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D&D related: Shiu Fa

by JadaDoesArt

JadaDoesArt So along with playing Monster of the Week, I'm also playing Curse of Strahd as a Druid named Shiu.

  1. Aura
    @JadaStark2015 Is it really a DnD game if the party doesn't foiling the DM's plans though? But yeah it's a really fun campaign, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Just, keep a quest log handy, you're going to need it.
    Aug 17, 2018
    JadaStark2015 likes this.
  2. JadaDoesArt
    I'm just getting started and havent even got into the combat yet. So its mostly my party running around and poor Dwayna has to try and redirect us cause we're all awkward butts. But its a lot of fun so far and im excited to see how things play out
    Aug 16, 2018
    Dwayna DragonFire likes this.
  3. Aura
    Oh hey, I'm playing Curse of Strahd at the moment too as a Fallen Aasimir Paladin. I'm having a complete blast with it, although there's so many quests that it's hard to keep track of sometimes.
    Aug 16, 2018
    JadaStark2015 likes this.