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Chapter 2: King vs The Lords

by MarcelGalliard790

MarcelGalliard790 The results were revealed and one of Marcel's most important events happens in his life. The battle for his life.
"The results are your son Marcel shall be." Apollyon read the scroll with sharp brimstone writing. Christopher's hand began to light in red flame, and his face turned serious in the matter of seconds. The red irises shined more and stood out then the black pupil and the black outside of the eye. The main part of his hand shined white and a giant slit started to appear.

"The son Marcel Galliard shall be." Apollyon summoned his sharp brimstone spear and all three brothers stood. Alocer and Haures looked a bit concerned but Apollyon had a sharp toothed smile "...Executed." Apollyon announced as he flew towards Christopher with spear in hand.

With quick instincts Christopher summoned the Brimstone Calibur. He blocked the strike that Apollyon was trying to deal towards the young Marcel. "You would challenge our strength?!" Apollyon looked at him before teleporting back to his throne. "Fine then. This will be the battle for the life of the child." Apollyon looked down at the king. There other brothers rose and nodded at each other. "The Challenge...." Apollyon whispered as the three brothers snapped their wrists "Shall commence!" The three brothers announced as the battle began. Over time sword sparks, Brimstone spells, and a dark feel filled the air.

*3 Hours Past*

"You....have....proven yourself worthy." Apollyon announced and the two other brothers bowed to him. "You can raise your child. He has great potential in him." Apollyon told Christopher as the hopper back to their thrones atop their spires.