orion was gone. Today, ice-breaking conversations in the cafeteria. Tomorrow, engagement rings and a stag party in Shinjuku, baby!

Jake was...also definitely there, his sharp features washed over with a coolness that truly did befit a prince, an observation that became especially apparent as he spoke to the group.

In fact, now that he was seeing the three of them together, they looked like peas in a pod!

In another lifetime, Orion imagined this easily could have been a meeting between three sovereigns, discussing war plans or ancient prophesies or something epic like that. What would Orion have been? Their intrepid navigator? Daring seafarer?

...Or perhaps a simple court jester? He quickly decided he'd rather not think about it.

Fantasies aside, Orion turned his attention to his secret weapon only to notice that she'd completely bricked. If she was trying to do her best statue impression, it was a good thing our explorer had the world record staff on speed dial. Except for her eyes, the uncanny shades of blue and yellow darting and speeding around the table as though constructing a lightning-fast analysis of each and every single atom present in her view. Who was she, the Terminator?

Orion was about to ask if Isolde was in need of any laxatives (he'd recently learned where to acquire a lifetime supply) when he felt something tap at his back. Only, when he turned around, there was nothing there. Weird. Did someone throw something? Was Andrew or someone else playing a prank?

Yeah, perhaps not that last one. He mused to himself while still looking around. 'Andrew' and 'Prank' go together about as well as 'Horses' and me! Speaking of, don't I have that court appearance next month...?

By the time he'd turned back around, Jake was sharing his liking of everyone's powers and...shared his own.

One of his powers transformed people he kissed into what, Hulk Hogan? Then his other power was taking notes from Justin Bieber? Orion had expected mind control or even something kind of embarrassing, like the ability to summon a flock of angry geese on command.

Still, if there was anything Isolde had taught Orion thus far, it was that the coolest things could come in the most unassuming packages! Speaking of...

"You might have to sing us a lullaby before bedtime!" Orion joked, before gesturing to Isolde. "This is... well, why dontcha go ahead and introduce yourself, m'lady?"

If Isolde was going to be the omniscient master Orion saw in her, she'd need to get out of her shell and talk to people. And who better to talk to than other elegant, probably rich people? Surely they'd all met at the country club before. A few discussions about water polo and taxes, and they'd all be best friends, he was sure of it.

Now, about that sensation he felt on his back earlier...

Interactions: Isolde (@Inkage) , Tsugi @Cryronn the Mudkip , Jake @Void_Nugget , Kim @Godjacob , Miles @D34N.U5R


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked over when Fuyuko mentioned where Melanie was. He nodded and smiled, before then looking back to Fuyuko. “I see. I shall keep that in mind.” Marcel smiled before he pulled up another video. This one, seemed like one that Marcel liked a lot. “This one is my…personal best song that I have ever done. Same night as the talent show, but for some reason this one didn’t get disqualified from the competition. Maybe…it’s because it was just me solo and…the headmaster favored me a lot. Either or, this is…my personal favorite experience I ever did.” Marcel took a breath before composing himself. “Sorry, I’m so giddy, this is just…I get a smile every time I show anyone this.”

Marcel smiled as he played the video, it seemed to be just Marcel and a pianist on the stage, but…the sounds of other instruments could be heard, strings, brass, percussion. At the 1:06 mark, two curtains would open and the same symphony from their cover of Here comes revenge would be behind Marcel. Blue would be the color scheme of this song, as Marcel would just be by himself with the symphony. Marcel would sing and use his hands during the song, some of his actions would fit the lyrics of the song. Not to mention, Marcel would have a special suit for this performance.
(@Cmeriwether I’ll send all details to you)
yo when tf is danger gonna answer/j
Orion didn't see Miles. Fair enough. He cloaked pretty quickly, fairly enough. He then decided to get really up close to Orion, for whatever reason, and whisper "I'm in your balls".

"...crap, I meant walls," he'd add a few seconds later after uncloaking. He then proceeded to laugh uncontrollably. Funniest shit ever. But first, he needed to do something.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," he eventually admitted, still chuckling, "Gotta admit, that was pretty funny though, huh?"

Then he noticed the group. Again.

"...was that bad timing?" he proceeded to ask.

@RhythmThief @Inkage @Cryronn the Mudkip @Void_Nugget @Godjacob
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
Interactions: @Void_Nugget (Jake West), @RhythmThief (Orion), @Inkage (Isolde) & @D34N.U5R (Miles)​

"You have a...uniquely diverse skillset." Kim said back as the idea of this guy going around randomly kissing people was a thought she had not expected to have today, but he seemed to have a lot of support based abilities which could make him valuable in team events or situations which had not been nothing to sneeze at. "Suppose on my end I've been raised with my abilities and had them maximized from the start, so for me it is just normal." Kim clarified towards Jake.

However Orion seemed to arrive back to the table here, and seemed to set the stage for an introduction of another figure. One who seemed to be the shy type or least in some confliction if Kim had to guess but suppose it was bad to assume things of others. Isolde was the name apparently as Orion left her to do the introductions as Kim raised an eyebrow in waiting.

But soon Miles seemed to appear out of thing air, what did he like turn invisible? Could spiders even do that? Kim shook her head as she overheard his little "joke" and seemed to sigh as she seemed to be a bit annoyed at the juvenile slip of the tongue though perhaps not realized it was a slip of the tongue.

"I was wondering when a mood breaker would come to this convo." Kim said, as Miles and her seemed to be a bit of polar opposites and naturally Kim seemed to not have the best first impression of him...
Miles Morales
Looks like someone didn't have a very good first impression of him. Naturally. People are critical. "Oh, jeez," he said to himself, "Every time." Then he took a deep breath and looked towards the girl calling him a mood breaker. "I admit, that was immature," he said, "Sorry if I offended you, and anyone else for that matter."

"...oh, I'm Miles Morales, by the way," he said, not knowing if anyone knew that or not (besides Orion, of course), but he said it anyway. Then he turned back to Orion. "I think I went a bit overboard," he said a little sarcastically, knowing he'd probably gone way overboard.

Interactions: @RhythmThief @Godjacob
Isolde listened to the people around her, appearing like a mouse in a den of vipers. She flinched at the mentions of kissing, and snapped to focus upon seeing attention directed towards her.

Her face turned a distinct shade of pink, and she hid her face behind her sleeves.

"D-Don't look at me...." She said quietly. "D-Don't mind me..."

Isolde blindly groped her way into a chair, sitting down next to...someone. Upon seeing who it was, she almost jumped up again. Those deep purple pools grabbed her attention; there was a regal quality to them. The 'shiny' stranger's orbs were redirected towards another approaching threat; one who made juvenile jokes and appeared as if from nowhere. After a quick exchange with the purple eyed woman, he introduced himself as Miles.

Isolde did not pay him any mind. His eyes were a dull brown, with a wide, innocent appearance, but not much seemed to come from behind them. Intelligence, maybe, but not much depth that would cause Isolde to take note of him.

And besides, he scared her. The significant lack of depth that she saw in those eyes was uncommon, and the trait was only found in pupils she would never want to catch the gaze of. Loud people, or people who did not usually think things through.

Miles was apparently both.

Flashing a quick glare at Orion (Which seemed to be more of a scared plea), Isolde fully buried herself in her sleeves.

Well, at least Mr. Miles apologized. Not that it was Isolde's business.

Isolde had no intention of introducing herself, or engaging in conversation.

It was simply too scary.

@Void_Nugget @RhythmThief @D34N.U5R
Miles Morales
Miles started talking to himself.

"Calm the hell down, people probably hate you already, you screwed up big-time, there's shit you don't know about these people, you know how bad you screwed up-"

His monologue was stopped when he noticed someone running directly towards him. Naked. All Miles did was web his groin to the ground. "All right, that was unexpected," he said a little quieter, "Random, but unexpected nonetheless." Then he tried to remember what he was doing. Crap, what was he doing? Talking to himself? Planning a massive prank? Showing off? Actually, he was probably doing the last one. Nope, he wasn't. Why couldn't he remember what he was doing.

"What was I doing before...?" he asked, "Crap, why can't I remember things all of a sudden?!" He almost knocked himself out by slapping himself.

"Bad idea," he mentioned to himself, "Note to self: try to think things through next time." He didn't notice a futuristic-looking device of whatever kind falling out if his pocket before he turned to the girl he'd accidentally scared. "Listen," he said, before being hit in the head with a basketball, knocking him unconscious.

@Inkage @RhythmThief @Godjacob @Void_Nugget (I think that's everyone (keyword: think))
Isolde, ladies and gentlemen

Orion waited for Isolde to introduce herself to the table.

A quick little, "Hey, my family's named after a cereal grain, my mother's a model, and I can peek into the deepest, darkest depths of your soul! What tax bracket are you in?" would’ve been perfect. That'd give our explorer something funny to work off of, and boom! Instant bonding.

Instead, for what felt like an eternity, he clapped his hands together, shifted his weight from foot to foot, and swung his torso to and fro—anything to distract himself from the severe lack of introducing happening.

Kim and the others were looking their way expectantly, and the silence was becoming so thick it could have been cut with a butter knife. Orion was a firm believer that silences were only awkward if you let them be, but even he was struggling with this one.

Just when he felt like he was going to spontaneously combust from sheer embarrassment, Isolde finally decided to make a move! Unfortunately, it wasn't the move he'd hoped for.

Like a fifth grader who'd just been told that the Tooth Fairy was on vacation, she turned an impressive shade of pink and squeaked out a plea to be left alone. Then, she scurried over to find a seat next to Kim, where Orion had been sitting when he and Tsugikuni first arrived.

Orion blinked, his mind racing to catch up with the situation.

"Oh geez..." Orion sighed, dragging a palm down his exasperated face. In all fairness, this would’ve been a big leap for her, even if she had stuff in common with these guys. She did seem pretty timid until...until...

If a lightbulb popped up over someone's head every time they had an idea, then Orion would have had the sun itself floating above him in that moment. Just as he formulated a game plan, he heard a comment about spherical objects whispered directly into his ear—confirming his suspicion. Orion had a feeling that he was behind that sensation earlier.

"Pretty funny?" Orion echoed, unimpressed as he turned around to meet Miles, who was laughing his head off. "Yeah, maybe when we were five! Get with the times already, eh?"

Kim had put it best, and though a part of Orion did see Miles as somewhat of a kindred spirit in terms of appearance and temperament, he needed to be taught how to channel all that creative prankster energy into something cool, something worthwhile—like setting up an intricate web maze for the faculty to navigate during their morning coffee runs. Nothing says 'good morning' like a surprise labyrinth!

Still, it seemed Miles had been taken down one too many notches by the Princess' reprimand. Dude looked like he was ready to paint his eyelashes black and start a garage band.

"Don't sweat it," Orion smiled, hanging his arm around the webslinger. "Just keep learning from your mistakes, and one day maybe you'll be as good as me!"

After a few moments, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Okay, might have oversold it there. Let's be real—I'm a once-in-a-generation kinda thing. You could always be number two, though! The Vegeta to my Kakarot! The Donkey to my Shrek! The Pinkie Pie to my Twilight Sparkle—NOT that I know anything about that show for little girls, I mean why w-would I? Hahaha..."

It was in the midst of his clearly Oscar-worthy denial that a distinct mix of yellow and blue flashed across his peripherals. When he looked at Isolde, her glance wandered as she hid behind her sleeves. He frowned. Why was she so...shy? She was a walking lie detector, for Pete's sake!

For all his...quirks, Arachna-man over here seemed like he was his truest, most authentic self regardless of who was nearby.

In fact, the wallcrawler in question had started mumbling to himself like some kinda nutbag! And speaking of nuts, from across the cafeteria, it looked like it was someone's birthday and they wanted opinions on their suit—Miles' opinion specifically, if the trajectory they were moving at was any indication.

At this point, Orion didn't even try to fake his surprise. First a crack in his skull and now this; this Miles guy would certainly make life interesting, if nothing else.

"...Yeah, that's all you, buddy." He patted Miles on the shoulder and turned back toward the table, hoping that whatever was going on behind him would vanish and disappear completely. He turned his attention toward Isolde, putting the final pieces of his plan together.

Today, he was going to help Isolde bring out her true self a little more—just like a certain someone had once done for him.

A New Game

It was ironic that this entire plan necessitated that Isolde kept quiet and played along, given that the whole aim here was to get her out of her shell.

Regardless, Orion had found that life's little ironies and humors were what kept the magic alive. That's what he had convinced himself of by this point in time anyway.

He leaped over to Isolde's side and faced the table.

"This right here is the one, the only, Isolde Baaaaarley!" He declared as if announcing the name of a heavyweight champion. "She's the heir of the honorable house Barley!"

Orion shared eye contact with everyone at the table before continuing.

"As a lady of such high esteem, she sees it fit to speak through me, her...um...new retainer during her time at Karma! Anyway, the reason why she brought me over here is simple." He drank in the moment, before delivering the bombshell.

"She wants to challenge us to a duel! In fact, she isn't challenging just anybody, she's particularly after YOU!"

There was only one person at the table who could work here. Tsugikuni and Jake seemed too cool-headed to get riled up by something like this, and Miles was...apparently unconscious, if the lightning-fast basketball that just crashed into his head was any indication.

Though they'd barely exchanged words, Orion instantly knew that she was the only one who might accept such a challenge.

"You, my fair lady, have been challenged to a duel!" He spoke to Kimiko while pointing dramatically at her. "And not just any duel, a duel of the mind, to test your wits against my lady's!"

Orion could feel the anticipation building in the room. This was his moment, and he was determined to make it memorable.

Taking stock of their reactions, Orion turned back to Isolde and winked imperceptibly as if to say, "I got this!" And he really, truly believed he did.

"The rules of the game are simple," he began, putting on his best butler voice that he'd been mentally training for a few minutes now. "You are to craft three statements about yourself. Two shall be true, and one shall be false. If my master is able to deduce which of the statements is a lie in... ten short seconds, you are declared the loser!"

Okay, ten seconds might've been a bit much. But he wouldn't have said that if he didn't genuinely believe in Isolde's abilities. Now that he thought about it, even this wasn't enough - he needed to add some stakes.

"If you lose, my raven-haired highness, you are to... well, you are to verbally admit that the Isolde family is the most honorable house in the world! F-Furthermore, you are to join me as one of her retainers, known under the humble moniker of 'The Barley Bunch.'"

Yes. Good. Keep going, O-man! Fan those flames!!

"And, in the impossible scenario that you win the game, my master will... let's see...."

Orion glanced slightly nervously at Isolde before gritting his teeth, bracing himself. If this whole thing went south, he knew he'd never be hearing the end of it. Heck, if it went exactly as planned, he'd never be hearing the end of it. Such is the life of an underappreciated genius.

"In the unlikely event that you win, my master will personally release $5,000 of her own wealth into your hands as a boon for besting her. And... and the luxury cat bed currently in her possession will also be gifted as an add-on!!"

He spoke the second part so quickly that he dreaded if Kim would ask him to repeat. He couldn't bring himself to look at Isolde, instead opting to look straight ahead. The money was one thing; he was sure he could find ways to gather that amount of cash, as large as it was.

But that second item...

This was bold—even for him. But for some reason, that dumb old cat bed had gotten Isolde excited. It had, even if for only a moment, beckoned the real her out of that unassuming shell. He silently prayed it would do the same for her now.

"D-Do you find these terms agreeable? Or do you admit my lady's intellect to be leagues above your own?"

Interactions: Isolde (@Inkage) , Kim @Godjacob , Miles @D34N.U5R , Tsugi @Cryronn the Mudkip , Jake @Void_Nugget ,
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
Interactions: @D34N.U5R (Miles), @Inkage (Isolde), @RhythmThief (Orion)​

Kim seemed to finally get a proper introduction of the guy, Miles, who seemed to realize that he was off to the wrong foot with her. Course given Kim's background she found many to be lacking in what should be such a basic quality, but he least seemed apologetic about his juvenile act as she sighed a bit to address him.

"Understanding one's mistakes and short comings is the first step, I accept the apology. Kimiko Takahashi. Though you may refer to me as Kim." Kim said as she introduced herself with the expected formality towards the young man.

Then focus shifted to the new girl, who seemed to bury herself in her jacket as Kim wondered if Orion had sort of lured her to the table against her will. Seemed he tried to "invite" everyone to this spot given her own experience though honestly her being this shy in such a setting had made Kim wonder how she intended to survive her school journey.

"Believe she may not be much of a talker." Kim said to Orion, perhaps as a subtly way to nudge him for this rather impulsive meeting he had arranged, then Miles began to talk to himself again as he seemed just a mess as he somehow seemed to knock himself out and Kim seemed to feel her expectations for this school having dropped rather quickly.

Between this little reckless match maker, this stumbling fool and the girl trying to live in her jacket, is this place really supposed to be for the elite?

As she finished that thought, Orion seemed to speak up. First to affirm her point about time and place with these "jokes" to Miles as least he seemed to understand that humor was something unfitting them at this age. Though she rolled her eyes as he called himself a one in a generation talent which to her remained to be seen though her focus quickly shifted.

To a challenge of all things.

Kim seemed momentarily perplexed as Orion had done Isolde's introduction for her and seemed to be her "retainer" as she seemed to come from the Barley Family which had rung a bell to Kim; she recalled her father had done business with them in the past but had not personally met anyone of that line.

Him being her retainer seemed a shock, somewhat skeptically but the conditions of this challenge were wild.

Her intellect and wit was being challenged, with Orion a step away from insulting her directly to talk up his "master" here as he presented a little challenge here. She would craft three statements of herself, a lie among two truths, and if she could discern what was the lie within a 10 second window then she'd have to admit to Isolde and the Barley Family's superiority as well as serve as her retainer!

The shame if her family heard this, of being the Heir to her family and having to live with this shame...she'd never be able to look herself in the mirror!

But at the same time she couldn't back down, she was a Takahashi after all and anyone making the presumption of their wit and their character being inferior to another's was an admission of failure and her family had raised her that failure was an unacceptable offense. Even now the words of her mother range into her ear...

"You have a duty as a Takahashi to represent the entire family, not merely yourself. Do not bring shame to our name."

Kim internally managed to keep a cool head even as her heart raced and as Orion finished outlining the conditions she seemed to meet a look of focus towards him. "If you presume such terms scare me, then you really do underestimate the Takahashi Family. If this really is what your lady wants, I accept the terms." Kim said as she seemed to accept the challenge!


Previously Shadow_Pup
Tandy Parker
Interactions: Pax, @=Nightshade=; Isaac, Ilya, @Draco Nightshade; Angus, @-[ Just Vibin ]-
Turning her attention away from the girl with the strange scent Tandy turned her focus on the girl with a similar appearance and scent to her own, "A werewolf? Is that what you are, that's so cool. Me? No, I'm basically a dog, though I guess I'm kind of like a werewolf, except I don't change forms really, I mean I sometimes go a little feral but never really change I'm just kind of always a dog-girl, although maybe my dad was a werewolf, mum never told me much about him" she rambled on, her tail wagging so fast she might take off, "is your brother also a werewolf like you, he doesn't smell the same, kinda similar but that might just be cause your siblings" she said, cooking her head slightly.

Jake West
Interactions: Miles, @D34N.U5R; Isolde, @Inkage; Orion @RhythmThief; Kim, @Godjacob
Hearing about the challenge Jake moved over a bit and leaned in "this sounds cool, definitely want to watch" he stated as he waited eagerly to watch "I love 2 truths and a lie, its so fun" he said with a massive grin as he doodled on the back of his hand drawing smiley faces and rainbows and other little things using some coloured pens that were in his pocket.
Isaac and Ilya Ashton

"Nope. I'm a Cryomancer." Having finished eating, Isaac decided he should introduce himself to the newcomer. "I'm Isaac, Ilya's twin brother and keeper, according to my parents."
"It's nice to see another canid around here!" Ilya's tail was wagging about as fast Tandy's as she hugged her. "Too bad you can't change into an actual dog though. Then again, I always have to have a spare outfit on hand for when I change back so maybe that's a good thing?"
Isaac sighed. "Don't even get us started on the first few times she did change back without any clothes in a fairly public place. She roped me into her punishment for three months because, apparently I have to make sure she has an outfit and privacy to change. Not fun."
Isolde looked around wildly as she was introduced. Vassal? That was certainly pushing it. And furthermore, her 'vassal' followed his introduction by antagonizing the most powerful figure at the table.

With a duel proclamation in Isolde's name and honor. This day could not be going worse.

What's more, he staked a large amount of money and property on the bet! and Isolde's precious bed!

And the cherry on top- Kim agreed! now it would be impossible to cancel the duel without making the mood awkward.
"E-excuse me," Isolde said, perfectly pissed and somewhat desperate. Addressing her new enemy with pink cheeks, Isolde said "I'm sure you k-know how some servants get, with their mouths running, yes? Uhm....."

Isolde was on the verge of saying that the bet was off, but her honor, as buried as it was, roared for her to move forward. Isolde couldn't bring herself to nip the interaction in the bud. A duel, after all, was a duel.

Instead, Isolde tried a different tack.
"H-How about we...change the conditions? I'm not perfectly satisfied with them."

"How about we increase the sum of money? And in exchange, the...um...vassal thing goes away?"
Isolde thought that she had enough on her hands, having to be honorably responsible for her new 'vassal'. Isolde didn't need another one. "I-I'm not looking to smear your honor, or anything...y-yeah, we should just bet money, it's...safer..."

"A-actually, nevermind...if you're fine with the terms already, you can just...i-ignore what I just said.." Isolde covered her head with her sleeves, watching her opponent's eyes for a response. "Just start, after you reply...I've got a vassal to strangle after all this," she said, glaring at Orion for getting her into this mess.

But on the other hand, now she had an excuse to stay close to him. Even if he was chaotic, Isolde supposed it was better to be around someone who knew you than a complete stranger. And a fuzzy feeling spread in her head- a weird feeling of...pride, maybe? Isolde dismissed the feeling- why should she be proud?

Proud in her ability to deceive a stranger?

Or perhaps she should be proud because of her ability?

Either way, Isolde didn't pay any mind to it. For all she knew, her power would fail her.

She even failed at talking normally, after all.

@Godjacob @RhythmThief