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legendary pokemon as weapons: Arceus weapon

by roanyael

roanyael So here is Arceus (a.k.a. GOD)
Sorry for the lack of uploads. Its bc I own a Switch now so ye im obsessed
This weapon contains a refferece to every single sinnoh legendary. Who finds them all first gets a uh uh... uhmmmmm... A virtual totally not real pat on the head

also sorry for the shadow
Victini si next so unova is comin up
Ariados twice, Loyaldis, T.C. and 5 others like this.
  1. sSoul
    How to become Pokemon god
    1. Get this weapon
    2. Profit
    Nov 19, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  2. roanyael
    @PrincessPika you have earned a virtual totally not real head pat
    Nov 13, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.
  3. ~Rinko~
    I found all the references to the legendaries/mythicals. Phione, Manaphy and Regigigas were the hardest to find.
    Nov 12, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  4. DrakeDraws
    manaphi and phione cant find them
    Nov 12, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  5. Tygooooo
    i like the a.k.a god thing
    Nov 12, 2018
    roanyael likes this.