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Writing an Open Source Game

Just wondering. Is anyone around here a C++ coder? Have you worked with SDL or Crystal Space 3D? Well, I have 2 projects, I that doesn't exist, one that does, so check out my homepage below for that, because I need coders.

Any other contributors who have character sprites, art, sounds, etc. are welcome to send them in via the contact info on the page.

So here is my non-existant project (well it exists in my mind).

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I toyed with the idea of learning C and it's deriveratives this summer but instead resigned to learning some PERL and focusing on the site.

And as far as I know, other than Stel who has dabbled, i'm the only one to actually program and have a qualification in it.

So, if i can't help you, I don't see a lot of the rest of us being able to. Sorry.
Hey, I do perl too!
#!/usr/bin/perl#  Fibonacci Sequencer v2#  with prompt if $HowMany is too large#  and adjustable starting number# By Baby Lugiaprint "Starting number [1]: ";chomp($start_number = );if ($start_number  19){	 print "Are you sure you want to print $HowMany numbers? (y or n)";	 $YorN = ;	  if ($YorN =~ /y/){	   $YorN = 1;	  }	  else{	   $YorN = 0;	   print "Now exiting..."	  }} if ($HowMany