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weirdest thing you've done?

When I was little just when the Tarazan movie came out I thought I had the amount of skill he possessed (Cause I was amazing at monkey bars), so you know the metal rod or bar that shower curtains hang onto. Well, I was swinging on those, slipped, bashed my forehead against the wall hard and fell hard on the floor of the bathtub. The paramedics had to and take me on those carrying things and take me to the hospital. In the hospital the doctor wanted to inject some knockout thingy or something which knocked me out instantly. However, I refused unless they would let me ride wagon (I was very young). So they injected the thingy, and we left the hospital with four stiches on my forehead, but the saddest part is that I didn't get to ride the wagon :'( .
A lot of stuff. I once screamed 'Growlithe!' in the middle of Physics, and I talk to my Gameboy Colour. Things like 'My God, I hate Apiom... Oh sheet, Riaku and Entai, and I have no Pokeballs!'
I also used to yowl like a cat when annoyed, or howl like a wolf.
I once stuck a blueberry muffin on my face. Actually, it was on my plate and I smashed my face into it and it stuck. Oh yeah, and I threw a caterpillar at my friend. He's TERRIFIED of caterpillars. He screamed and tried to flick it off him while I almost peed my pants from laughing. It was hilarious! I know, I can be evil when I want to. I have another thing so, can it be something funny that happened to you?

I nearly peed my pants at that XD. lol. I remember a time where I had a ladybug in my hand and held it to my sister's face. She screamed so loud she could've woke the dead and she cursed me out a thousand times over after she smacked my hand XD
Well, I have a lot more.

I think it was in 2007? On April Fools Day when our parents were at a friend's house, we took out their mattress and put it outside where they park x3 I just had another one and forgot it D:


Well... Once I made an insane techno song using just my Yamaha keyboard, whenever I curse, I do it in a foreign language, just today I started screaming the song "Temples of Syrinx" by Rush. Yeah, I'm crazy. WE ARE THE PRIESTS OF THE TEMPLES OF SYRINX!