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Pokemon: Beyond KANTO-- Secret of the Diamond Onix: Secret of the Diamond Onix-- Chapter Nine

by diamondonix718

diamondonix718 Can aspiring Pokémon researcher Annie unlock the mystery of Diamond Onix and save her father from Team Rocket's plot before it's too late?
Chapter 9: Harrison Hijinks

“What do you want to play?” I asked the little ones as we poured into the living room.

“We’re gonna play my favorite game in the whole world!” Cindy hopped up and down.

“And that is…?” I wondered aloud.



“Yeah!” Cindy grinned. “We’ll all be the kids, you be the mom, and Brock can be the dad!”

“Eep!” I blushed. “Why do you… I mean, um, why would we play that?”

“It’ll come real soon enough anyway,” Yolanda shrugged as if my marrying Brock was a sure fact.

“What’ll come real?” I laughed nervously, pretending not to know what the kids were talking about.

“You marrying our brother, of course!” Timmy bounced through the room with a toy airplane.

“Annie and Brock, sitting in a tree,” Suzie chanted.

Tommy continued. “K-I-S-S--”

“Stop!” I protested, blushing even more.

Just then Brock appeared around the corner. “Did I hear my name? You kids need anything?”

“Nope!” Yolanda said brightly. “Except for you and Annie to get ma--”

“No!” I squealed. Brock gave me a questioning look. I quickly continued, my face no doubt redder than a Tomato berry. “They said they don’t need a thing! We’re just fine!” I giggled nervously, then shot a glare at Yolanda.

After Brock disappeared back into the kitchen, I let out a sigh of relief, then turned to the kids. “You… you guys can’t say stuff like that!”

“Say stuff like what?” The tiny matchmakers feigned innocence.

“You know, like say Brock and I are gonna get married!”

“Why not?” Billy shrugged.

“It’s kinda obvious you like each other,” Salvadore smirked, speaking up for the first time.

“Ohohohohohohohohohoh!” I sputtered nervously. My face and ears felt like they were on fire. “Oh no, we do not! We’re just friends, no, colleagues! He’s just helping me with my research, and that’s all there is to it! We don’t like each other, and we’re certainly NOT getting married!”

“If you say so.” Salvadore shook his head, giving the other children a knowing look.

Just when I thought I was finally free from teasing, Flint and Lola arrived home. “We’re hooooooome!” Lola trilled in soprano. “How are my darlings today?”

“Hey, kids,” Flint said gruffly. He placed his hat and beard on the coffee table.

“Dad! Mom!” the children raced to greet their parents. “Guess what? Annie’s here for dinner again!”

“Oh, is she now?” Lola smiled over at me. “It’s so nice to see our son in a steady relationship with such a sweet and lovely girl like Annie, isn’t it, dear?” She gave Flint a proud parent look.

I blushed. “Oh, no, we’re not--”

Lola continued. “Reminds me of when we were young and in love, wouldn’t you say, darling?” She gazed lovingly into her husband’s eyes.

Flint chuckled. “We’re still in love, honeybunch.” He gave his wife’s hand a tender squeeze. “You’re still as beautiful as the day I met you.” I heard Forrest groan from the other room.

“Have you set a date yet?” Lola inquired innocently, turning her attention back to me.

“For what?” I asked, confused.

“For the wedding, of course, darling!”

“Eep!” I bolted upright, my face flushing crimson once more. “What are you talking about? I’m not, er, we’re not, uh, uh, I mean, who’s getting married?”

Lola smiled. “Well, I thought for sure you and Brock were. You and my little boy have known each other long enough, and I just naturally assumed you two were taking the next step.” Lola whipped out a clipboard and pen. “I’ve already drawn up some plans for the decorations.” Just then, Brock reentered the room. “Oh, there you are, darling. We need your input.”

Brock shot me a questioning look. I shrugged helplessly. Lola continued. “Now, dear, where are you planning to hold the ceremony? I was thinking we could fix the gym up real cute and fancy! Or if you’d rather have it outside, there’s a nice, new pavillion across town. For the color scheme, I’ve compiled a whole book of swatches you can choose from. Here we have Luvdisc pink, Smoochum pink, Slurpuff pink, Sylveon pink, Chansey pink… Ooh, maybe too much pink. No, who am I kidding, you can never have too much pink!” She giggled and waved away the absurd notion.

“What are you talking about, mother?” Brock was dumbfounded.

“Your and Annie’s wedding, of course, darling!” Brock opened his mouth to protest, but Lola waved him away.

“What?!” Brock looked from me to his mother and back again.

“Now we really must set a date so I can get invitations out as soon as possible. Will next month be soon enough? I believe I can finalize the decorations by then. I really am so happy for you, darling. You're finally getting what you've always wanted after all these years! And Annie is such a sweet and lovely girl!”

I was now definitely about to die from embarrassment. Surely Brock wouldn't go along with his mother's ridiculous ideas. Perhaps I should just leave now and save myself more awkwardness. I turned and bolted for the door.

“Mother, no,” Brock protested. “You've got it all wrong! Annie and I are not--” He stopped and turned just as I ran out the back door. “Aw, no. Annie!”

I had passed the Pokehouse by the time Brock caught up to me. “Annie! Wait!” he called after me. I stopped and dared to turn around. “Don’t leave, Annie. It’s just a misunderstanding, that’s all. Mother means well, but she just gets ideas in her head, and it’s nigh impossible to convince her otherwise. You and I both know we’re not, ahem, you know, getting married, I mean unless you want to, I mean, I don’t think we want to…” He grinned sheepishly and ran his hand through his hair, then took a deep breath. “At least stay for dinner, won’t you? I won’t let my siblings or my parents tease you anymore. Please.”

I stood in silence, staring into Brock’s dark eyes, which were deep like the Diamond Caverns and black as onyx. I do like him, much as I won’t admit it, I thought. I nodded. “Um, sure, I guess.” I gave him a small smile and followed him back into the house.

After Brock made the kids and his parents promise no more teasing, I had a wonderful evening with all of them. The little ones are just so adorable, I couldn’t help but love them a lot. I was a bit disappointed when it was time for me to return to my hotel for the night.

“I suppose it’s time for me to walk you back for the night, Annie,” Brock said as he glanced at the clock.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “I guess it is.”

“Aw!” the kids wailed in unison. “Why can’t you just stay forever?” “Why do you have to leave?”

“I’ll be back tomorrow,” I promised. I hope, I thought. Soon as I get back to Diamond Caverns and get a sample of that mineral.

Brock and I walked together in silence for the first couple of blocks. Then, he spoke. “I really am sorry for my family teasing you about, you know, the very idea that we--”

I stopped him. “No, it’s not your fault. It’s okay.” I smiled. “I couldn’t possibly be mad at any of you. You’ve done so much to help me with my research in these past three days. I really can’t thank you enough.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m, er, we’re, glad to help.” Brock gave me a sideways smile. “You know, after your research trip is over, feel free to visit Pewter City any time. I know the kids would be delighted to see you again, and I’d like to see you as well.”

My heart fluttered like a Butterfree. “I-i’d love that.” I grinned like a giddy Skitty. Ho boy, I thought. I’m turning into one of those dumb, giggly girls when they have a crush. “You know,” I blurted, “I’d love to stay here forever, but--” I stopped before I could make a fool of myself.

“But what?” Brock looked right at me.

I stiffened, determined to quell my feelings. “But I really must get back to my research,” I said primly. “Papa and I are going to be very busy as soon as I get back to him, which will likely be very soon, and I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to visit.”

“Oh.” Brock looked down at the sidewalk. Then he cleared his throat. “I guess we’re here.”

I looked up to see we had reached North Street Inn. “Yeah, I guess we are.”

“Well, good night.” Brock gave me a sad sort of smile, one that made his eyebrows curve upward.

I looked down at the toes of my boots. “Good night.” Then I glanced up at him. The light of the thousand stars above us shone in his eyes. My heart gave a twinge as those deep, dark, starry eyes gazed straight into mine. I sucked in shaky breath.

“See you, Annie.” Brock suddenly turned and walked back down the street toward home.

“See...you,” I whispered. I stood under the streetlamp for a minute, watching him leave, then turned and walked through the door of the hotel.

Back in my hotel room, I showered and changed into a clean outfit. I didn’t want to talk to any Team Rocket people when I was still covered in dust and gravel. I combed through my wet hair and quickly tied it into my usual single braid. I straightened my bed and then got out of my phone to call Team Rocket.

Giovanni himself answered me again this time. “I hope you’ve made excellent progress on your mission, Annie,” he smiled sinisterly.

“Yes, in fact, I have,” I began. “I--”

Giovanni interrupted me. “Good, because your time is up. Now.”

“What?” I gasped. “But I’m not--”

“You heard me. Report to Headquarters tonight. Bring all the data you have collected, and the Diamond Onix, to the same spot you were dropped of three days ago. My men will meet you and pick you up in the helicopter and transport you to Saffron City.”

“But you don’t understand! I’m not--”

“Do not question your orders!” Giovanni roared. “You will report back to Headquarters immediately… unless you want something to happen to your father.” Then the call fizzled out.

My heart pounded as I tried to process my orders. I needed to bring my notes and Diamond Onix to the edge of town, where Tall Man dropped me off three days ago. I’ve got to get there as soon as possible.

I scooped the rest of my things into my traveling bag and zipped it shut. I was in too much of a hurry to leave to bother to repack as neatly as I had packed the night before this whole mess with Team Rocket began. I locked my door behind me and tiptoed down the hall, being careful not to make a sound. I left my room key on the front desk before leaving the hotel.

As I crossed town on the way to the Harrisons’, I stayed in the shadows to avoid being spotted by anyone who might be watching. I couldn’t afford to be asked to explain what I was doing this time of night.

I reached the Harrisons’ Pokehouse when my watch read 12:42 AM. I nervously peered over each shoulder as I fumbled with the key to the side entrance. My stomach turned as the key turned in the lock. The click of the door unlocking seemed to echo, but I’m sure everything sounds louder in the eeriness of the middle of the night.

As I slowly nudged the door open, the hinges screamed and I jumped. I couldn’t shake the feeling I was being watched.

Onix was sleeping, curled into a roll, but it woke as I approached. I put a finger to my lips. “Shh!” I whispered. “We need to leave.” Onix gave me a questioning look, as if to ask where we could possibly need to go at this time of night. “My...papa...needs me...to return.”

Onix let out a sad sort of moan. I placed my hand on its nose. “I’m sorry.” With trembling hands I raised my Pokeball and pressed the return button. Onix disappeared inside in a red flash of light. I opened my bag, placed my Pokeball inside, and zipped it shut.

I felt torn. The Harrisons were my first real friends, and I hated the thought of leaving them and never coming back. I thought back to when Brock and Forrest took me up on Mount Moon, where Onix seemingly chose me. I pictured the day I sat in on Forrest’s gym battles, taking notes on rock-type moves. I remembered this past morning when I helped Brock at the Pokemon Clinic, and this afternoon when Onix trusted me with the location of the Diamond Caverns, and how I discovered the mineral that gives Onix its special properties. My eyes grew misty as these memories filled my mind. Pewter City was beginning to feel like home.

Enough reminiscing, I scolded myself. Instead of Memory Lane, you should be on your way to meet Team Rocket. Who knows what would happen to Papa if I didn’t follow my orders? I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and straightened my bag on my shoulder. With new resolve, I boldly exited the Pokehouse, shut the door, and locked it behind me. I casually tossed the key to the ground. Forrest could have it back. I certainly didn’t need it anymore. I got what I came for, so now it was time for me to be going.

Suddenly, that feeling of being watched returned. I turned slowly, now facing the Harrisons’ house. A window was lit up from within, and a lone figure with his arms crossed stood, watching me. He neither moved nor spoke, but only watched. Brock.

You’ve been watching me this whole time, I thought. You saw me enter the Pokehouse and leave again. You knew I was here all along. I started to edge toward the road, then broke into a run.
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