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Gengar's Treehouse: Louis

by The Joker Ghost

The Joker Ghost
Pokémon vs. Pokémon and Trainer. Outnumbered two to one. Dodged a burst of flames. Can feel the heat. Bracing for the blow when-
"Ha, you idiot! I'm a Ghost-type!" yells the Gastly. Counters with Lick. Monkey of flame goes down.
"Monferno! Return!" says trainer, disappointed. Leaves. Gastly laughs.
Louis the Gastly was the champion of Melemele Cemetery. And it was going to stay that way.
Days pass. Another trainer.
"Sophia! Come on out!"
A pretty Pokémon comes out. Smiles. Louis laughs. He realizes the Pokémon is coming for him. Lick! A pinkish glow hits him. Battle begins. More pink blasts. What's up with pink? he asks himself. Night Shade. Sophia goes down.
Louis the Gastly was the champion of Melemele Cemetery. And it was going to stay that way.