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Open Eeveelution DayCare!

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"Um O-Okay That's Too Many Questions but I'll try to answer them all ; first off I can't read minds i can only know names but i don't really know what my red eye can do second of all I'm part Umbreon Cause my dad's an Umbreon And my mom's a Vaporeon and it's OK It's no problem if they were fighting me and my sis have done way worse fights and why's your mind not a nice place to be?" He Questioned Curiously
Edit 1 : Whenever I say "He Runs At The Speed Of Light" He LITERALLY Does That
Name: Mark
Gender: Male
Species: Umbreon
Age: 16
Parents: (Parents are both dead since birth)
Moves: Calm mind, Shadow sneak, Protect, Psychic, Charge.
Personality: Doesn't speak much. Respects everyone. Has a dark side. Plays Guitar, Piano, Bass guitar, Electric guitar, Violin. 1.8 tall. Mark is always bullied by people. Has White hair with red eyes. Has a ponytail (Hair) but doesn't show it because he always has his hood on.
Likes: Loves music, Sports, Likes to get to know people even though Mark has social issue with talking. Learn about kids.
Dislikes: Being used to charge someones phone for using too much energy and electric. Disturbed while listening to music. Doesn't like to be called a "Walking phone charging machine"
Ember raised her to respond. "All of us are siblings, our mother kicked us out from her home onto the streets about a month ago. A pokemon trainer found us, and brought us to this day care. Everybody is a little cranky, but we're all fine.
Oka looked at the magical Eevee. "I mustn't tell, they trust me too keep it to myself." She said, not referring to who "they" was. The rest of her siblings were all amazed by the Eevee's breath taking powers. Oka then narrowed her eyes suspicously at him. "How did you get that red eye?"
"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that," Zenix replied back at Ember, "I can understand why all of you are so cranky." 'Wow what harsh thing to do,' he thought to himself.
"And second of all, they told me it what impossible to run that fast. It would cause your head to explode, and there is nothing, I reapet nothing, faster than light." Oka growled. Theodore glanced at her. "Chill out dude, we're pokemon not humans." He turned to look at the rest. "Excuse her, she always thinks she can talk to spirits or whatever. When she says they, she means ghosts."

"Our mother was always like that. She favored Leila, but didn't like the rest of us. Leila didn't fall for her tricks. She turned against her, saying she could mistreat us like she does. Our mother got angry, and wanted to kick us out. When our father protested, she only beat him up and kicked us out on the streets." Ember replied.
"But we're all happy, the rest of our lives were great, so we try to not sulk and make pokemon feel bad for us, they're are pokemon who have much worse lives then us." Ember concluded.
(Aquatol, no offense, but your Eevee is a little bit to much of a Mary Sue. Magical powers are fine but its a little to much. I don't mean to be rude, but running at the speed of light is much to fast, and even for a pokemon it would be to much. Maybe you could make it run slower then that, like a cheetahs speed. 70mph sounds like running powers. But like 1000mphs? That's just... not possible even for powers. Again, I don't mind your powers being really cool, just saying you should reduce it a bit)
"All right, if you say so," replied Zenix, still feeling guilty after hearing about her past. "Anyways, my name is Zenix, what's your name?" he asked Ember.
He Looked At Oka ".......I'm Part Umbreon Which means that I can glow and it's okay Theo I Don't get angry that easy" He Said Calmly But Something Seemed To Slow His Speed Down.....
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Ember smiled "My names Ember, I'm the second youngest sibling.

Oka remained silent, glaring at the magical Eevee, She then walked past him, but whispered something as she walked by. "Watch your back" growled Oka.
Theodore pricked up his ears when he heard Leila say food. "Food!? Where!? Is it free!?" He frantically said. Leila turned to respond top him "Jeez, calm down, she just wants to share her berries."
"Nice to meet ya Ember," he said, "it's great that you at least have your siblings. I can't even imagine what you all have been through." As he was saying that, he placed his paw over his scar, 'Wow and I thought I had it rough,' he thought to himself. He saw Ember's siblings drooling over the berries and was shocked. "Wait... have you guys been living without food all this time?!" he asked.
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"Well, we haven't had food for about a day and a half. We've been eating rats and stuff for the past month. But it really wasn't that bad. We all had each other." She noticed his scar, and tilted her head in curiosity. "Where did you get that scar from?"
"Well, I kinda accidentally angered a Liepard," replied Zenix, "it used a very nasty Slash at me and gave me this. It could've been worse, if my mother hadn't showed up."
"Yeah I'm fine," Zenix replied, "although back then it hurt really bad and I couldn't stop crying. It took a month for the cut to close up. But it's alright, it happened a year ago anyway."
((Well I died for a bit))

Crescent felt more nervous now that Zenix had his attention elsewhere, most likely because he had been her shield. But now the poor regional Eevee felt out of place among all the other normal looking Eevee's. Sure, there was one other shiny, but that didn't settle her nerves at the thought of socializing. She quickly scrambled away from the group and hid over by the arts and crafts table.

Her curiosity spikes as she looked at the crayons and paper, since she hadn't seen them before. Experimentally she created a few lines, and soon she was expertly coloring a near lifelike beginning of her home. She all but drowned out the world, and for the first time she had a wide, genuine grin on her face.
Name: Tenderheart
Gender: Girl
Species: Umbreon
Age: 17
Moves: Bite, Shadow Ball, Earthquake
Personality: Although an Umbreon, she is sweet, kind, loving, and very protective to the young Eevee at the daycare.
Special Powers: She is the only Umbreon who can learn Earthquake. (Nothing too special, trust me.)
Likes: Taking care of the children at the Daycare
Dislikes: anybody who attempts to attempts to hurt the Eevee (like I said, she is very protective)
As she handed out the roasted berries, Tenderheart said, "Okay Sweethearts, time to eat!". The Eevee ate and watched TV. Soon it nap time for the children, and after they were done with their nap, they went outside and played!
He Heard Oka Say Those Words Yet He Wasn't Terrified "........Guys I Gotta Go See Something" He Follows Oka "Why Did She Say That?"He Thought In His Mind "Sigh Where is she going?" He asked himself But was a Bit Tired "I Ran alot today i'll take a break" He Then Started To Touch His Red Eye Trying to Know What They Exactly Do........Unfortunately He Failed "Sigh Maybe Some Other Time" He Continues To Follow Her
Oka turned around, noticing him following her. She glared at him. “What do you want!?" She spat.

“We were only on the streets for a month. You've had that scar for a year!" She then smiled. “At least we're both okay now. It's safe here."
sighing while looking at Zenix and the other while eating berries.
Listen to music and sings really quietly.
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