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Bunny Man: Chapter 1 Dreams

by Bear Fighter

Bear Fighter 21XX the year a drug was introduce to the world, which caused the invasion of the Illusionary Empire to occurred. Where a young Man has took the responsibility to stop them before our world is destroy.
"Hello 21XX, this is Gosei with you morning news" a voice called out from the radio as young 20 year old Akio Nakamura woke up from his dream of a monster shooting Venom at him. "Damn it that thing got me again" Akio told himself, as he got out of bed before he got ready for work "woah look at the time" Akio thought as he looked at the clock on his wall. Akio walk outside as he locked the door of his house before he drove away in his Dyna 2XX model which included wings for flying and turbo booster. Akio soon yawn as he began to drive before a buzzing sound appear around him "what is that" Akio thought as a arm crash through his side window, grabbing him "HEY!!! LET ME GO!!!" Akio yelled as his door was ripped out revealing the monster from his dreams. "My God" Akio thought to himself as he tried to get free from the monster and steered the car but it was too late as the car crash straight into a truck causing a small explosion to occurred. A woman scream surrounded the area as people got out their cars to view the crash as the monster jumped out of the fire shooting Venom at people causing them to melt painfully. "Stop!!" A man voice yelled at as a group of police appear with the gun's ready to fire, while Akio suddenly appear from the fire as his skin was chard but he started to glow while the officers began to shoot at the monster but that was ineffective. "Times up Humans" a mysterious voice called out while a shadow appear on top of the remains of the truck...